...and less bugs!
+ Able to define the EXE payload filename
+ Able to setup a handler job
+ Able to execute persistence payload after installing
+ Performs various checks (should be more stable now)
+ Will display various warnings if your doing something 'different'
+ Added various verbose messages during the process
msf exploit(ms08_067_netap) > show targets
Exploit targets:
Id Name
-- ----
0 Automatic Targeting
1 Windows 2000 Universal
2 Windows XP SP0/SP1 Universal
3 Windows 2003 SP0 Universal
4 Windows XP SP2 English (AlwaysOn NX)
62 Windows 2003 SP1 French (NX)
63 Windows 2003 SP2 English (NO NX)
71 Windows 2003 SP2 French (NO NX)
72 Windows 2003 SP2 French (NX)
Edited modules/auxiliary/dos/http/ms15_034_ulonglongadd.rb first landed
in #5150, @wchen-r7's DOS module for CVE-2015-1635 HTTP.sys
Edited modules/auxiliary/gather/apple_safari_ftp_url_cookie_theft.rb
first landed in #5192, @joevennix's module for Safari CVE-2015-1126
Edited modules/auxiliary/gather/java_rmi_registry.rb first landed in
Edited modules/auxiliary/gather/ssllabs_scan.rb first landed in #5016,
add SSL Labs scanner
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/goahead_traversal.rb first landed
in #5101, Add Directory Traversal for GoAhead Web Server
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/owa_iis_internal_ip.rb first
landed in #5158, OWA internal IP disclosure scanner
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_mobileedition_file_read.rb
first landed in #5159, WordPress Mobile Edition Plugin File Read Vuln
Edited modules/exploits/linux/http/multi_ncc_ping_exec.rb first landed
in #4924, @m-1-k-3's DLink CVE-2015-1187 exploit
Edited modules/exploits/unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload.rb first
landed in #5131, WordPress Slideshow Upload
Edited modules/exploits/windows/local/run_as.rb first landed in #4649,
improve post/windows/manage/run_as and as an exploit
(These results courtesy of a delightful git alias, here:
cleanup-prs = !"for i in `git status | grep modules | sed
s/#.*modules/modules/`; do echo -n \"Edited $i first landed in \" && git
log --oneline --first-parent $i | tail -1 | sed 's/.*Land //' && echo
''; done"
So that's kind of fun.
Edited modules/auxiliary/admin/http/netgear_soap_password_extractor.rb
first landed in #5301, @m-1-k-3's aux module to extract passwords from
Netgear soap interfaces
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/influxdb_enum.rb first landed in
Edited modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/title.rb first landed in #5333,
HTML Title Grabber
Edited modules/exploits/multi/browser/adobe_flash_uncompress_zlib_uaf.rb
first landed in #5401, multi-platform CVE-2015-0311 - Flash uncompress()
Edited modules/exploits/unix/webapp/wp_revslider_upload_execute.rb first
landed in #5290, Wordpress RevSlider Module
This psexec payload size should be evaluated to make sure I'm not doing
anything stupid. i can't see a reason why increasing these sizes would
be bad. They seem to work fine.
This missing parameter was causing the payload 'Size' to come through to
the encoders as `nil`. This meant that all the stagers that were
looking at the payload sizes were being told there was no size. In the
case of the meterpreter payloads, this was causing issues with the proxy
settings because the proxy configuration detail isn't added to the
payload unless there's enough space.
This fix adds a default size of 2048 (the same as the plain psexec
module). This makes the proxy settings work as expected.