2019-10-04 15:31:58 +00:00
# Analysis of the new TA505 campaign
## Table of Contents
* [Malware analysis ](#Malware-analysis )
* [Cyber Threat Intel ](#Cyber-Threat-Intel )
* [Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) ](#IOC )
* [References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix ](#Ref-MITRE-ATTACK )
* [Links ](#Links )
+ [Original Tweet ](#Original-Tweet )
+ [Link Anyrun ](#Links-Anyrun )
+ [Documents ](#Documents )
## Malware analysis <a name="Malware-analysis"></a>
2019-10-05 22:30:19 +00:00
###### The inital vector is a malicious excel file who used a XLM macro (macro v4). This use an function for launch the payload when the excel windows is active (selected as primary window). As first action, this execute the module 1.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/cybercriminal%20groups/TA505/04-10-2019/Images/Autoopen.PNG )
###### The function call in Module 1 create a Wscript object for change the current directory, show the fake message and push debug messages.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/cybercriminal%20groups/TA505/04-10-2019/Images/Module1-1.PNG )
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/cybercriminal%20groups/TA505/04-10-2019/Images/Module2-1.PNG )
###### The userform execute the extract and execute a different PE instead of the architecture of the victim (x86 and x64).
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/cybercriminal%20groups/TA505/04-10-2019/Images/userform.PNG )
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/cybercriminal%20groups/TA505/04-10-2019/Images/Module3.PNG )
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/cybercriminal%20groups/TA505/04-10-2019/Images/Module1-2.PNG )
###### As anti-forensic technique, this delete the files by call of kill functions.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/cybercriminal%20groups/TA505/04-10-2019/Images/Module2-2.PNG )
###### We can note that a function is unused and seem to be a rest of the development of the macro.
2019-10-04 15:31:58 +00:00
## Cyber kill chain <a name="Cyber-kill-chain"></a>
###### The process graphs resume all the cyber kill chains used by the attacker.
![alt text]()
## References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix <a name="Ref-MITRE-ATTACK"></a>
###### List of all the references with MITRE ATT&CK Matrix
|Enterprise tactics|Technics used|Ref URL|
| :---------------: |:-------------| :------------- |
## Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) <a name="IOC"></a>
###### List of all the Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)
| Indicator | Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:|
||Domain requested|
||IP requested|
||HTTP/HTTPS requests|
||Domain C2|
||IP C2|
###### This can be exported as JSON format [Export in JSON]()
## Links <a name="Links"></a>
###### Original tweet:
* [https://twitter.com/James_inthe_box/status/1179077549302829056 ](https://twitter.com/James_inthe_box/status/1179077549302829056 ) < a name = "Original-Tweet" ></ a >
* [https://twitter.com/KorbenD_Intel/status/1179858006584037377 ](https://twitter.com/KorbenD_Intel/status/1179858006584037377 )
* [https://twitter.com/58_158_177_102/status/1177498806016823296 ](https://twitter.com/58_158_177_102/status/1177498806016823296 )
* [https://twitter.com/James_inthe_box/status/1174729932045316096 ](https://twitter.com/James_inthe_box/status/1174729932045316096 )
###### Links Anyrun: <a name="Links-Anyrun"></a>
###### Samples :
* [Letter 7711.xls ](https://app.any.run/tasks/d3699368-76cb-4c9f-b5c5-c4e25eb2e318 )
* [REP 7072.xls ](https://app.any.run/tasks/ae70ad41-d5d7-4dca-98d2-b72bfbae45fa )
* [r55.exe ](https://app.any.run/tasks/f054811a-d89c-41e5-ae60-c6d1b2ed75a8 )
###### Documents: <a name="Documents"></a>
* []()