ctf-writeup/picoCTF 2023/README.md

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# picoCTF 2023
CTF writeup for The picoCTF 2023. I took part in this CTF competition with the TCP1P team and secured the 579th place out of 6918 teams, @rennfurakawa, @Muhammad Reza Pahlevi, @dRe
| Category | Challenge |
| --- | --- |
| Binary Exploitation | [hijacking](/picoCTF%202023/hijacking/)
| Binary Exploitation | [tic-tac](/picoCTF%202023/tic-tac/)
| Binary Exploitation | [VNE](/picoCTF%202023/VNE/)
| Reverse Engineering | [Ready Gladiator 0](/picoCTF%202023/Ready%20Gladiator%200/)
| Reverse Engineering | [Safe Opener 2](/picoCTF%202023/Safe%20Opener%202/)
| Web Exploitation | [SOAP](/picoCTF%202023/SOAP/)
| Web Exploitation | [More SQLi](/picoCTF%202023/More%20SQLi/)
| General Skills | [chrono](/picoCTF%202023/chrono/)
| General Skills | [Permissions](/picoCTF%202023/Permissions/)
| General Skills | [Rules 2023](/picoCTF%202023/Rules%202023/)
| General Skills | [useless](/picoCTF%202023/useless/)
| General Skills | [Special](/picoCTF%202023/Special/)