ctf-writeup/SEETF 2023/README.md

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# SEETF 2023
CTF writeup for SEETF 2023. I took part in this CTF competition with the HCS (Heroes Cyber Security) team, and got 38th place out of 431 teams
Thanks to the TCP1P team especially @0xazr
| Category | Challenge |
| --- | --- |
| Web | [🎓🌎 Express JavaScript Security](/SEETF%202023/%F0%9F%8E%93%F0%9F%8C%8E%20Express%20JavaScript%20Security/)
| Web | [🎓Throw your malware here!](/SEETF%202023/%F0%9F%8E%93Throw%20your%20malware%20here!/)
| Misc | [Android Zoo](/SEETF%202023/Android%20Zoo/)
| Misc | [🎓 NoCode](/SEETF%202023/%F0%9F%8E%93%20NoCode/)