
240 lines
6.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import os
import time
import hashlib
import json
name : notice(msg), critical(msg), warning(msg), info(msg)
description : add color to message based on their impact
return : string
def ask(msg):
return "\033[1m[?] " + msg + "\033[0m"
def notice(msg):
return "\n\033[1m[i] " + msg + "\033[0m"
def critical(msg):
return "\033[91m[!] " + msg + "\033[0m"
def warning(msg):
return "\033[93m[i] " + msg + "\033[0m"
def info(msg):
return "\033[0m[+] " + msg + "\033[0m"
def vulnerable(msg):
return "\033[91m[!]" + msg + "\033[0m"
def display(msg):
return "\033[0m | " + msg + "\033[0m"
name : format_url()
description : will format the URL to provide an http
def format_url(url):
if not "http" in url:
return "http://"+url
return url
name : unzip_file()
description : unzip a file, used for user-agents.txt and timthumbs.txt
def unzip_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
# Check for a buggy .gz
if not "/timthumb.php" in data and not "Mozilla/5.0" in data:
os.system('mv '+ filename + ' ' + filename + ".gz")
os.system('gzip -d '+ filename+".gz")
name : database_update()
description : download and update the database from wpscan website
warning : user-agents.txt and timthumbs.txt are zip files
def database_update():
print "\033[93mUpdating database\033[92m - Last update: \033[0m" + database_last_date('database/local_vulnerable_files.xml')
update_url = "https://data.wpscan.org/"
update_files = [ 'local_vulnerable_files.xml', 'local_vulnerable_files.xsd',
'timthumbs.txt', 'user-agents.txt', 'wp_versions.xml', 'wp_versions.xsd',
'wordpresses.json', 'plugins.json', 'themes.json']
for f in update_files:
print "\t\033[93mDownloading \033[0m"+ f +" \033[92mFile updated !\033[0m"
download_raw_file(update_url+f, "database/"+f, True)
name : database_last_date()
description : get the date of the last update through file modification date
return : string
def database_last_date(filename):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return "Never"
(mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(filename)
return time.ctime(mtime)
name : download_raw_file(url, filename)
description : will download a raw file from url into filename
def download_raw_file(url, filename, verbosity):
# Open the request
source = requests.get( url, stream=True).raw
# Write the file
with open( filename, 'wb+' ) as ddl_file:
progress = 0
while True:
length = 16*1024
buf = source.read(length)
if not buf:
progress += len(buf)
if verbosity == True:
print('\tDownloaded : %.2f Mo\r' % (float(progress)/(1024*1024))),
except Exception as e:
raise e
name : download_file(url, filename)
description : will download a file from url into filename
def download_file(url, filename, verbosity):
# Open the request
source = requests.get( url).text
# Write the file
with open( filename, 'wb' ) as ddl_file:
except Exception as e:
raise e
name : remove_file(filename)
description : will remove a file from the computer
def remove_file(filename):
except Exception as e:
raise e
name : md5_hash(filename)
description : will compute the md5 hash of the file
return : string
def md5_hash(filename):
return hashlib.md5(open(filename, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
name : is_lower(str_one, str_two)
description : will compare two string version
return : boolean
def is_lower(str_one, str_two, equal):
sum_one = 0
sum_two = 0
# Handle the NoneType
if str_one == None:
if str_two == None:
return False
return True
if str_two == None:
if str_one == None:
return False
return True
# Fix for X.X <= X.X.X and X.X.X <= X.X
if len(str_one) < 5:
str_one += '.0'
if len(str_two) < 5:
str_two += '.0'
str_one = str_one[::-1].split('.')
str_two = str_two[::-1].split('.')
for i in range(len(str_one)):
sum_one += ((i+1) ** 10) * (int(str_one[i]))
sum_two += ((i+1) ** 10) * (int(str_two[i]))
except Exception as e:
return True
# For inferior
if sum_one < sum_two:
return True
# Handle < and = if define in equal
if equal and sum_one == sum_two:
return True
return False
name : display_vulnerable_component(self, name, version):
description : display info about vulnerability from the file
def display_vulnerable_component(name, version, file):
# Load json file
with open('database/' + file + '.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
print warning("Name: %s - v%s" % (name, version))
if name in data.keys():
# Display the out of date info if the version is lower of the latest version
if is_lower(version, data[name]['latest_version'], False):
print info("The version is out of date, the latest version is %s" % data[name]['latest_version'])
# Display the vulnerability if it's not patched version
for vuln in data[name]['vulnerabilities']:
if 'fixed_in' in vuln.keys() and (vuln['fixed_in'] == None or is_lower(version, vuln['fixed_in'], True)):
# Main informations
print "\t",vulnerable("%s : %s - ID:%s" % (vuln['vuln_type'], vuln['title'] , vuln['id']) )
print "\t",display("Fixed in %s"% vuln['fixed_in'])
# Display references
print "\t",display("References:")
for refkey in vuln['references'].keys():
for ref in vuln['references'][refkey]:
if refkey != 'url':
print "\t\t - %s %s" % (refkey.capitalize(), ref)
print "\t\t - %s" %ref