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Azure Services - Microsoft Intune
Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based service that provides mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM). It allows organizations to control and secure access to corporate data on mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs. With Intune, businesses can enforce security policies, manage apps, and ensure that devices comply with organizational requirements, whether they are company-owned or personal (BYOD).
Intunes Administration
- Global Administrator or Intune Administrator Privilege
Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Intune Administrators'"
- Login into https://endpoint.microsoft.com/#home or use Pass-The-PRT
- Go to Devices -> All Devices to check devices enrolled to Intune
- Go to Scripts and click on Add for Windows 10.
- Add a Powershell script
- Specify Add all users and Add all devices in the Assignments page.
⚠️ It will take up to one hour before you script is executed !
Intune Scripts
- App with permission:
dependency installed:Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune
Extract Intune scripts:
The following scripts are deprecated, use MgGraph
instead of MsGraph
, and change the appropriate function InvokeMgGraph
- okieselbach/Get-DeviceManagementScripts.ps1 - Get all or individual Intune PowerShell scripts and save them in specified folder.
Get-DeviceManagementScripts -FolderPath C:\temp -FileName myScript.ps1
- okieselbach/Get-DeviceHealthScripts.ps1 - Get all or individual Intune PowerShell Health scripts (aka Proactive Remediation scripts) and save them in specified folder.
Get-DeviceHealthScripts -FolderPath C:\temp\HealthScripts
Some organization have recreated LAPS for Azure devices using Intune scripts.
#requires -modules Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
#requires -modules Microsoft.Graph.Intune
#requires -modules LAPS
#requires -modules ImportExcel
$DaysBack = 30
Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "Platform eq 'Windows'" |
Foreach-Object {Get-LapsAADPassword -DevicesIds $_.DisplayName} |
Where-Object {$_.PasswordExpirationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DaysBack)} |
Export-Excel -Path "c:\temp\lapsdata.xlsx" - ClearSheet -AutoSize -Show