869 B
869 B
Create Account
MITRE ATT&CK Technique: T1136
Local user add:
Net user /add Trevor SmshBgr123
Add new user to localgroup:
net localgroup administrators Trevor /add
Domain add:
net user <username> \password \domain
Add user to Active Directory:
dsadd user CN=John,CN=Users,DC=it,DC=uk,DC=savilltech,DC=com -samid John -pwd Pa55word123
Powershell 5.1
The following requires Powershell 5.1
Additional information here
Add User
New-LocalUser -FullName 'Trevor R.' -Name 'Trevor' -Password SmshBgr ‑Description 'Pwnage account'
Create a group
New-LocalGroup -Name 'Testgroup' -Description 'Testing group'