
961 B

"Microsoft Windows" SMB Backdoor

  • Title: "Microsoft Windows" SMB Backdoor
  • Author: TW-D
  • Version: 1.0
  • Target: Microsoft Windows
  • Category: Remote Access


  1. Adds a user account (OMG_User:OMG_P@ssW0rD).
  2. Adds this local user to local administrator group.
  3. Shares "C:" directory (OMG_SHARE).
  4. Adds a rule to the firewall.
  5. Sets a value to "LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy" to access the "C:" with a local account.
  6. Hides this user account.


The connection identifiers will be those defined by the values : OMG_User and OMG_P@ssW0rD.

hacker@hacker-computer:~$ python3 /opt/impacket/examples/ ./OMG_User:OMG_P@ssW0rD@<TARGET>
C:\WINDOWS\system32> whoami
nt authority\system

The connection identifiers and the share name will be those defined by the values : OMG_SHARE, OMG_User and OMG_P@ssW0rD.