<h6> The initial vector is from a decoy document probably shared from a spear-phishing, this document have two links for download additionnal informations. The both maldoc , this use a macro for extract and execute the PE file depends on the version of the operating system.</h6>
<h6>Once the connexion is etablish with the C2, this send the informations of user, system, sensible AV (who detect it easily) and this repertory (here from a trace of the TCP stream of an Anyrun sandbox)</h6>
<h6>The name of PE file is used as identifier and the command by a couple {nameimplant-command}.This can perform the actions by the following commands :</h6>
<td>Get the list of process</td>
<td>Get info of a picture</td>
<td>Check activity</td>
<td>Push the persistence in a Run key </td>
<td>Get infos of a specific file</td>
<td>Push the data received</td>
<td>Save to a file the data pushed on the system</td>
<td>Kill a process</td>
<td>Get the size of the screen</td>
<td>Download and run a executable file</td>
<td>Get a screenshot</td>
<td>List all the drives and directories</td>
<td>stop the mod for get periodical screenshot</td>
<td>start the mod for get periodical screenshot</td>
<td>Allow index, send data and disable continue screenshot </td>
<td>Download and execute an executable for remove an user ? </td>
<td>Delete a specific file</td>
<td>List files</td>
<td>Get a specific file</td>
<td>Get user and system infos, check if the AV is on blacklist</td>
public static byte[] encAvs = new byte[]{98,100,115,115,61,66,105,116,32,68,101,102,101,110,100,101,114,44,111,110,108,105,110,101,110,116,61,81,46,72,101,97,108,44,98,100,97,103,101,110,116,61,66,105,116,32,68,101,102,101,110,100,101,114,32,65,103,101,110,116,44,109,115,115,101,99,101,115,61,77,83,32,69,115,115,101,110,116,105,97,108,115,44,102,115,115,109,51,50,61,70,83,101,99,117,114,101,44,97,118,112,61,75,97,115,112,101,114,115,107,121,44,97,118,103,110,116,61,65,118,105,114,97,44,115,112,98,98,99,115,118,99,61,83,121,109,97,110,116,101,99,44,117,112,100,97,116,101,114,117,105,61,77,99,65,102,101,101,44,97,118,103,117,105,61,65,86,71,44,97,118,103,99,99,61,65,86,71,44,109,98,97,109,61,65,110,116,32,77,97,108,119,97,114,101,44,97,118,97,115,116,117,105,61,65,118,97,115,116,44,97,118,97,115,116,61,65,118,97,115,116};
<h6>This can easily viewable in oneliner (UTF8 + Getstring) and show the list of sensible AV to detect</h6>
<h6>This operation uses the recent event of the 72nd year of the independence of the Indian armed forces. The Transparant Tribe group specializes in its field of attack in the Indian armed forces. </h6>
<h6>The main purpose of this operation is not to obtain more information from arms tests since the lasts month by the various Indian armed groups but, first of all, to collect identities and credentials to conduct more extensive operations. come.</h6>
<h6> The IOC can be exported in <ahref="https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/Pakistan/APT/Transparent%20Tribe/22-01-20/json/ioc.json">JSON</a></h6>
<h6> This can be exported as JSON format <ahref="https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/Pakistan/APT/Transparent%20Tribe/22-01-20/json/Mitre-APT36-22-01-20.json">Export in JSON</a></h6>
<h2>Yara Rules<aname="Yara"></a></h2>
<h6> A list of YARA Rule is available <ahref="">here</a></h6>
* [Criteria of Army Officers.doc](https://app.any.run/tasks/de93d3a4-9ff0-4bed-b492-1f45214a0443)
<h6> Resources : </h6><aname="Ressources"></a>
* [Operation Transparent Tribe - APT Targeting Indian Diplomatic and Military Interests](https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/Operation-Transparent-Tribe)