ctf-writeup/DanteCTF 2023/Dumb Admin/README.md

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Dumb Admin

The Admin coded his dashboard by himself. He's sure to be a pro coder and he's so satisfied about it. Can you make him rethink that?

About the Challenge

We were given a website that contain an admin panel, looks like we need to bypass the panel


How to Solve?

First we need to bypass the admin panel by using SQL injection payload, here is the payload I used

Username: admin' or true-- -
Password: testtttttttttttttt

After that we will see find a file upload functionaility where we can upload an image there


We need to do Remote Code Execution by uploading a malicious PHP file. But there is some filter, the website will check the extension of the file, and the header of the file. But we can bypass it by using .gif.php extension and add GIF89A as a file header


Now we need to access /imageViewer.php?filename=fe0993aa9125624f98b4cd1d7ee926fb.gif.php to obtain the full path where we can access the file that we have uploaded before


The flag was located in the / directory

