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A 'monolithic' alternative to [unglu](http://github.com/gluejar/unglu)
for the unglue.it website. regluit is essentially a Django project that
contains three applications: `frontend`, `api` and `core` that can be deployed
and configured on as many ec2 instances that are needed to support traffic.
The key difference with [unglu](http://github.com/gluejar/unglu) is that the
`frontend` app is able to access database models from `core` in the same
way that the `api` is able to...which hopefully should simplify some things.
Here are some instructions for setting up regluit for development on
an Ubuntu system. If you are on OS X see notes below
to install python-setuptools in step 1:
1. `aptitude install python-setuptools`
1. `sudo easy_install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper`
1. `git clone git@github.com:Gluejar/regluit.git`
1. `cd regluit`
1. `mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages regluit`
1. `pip install -r requirements.pip`
1. `add2virtualenv ..`
1. `cp settings/dev.py settings/me.py`
1. edit `settings/me.py` and set `EMAIL_HOST_USER` and `EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD` to your gmail username and password, if you want to see that registration emails will work properly.
1. edit `settings/me.py` and look at the facebook, twitter and google auth settings to enable federated logins from those sites
1. `echo 'export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=regluit.settings.me' >> ~/.virtualenvs/regluit/bin/postactivate`
1. `deactivate ; workon regluit`
1. `django-admin.py syncdb --migrate --noinput`
1. `django-admin.py runserver` (you can change the port number from the default value of 8000)
1. point your browser at http://localhost:8000/
You should have XCode installed
Install virtualenvwrapper according
to the process at http://blog.praveengollakota.com/47430655:
1. `sudo easy_install pip`
1. `sudo pip install virtualenv`
1. `pip install virtualenvwrapper`
Edit or create .bashrc in ~ to enable virtualenvwrapper commands:
1. `mkdir ~/.virtualenvs`
1. Edit .bashrc to include the following lines:
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source <your_path_to_virtualenvwrapper.sh_here>
In the above web site, the path to virtualenvwrapper.sh was
In Snow Leopard, this may be /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Configure Terminal to automatically notice this at startup:
Terminal –> Preferences –> Settings –> Shell
Click "run command"; add `source ~/.bashrc`