* [PortSwigger - OAuth account hijacking via redirect_uri](https://portswigger.net/web-security/oauth/lab-oauth-account-hijacking-via-redirect-uri)
* [PortSwigger - Stealing OAuth access tokens via a proxy page](https://portswigger.net/web-security/oauth/lab-oauth-stealing-oauth-access-tokens-via-a-proxy-page)
* [PortSwigger - Stealing OAuth access tokens via an open redirect](https://portswigger.net/web-security/oauth/lab-oauth-stealing-oauth-access-tokens-via-an-open-redirect)
> Do you have HTML injection but can't get XSS? Are there any OAuth implementations on the site? If so, setup an img tag to your server and see if there's a way to get the victim there (redirect, etc.) after login to steal OAuth tokens via referer - [@abugzlife1](https://twitter.com/abugzlife1/status/1125663944272748544)
Applications that do not check for a valid CSRF token in the OAuth callback are vulnerable. This can be exploited by initializing the OAuth flow and intercepting the callback (`https://example.com/callback?code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE`). This URL can be used in CSRF attacks.
> The client MUST implement CSRF protection for its redirection URI. This is typically accomplished by requiring any request sent to the redirection URI endpoint to include a value that binds the request to the user-agent's authenticated state. The client SHOULD utilize the "state" request parameter to deliver this value to the authorization server when making an authorization request.
- [All your Paypal OAuth tokens belong to me - asanso - November 28, 2016](http://blog.intothesymmetry.com/2016/11/all-your-paypal-tokens-belong-to-me.html)
- [OAuth 2 - How I have hacked Facebook again (..and would have stolen a valid access token) - asanso - April 8, 2014](http://intothesymmetry.blogspot.ch/2014/04/oauth-2-how-i-have-hacked-facebook.html)
- [How I hacked Github again - Egor Homakov - February 7, 2014](http://homakov.blogspot.ch/2014/02/how-i-hacked-github-again.html)
- [How Microsoft is giving your data to Facebook… and everyone else - Andris Atteka - September 16, 2014](http://andrisatteka.blogspot.ch/2014/09/how-microsoft-is-giving-your-data-to.html)
- [Bypassing Google Authentication on Periscope's Administration Panel - Jack Whitton - July 20, 2015](https://whitton.io/articles/bypassing-google-authentication-on-periscopes-admin-panel/)