2019-12-27 13:09:56 +00:00
# SideWinder same targets, same TTPs, time to counter-attack !
## Table of Contents
* [Malware analysis ](#Malware-analysis )
* [Threat Intelligence ](#Intel )
* [Cyber kill chain ](#Cyber-kill-chain )
* [Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) ](#IOC )
* [Yara Rules ](#Yara )
* [References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix ](#Ref-MITRE-ATTACK )
* [Knowledge Graph ](#Knowledge )
* [Links ](#Links )
+ [Original Tweet ](#tweet )
+ [Link Anyrun ](#Links-Anyrun )
+ [Ressources ](#Ressources )
< h2 > Malware analysis < a name = "Malware-analysis" > < / a > < / h2 >
2019-12-27 19:23:58 +00:00
< h6 > The initial vector is an RTF file who use an well-know vulnerability (CVE-2017-11882) for execute a js script (1.a) form the package of OLE objects. < / h6 >
2019-12-27 13:09:56 +00:00
< p align = "center" >
2019-12-27 19:23:58 +00:00
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/Pictures/RTF_objects.PNG" >
< / p >
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/Pictures/obj1.PNG" >
< / p >
< h6 > We can observe on the code of the exploit that jump and rebuild the command to execute. < / h6 >
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/Pictures/obj2.PNG" >
< / p >
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/Pictures/exploit.png" >
2019-12-27 13:09:56 +00:00
< / p >
2019-12-27 19:23:58 +00:00
< h6 > As first, we can observe that a series of functions are used for obfuscate the criticals parts of the script.< / h6 >
var OaXQT = ActiveXObject;
var cRKGlc = String.fromCharCode;
function RDDb(str)
var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY"+"Zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
var b, result = "", r1, r2, i = 0;
for (; i < str.length ; )
b = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) < < 18 | b64 . indexOf ( str . charAt ( i + + ) ) < < 12 |
(r1 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++))) < < 6 | ( r2 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)));
result += r1 === 64 ? cRKGlc(b >> 16 & 255) :
r2 === 64 ? cRKGlc(b >> 16 & 255, b >> 8 & 255) :
cRKGlc(b >> 16 & 255, b >> 8 & 255, b & 255);
return result;
function SJnEuQM (key, bytes){
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length ; ) {
for (var j = 0; j < key.length ; j + + ) {
res.push(cRKGlc((bytes.charCodeAt(i)) ^ key.charCodeAt(j)));
if (i >= bytes.length) {
j = key.length;
return res.join("")
function EvpTXkLe(bsix){
return SJnEuQM(keeee,RDDb(bsix))
var keeee = SJnEuQM("YjfT",RDDb("altWY2"+"hcV2xq"+"XA=="));
2019-12-27 13:09:56 +00:00
< h2 > Threat Intelligence< / h2 > < a name = "Intel" > < / a > < / h2 >
< h2 > Cyber kill chain < a name = "Cyber-kill-chain" > < / a > < / h2 >
< h6 > The process graph resume cyber kill chains used by the attacker :< / h6 >
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/Pictures/Cyber.png" >
< / p >
< h2 > Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) < a name = "IOC" > < / a > < / h2 >
< h6 > List of all the Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)< / h6 >
| ------------- |:-------------:|
< h6 > The IOC can be exported in < a href = "" > JSON< / a > < / h6 >
< h2 > References MITRE ATT& CK Matrix < a name = "Ref-MITRE-ATTACK" > < / a > < / h2 >
|Enterprise tactics|Technics used|Ref URL|
| :---------------: |:-------------| :------------- |
|Execution|Execution through Module Load< br > Exploitation for Client Execution|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1129/< br > https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1203/|
|Persistence|Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1060/|
|Discovery|Query Registry|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1012/|
< h6 > This can be exported as JSON format < a href = "https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/JSON/MITRE_ref.json" > Export in JSON< / a > < / h6 >
< h2 > Yara Rules< a name = "Yara" > < / a > < / h2 >
< h6 > A list of YARA Rule is available < a href = "" > here< / a > < / h6 >
< h2 > Knowledge Graph< a name = "Knowledge" > < / a > < / h2 > < a name = "Know" > < / a >
< h6 > The following diagram shows the relationships of the techniques used by the groups and their corresponding malware:< / h6 >
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "" >
< / p >
< h2 > Links < a name = "Links" > < / a > < / h2 >
< h6 > Original tweet: < / h6 > < a name = "tweet" > < / a >
* [https://twitter.com/RedDrip7/status/1206898954383740929 ](https://twitter.com/RedDrip7/status/1206898954383740929 )
< h6 > Links Anyrun: < a name = "Links-Anyrun" > < / a > < / h6 >
* [Policy on Embedded Systems.doc ](https://app.any.run/tasks/1fac2867-012c-4298-af36-a4810d9b72db )
* [adsfa.rtf ](https://app.any.run/tasks/72ec8c7c-5542-48fe-8400-ba840de9c0bd )
* [out.rtf ](https://app.any.run/tasks/34c8345c-b661-4ca5-ba15-58dcc4e6d968 )
< h6 > Resources : < / h6 > < a name = "Ressources" > < / a >
* [The SideWinder campaign continue ](https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/Indian/APT/SideWinder/11-10-2019/Analysis.md )
2019-12-27 19:23:58 +00:00
* [CVE-2017-11882 ](https://github.com/embedi/CVE-2017-11882 )dz