* Homogenize HowTo's
- Add H1 header
- `Read this` ... right alignmements
- Split a bit first paragraph to highlight welcome.
- Introduce Pull Request acronym.
- trademarks / typos: GitHub, YouTube, Pull Request
- Update GitHub links urls. `help`/`guides` subdomain was moved to `docs` so now a 301 Redirect is skipped.
- Details block added, with center align. When clicked, the contributor graphs is toggled.
- Some bolds to highlight common resources formating issues (like in CONTRIBUTING)
- Repo name in monospace font
- Re-worded last part of 4th paragraph to explain that no new PR is needed to open if there are linter errors or changes are requested. Now it's more clear, I thought.
Via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6590
* Rewording to be more meaningful
* Add H1 header + `Read this` ... aligned to right
Via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6590
* remove trailing spaces
* Split a bit first paragraph to highlight welcome.
Via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6590
* homogenize `1-2` newlines amount between paragraphs
* Update Github documentation links list
- Update GitHub links urls. `help`/`guides` subdomain was moved to `docs` so now a 301 Redirect is skipped.
- Remove flag emojis from link, perhaps use text in notes format to give accesibility locale context
Via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6590
* GitHub trademark typos
* YouTube trademark typos
* `Welcome to fpb!` in bold style
* Repo name backticked in monospace font
* reword es-en graph summary
* Add a centered details block with graphs about contributions (users vs. time)
Detail blocks are toggleable sections in GitHub
Provided graphs by apiseven:
- Contributor over time Graph
- Monthly Active Contributors graph
* GitHub trademark typos
* Fix pull request typos and introduce it acronym
* Update Github documentation links list
- Update GitHub links urls. `help`/`guides` subdomain was moved to `docs` so now a 301 Redirect is skipped.
- Remove flag emojis from link, perhaps use text in notes format to give accesibility locale context
The forgot rest addressed on 7ee485bb3b
Via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6590
* Some bolds to highlight common resources formating issues (like in CONTRIBUTING)
* Fix typos suggested by AhmedElTabarani
Co-authored-by: أحمد الطبراني <eltabaraniahmed@gmail.com>
* Add paragrah from #5351. Need language translation
* New strings translated to `it` Italian
Co-authored-by: ImVector <59611597+LuigiImVector@users.noreply.github.com>
* use languages not countries. `in Egyptian Arabic`
* use languages not countries. `in Algerian Arabic`
* remove notes from details block containing graphs about contributions (users vs. time)
* Fix spanish typos
Co-authored-by: Wonjang Son <sondaniel.88@gmail.com>
* Fix korean typos
Co-authored-by: Wonjang Son <sondaniel.88@gmail.com>
* New strings translated to `ar` Arabic
Co-authored-by: أحمد الطبراني <eltabaraniahmed@gmail.com>
* New strings translated to `fr` French
Co-authored-by: Loic Beylot <loic.beylot@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: أحمد الطبراني <eltabaraniahmed@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ImVector <59611597+LuigiImVector@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Wonjang Son <sondaniel.88@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Loic Beylot <loic.beylot@gmail.com>
2.9 KiB
How-To at a glance
Dobrodošli v zbirki Free-Programming-Books
Lepo pozdravljeni vsi novi programerji - tudi tisti, ki boste na GitHubu ustvarili vaš prvi zahtevek potega (pull-request / PR). Če ste eden izmed njih, vam pri tem lahko pomaga nekaj virov:
- About Pull Requests (v angleškem jeziku)
- Creating a pull request (v angleškem jeziku)
- GitHub Hello World (v angleškem jeziku)
- YouTube - GitHub Tutorial For Beginners (v angleškem jeziku)
- YouTube - How To Fork A GitHub Repo and Submit A Pull Request (v angleškem jeziku)
- YouTube - Markdown Crash Course (v angleškem jeziku)
Ne oklevajte in postavljajte vprašanja; vsak programer je enkrat začel s svojim prvim PR-om. Vi ste lahko naš tisoči! So... why not join our large, growing community.
Tudi če ste izkušeni na področju programiranja odprte kode, se bodo zagotovo našle zadeve, ki vas lahko malce zaustavijo. Ko oddate PR, bo GitHub Actions zagnal pregledovalnik, ki pogosto najde manjše težave z razmikom ali abecedo. Če se vam prikaže zeleni gumb, je vse pripravljeno za pregled. Če se zeleni gumb ne prikaže, kliknite »Podrobnosti« pod kljukico, ki je ugotovila, kaj pregledovalniku ni bilo všeč. Odpravite težavo in dodajte zahtevo (commit) v PR.
Če niste prepričani, da je vir, ki ga želite dodati, primeren za zbirko Free-Programming-Books
, preberite smernice v CONTRIBUTING. (translations)