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Contributing to clusterlint

We welcome all contributions to this project, whether in the form of pull requests or issues. Please know that all contributions are appreciated, and we will do our best to review code, answer questions, and resolve issues as time allows.

That said, in order to maximize the effectiveness of your contributions, please keep the following guidelines in mind.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are always welcome. Please:

  1. Add thorough, passing unit tests for your changes if applicable.
  2. Ensure your changes pass go vet, golint, and go test. These checks will be run as part of CI.
  3. As much as possible, keep git commits and pull requests small. Small commits and small PRs are easier to review.
  4. Write informative, well-formatted git commit messages.
  5. Provide details of your change and why you are making it in the PR description, referencing issues or other PRs as appropriate.

Remember that any feedback on a PR is intended to improve your contribution or help the reviewer better understand it, and respond accordingly by either making changes or replying with questions or clarifications.

Dependency Management

clusterlint uses Go modules to manage dependencies, but vendors all dependencies to help ensure reproducible builds and reduce external dependencies in the build process.

If you need to add or update a dependency, please do the following:

  1. Introduce changes that use the new dependency.
  2. Add or update the dependency via go get -m $module.
  3. Clean up go.mod with go mod tidy.
  4. Vendor code with go mod vendor.
  5. Add the changes to go.mod, go.sum, and the vendor directory in one commit.
  6. Add all other changes (i.e., code that uses the new dependency) in a separate commit. This will make it easier to review the vendoring change separately from the code changes.
  7. Submit a pull request containing both the vendoring change and the code changes that depend on it. It's important to keep these in a single PR so that another developer running go mod tidy won't undo your changes.


We welcome both bug reports and feature requests as issues. The following guidelines apply to both, though some parts are more relevant to one or the other. The maintainers will tag issues as enhancements or bugs upon review.

Before filing an issue, please search to see whether your issue has already been reported. If it has, consider adding a "thumbs-up" reaction to the issue (NOT a reply, please!) to indicate to the maintainers that others are seeing the same problem. Feel free to leave a comment if you can provide additional details not already given in the issue.

Assuming you have a new issue to report, please:

  1. Check that your issue is not already resolved in master.
  2. Provide as many details as you can on:
    1. What you're trying.
    2. The expected result.
    3. The observed result.
  3. Include any relevant environmental information (e.g., Kubernetes version you're running against).