ctf-writeup/2023/DeconstruCT.F 2023/snowy rock/README.md

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snowy rock

am loves puzzles and his dad working in alaska sent a message hidden within for him to uncover Can you decode it?

About the Challenge

We got an image and we need to find the flag there (You can download the flag here)

How to Solve?

First, we need to use binwalk to extract the zip file from the image

binwalk -e snowy_rock_fi.jpg


You will see an error but that's okay, that happen because of the zip file was a password-protected file. And then we need to bruteforce the password of the zip file using john

zip2john file.zip > hash.txt
john -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt


As you can see, the password is 11snowbird. Extract the file and you will got snowyrock.txt. Now, because of the title of the chall and also the snowyrock.txt content, I decided to use stegsnow to retrieve hidden messages in snowyrock.txt

stegsnow -C snowyrock.txt

This command will run stegsnow without using a password


Decode the output using base64 and also rot13

