* Changing to a new plugin oriented challenge type plugin and fixing extra width on admin chal description
* Add window.challenge.submit, renderSubmissionResponse, and csrf_nonce
* Update admin side renderer calls
* Updating to Flask 1.0 and adding files for flask run
* Adding a preliminary case-insensitive key
* Adding case insensitive keys
* Adding CTF Logo
* Reducing the amount of team information shown on the main page
* Add better base64 helpers
* Switch from button to badge
* Rudimentary solve checking from admin panel
* Refine admin chals solves view & fix PEP8
* Compare base64 encoded data with bytestring
* Removing need to urlencode/urldecode in base64 wrappers
* Adding decorator documentation
* Randomly order tests & add test for case_insensitive flags
* Add regex flag case_insensitive test
* Add tests for /admin/chal/1/solves and ctf_logo
* Chals endpoint seperation (#572)
* Separate the logic of ctftime and email confirmations and admin checking into decorators
* Separate the chals endpoint into /chals and /chals/:id. Closes#552, #435.
* Challenges are now loaded directly from the server before being displayed to the user.
* Challenge modals now use `{{ description }}` instead of `{{ desc }}`.
* 403 is now a more common status code and can indicate that a CTF has not begun or that you are not logged in. This is in addition to CSRF failures.
* Update tests to new behavior
* Fixing glitch if an entry chal or team id isn't defined
* Markdown it (#574)
* Replace Marked with Markdown-It
* Update modal change (#576)
* Switch update modals to use nunjucks instead of JS to load in data.
* Fix previewing challenges after hitting the challenge update button.
* Fix edit-files issue with an unnecessary request.
* Fix solves button
* Closes#592
* docker-compose improvements
* Use gevent gunicorn workers
* Makes logs easier to access
* Customization of the logs location
* Improve secret key generation & only generate secret keys if one isn't defined (Closes#123)
* Install requirements required by plugins
* Upgrade to Bootstrap v4 beta 3
* Fix incorrect FontAwesome5 icon
* Fixing regressions & code quality issues. Files, Tags & Hints now appear in the admin challenge preview. Fixed color issues with file buttons and badges. Pass script_root into challenge type plugin.
* Fixing incorrect FontAwesome5 icon
* Fix test for /admin/chals/<chalid>
* Expand test to include tags, hints, files