<h6> The initial vector is from a decoy document probably shared from a spear-phishing, this document have two links for download additionnal informations. The both maldoc , this use a macro for extract and execute the PE file depends on the version of the operating system.</h6>
<h6>Once the connexion is etablish with the C2, this send the informations of user, system, sensible AV (who detect it easily) and this repertory (here from a trace of the TCP stream of an Anyrun sandbox)</h6>
<h6>The name of PE file is used as identifier and the command by a couple {nameimplant-command}.This can perform the actions by the following commands :</h6>
<td>Get the list of process</td>
<td>Get info of a picture</td>
<td>Check activity</td>
<td>Push the persistence in a Run key </td>
<td>Get infos of a specific file</td>
<td>Push the data received</td>
<td>Save to a file the data pushed on the system</td>
<td>Kill a process</td>
<td>Get the size of the screen</td>
<td>Download and run a executable file</td>
<td>Get a screenshot</td>
<td>List all the drives and directories</td>
<td>stop the mod for get periodical screenshot</td>
<td>start the mod for get periodical screenshot</td>
<td>Allow index, send data and disable continue screenshot </td>
<td>Download and execute an executable for remove an user ? </td>
<td>Delete a specific file</td>
<td>List files</td>
<td>Get a specific file</td>
<td>Get user and system infos, check if the AV is on blacklist</td>
<h6> The IOC can be exported in <ahref="https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/Pakistan/APT/Transparent%20Tribe/22-01-20/json/ioc.json">JSON</a></h6>
<h6> This can be exported as JSON format <ahref="https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/Pakistan/APT/Transparent%20Tribe/22-01-20/json/Mitre-APT36-22-01-20.json">Export in JSON</a></h6>
<h2>Yara Rules<aname="Yara"></a></h2>
<h6> A list of YARA Rule is available <ahref="">here</a></h6>
* [Criteria of Army Officers.doc](https://app.any.run/tasks/de93d3a4-9ff0-4bed-b492-1f45214a0443)
<h6> Resources : </h6><aname="Ressources"></a>
* [Operation Transparent Tribe - APT Targeting Indian Diplomatic and Military Interests](https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/Operation-Transparent-Tribe)