2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2009-2012 by Marcello Perathoner
Distributable under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or newer.
The various flavors of search page.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import cherrypy
from libgutenberg.MediaTypes import mediatypes as mt
from libgutenberg.DublinCore import DublinCore
import BaseSearcher
from Page import SearchPage
2019-07-26 15:54:24 +00:00
from i18n_tool import ugettext as _
from i18n_tool import ungettext as __
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
class BookSearchPage (SearchPage):
""" search term => list of books """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'release_date', 'title', 'random')
os.icon = 'book'
os.class_ += 'booklink'
os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles
if os.sort_order == 'random':
2020-08-25 12:46:44 +00:00
sql.where.append ("pk in (select pk from books order by random() limit 20)")
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
if len (os.query):
sql.fulltext ('books.tsvec', os.query)
os.title = _("Books: {title}").format (title = os.query)
os.title = _('All Books')
def fixup (self, os):
""" strip marc subfields, add social media hints and facet links """
for e in os.entries:
if '$' in e.title:
e.title = DublinCore.strip_marc_subfields (e.title)
if (os.sort_order == 'release_date' and os.total_results > 0 and os.start_index == 1):
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.title = _('Follow new books on Twitter')
cat.subtitle = _("Follow our new books on Twitter.")
cat.url = 'https://twitter.com/gutenberg_new'
cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
cat.icon = 'twitter'
cat.order = 5
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.title = _('Follow new books on Facebook')
cat.subtitle = _("Follow the link and like the page to have us post new books to your wall.")
cat.url = 'https://www.facebook.com/gutenberg.new'
cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
cat.icon = 'facebook'
cat.order = 5
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
if (len (os.query) and os.start_index == 1):
sql2 = BaseSearcher.SQLStatement ()
sql2.query = "select count (*) from bookshelves"
sql2.fulltext ('bookshelves.tsvec', os.query)
rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (*sql2.build ())
if rows[0][0] > 0:
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.rel = 'related'
cat.title = _('Bookshelves')
cat.subtitle = __('One bookshelf matches your query.',
'{count} bookshelves match your search.',
rows[0][0]).format (count = rows[0][0])
cat.url = os.url ('bookshelf_search', query = os.query)
cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
cat.icon = 'bookshelf'
cat.order = 3
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
sql2 = BaseSearcher.SQLStatement ()
sql2.query = "select count (*) from subjects"
sql2.fulltext ('subjects.tsvec', os.query)
rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (*sql2.build ())
if rows[0][0] > 0:
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.rel = 'related'
cat.title = _('Subjects')
cat.subtitle = __('One subject heading matches your search.',
'{count} subject headings match your search.',
rows[0][0]).format (count = rows[0][0])
cat.url = os.url ('subject_search', query = os.query)
cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
cat.icon = 'subject'
cat.order = 3
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
sql2 = BaseSearcher.SQLStatement ()
sql2.query = "select count (*) from authors"
sql2.fulltext ('authors.tsvec', os.query)
rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (*sql2.build ())
if rows[0][0] > 0:
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.rel = 'related'
cat.title = _('Authors')
cat.subtitle = __('One author name matches your search.',
'{count} author names match your search.',
rows[0][0]).format (count = rows[0][0])
cat.url = os.url ('author_search', query = os.query)
cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
cat.icon = 'author'
cat.order = 3
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
class AuthorSearchPage (SearchPage):
""" name => list of authors """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.f_format_subtitle = os.format_subtitle
os.f_format_url = BaseSearcher.SearchUrlFormatter ('author')
os.f_format_thumb_url = os.format_none
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'quantity', 'alpha', 'release_date')
os.icon = 'author'
os.class_ += 'navlink'
os.title = _('All Authors')
sql.query = """
authors.author as title,
coalesce (authors.born_floor || '', '') || '-' ||
coalesce (authors.died_floor || '', '') as subtitle,
authors.pk as pk,
max (books.release_date) as release_date,
sum (books.downloads) as downloads,
count (books.pk) as quantity"""
sql.from_ = ('authors', 'mn_books_authors as mn', 'books')
sql.groupby += ('authors.author', 'subtitle', 'authors.pk')
sql.where.append ('authors.pk = mn.fk_authors')
sql.where.append ('books.pk = mn.fk_books')
if len (os.query):
sql.fulltext ('authors.tsvec', os.query)
os.title = _("Authors: {author}").format (author = os.query)
sql.where.append ("authors.author not in ('Various', 'Anonymous', 'Unknown')")
class SubjectSearchPage (SearchPage):
""" term => list of subects """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.f_format_url = BaseSearcher.SearchUrlFormatter ('subject')
os.f_format_thumb_url = os.format_none
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'quantity', 'alpha', 'release_date')
os.icon = 'subject'
os.class_ += 'navlink'
os.title = _('All Subjects')
sql.query = """
subjects.subject as title,
subjects.pk as pk,
max (books.release_date) as release_date,
sum (books.downloads) as downloads,
count (books.pk) as quantity"""
sql.from_ = ('subjects', 'mn_books_subjects as mn', 'books')
sql.groupby += ('subjects.subject', 'subjects.pk')
sql.where.append ('subjects.pk = mn.fk_subjects')
sql.where.append ('books.pk = mn.fk_books')
if len (os.query):
sql.fulltext ('subjects.tsvec', os.query)
os.title = _("Subjects: {subject}").format (subject = os.query)
class BookshelfSearchPage (SearchPage):
""" term => list of bookshelves """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.f_format_url = BaseSearcher.SearchUrlFormatter ('bookshelf')
os.f_format_thumb_url = os.format_none
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'quantity', 'alpha', 'release_date')
os.icon = 'bookshelf'
os.class_ += 'navlink'
os.title = _('All Bookshelves')
sql.query = """
bookshelves.bookshelf as title,
bookshelves.pk as pk,
max (books.release_date) as release_date,
sum (books.downloads) as downloads,
count (books.pk) as quantity"""
sql.from_ = ('bookshelves', 'mn_books_bookshelves as mn', 'books')
sql.groupby += ('bookshelves.bookshelf', 'bookshelves.pk')
sql.where.append ('bookshelves.pk = mn.fk_bookshelves')
sql.where.append ('books.pk = mn.fk_books')
if len (os.query):
sql.fulltext ('bookshelves.tsvec', os.query)
os.title = _("Bookshelves: {bookshelf}").format (bookshelf = os.query)
class AuthorPage (SearchPage):
""" author id => books by author """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'title', 'release_date')
os.title_icon = 'author'
os.icon = 'book'
os.class_ += 'booklink'
os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles
os.author = BaseSearcher.sql_get (
"select author from authors where pk = %(pk)s", pk = os.id)
os.title = _('Books by {author}').format (author = os.author)
sql.from_.append ('mn_books_authors as mn')
sql.where.append ('books.pk = mn.fk_books')
sql.where.append ("mn.fk_authors = %(fk_authors)s")
sql.params['fk_authors'] = os.id
def fixup (self, os):
2019-05-05 17:35:15 +00:00
if (os.start_index == 1 and len (os.entries) > 0):
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
# browse-by-author page for maintainers
if 'is-catalog-maintainer' in cherrypy.request.cookie:
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.type = mt.html
cat.rel = 'related'
cat.title = _('Browse by Author')
cat.url = "/browse/authors/%s#a%d" % (os.author[:1].lower (), os.id)
cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
cat.icon = 'internal'
cat.order = 9
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
# wikipedia links etc.
rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (
"""SELECT url, description AS title FROM author_urls
WHERE fk_authors = %(fk_authors)s""",
{ 'fk_authors': os.id } )
for row in rows:
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.type = mt.html
cat.rel = 'related'
cat.title = _('See also: {title}').format (title = row.title)
cat.url = row.url
cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed'
cat.icon = 'external'
cat.order = 8
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
# author aliases
2020-09-03 17:57:11 +00:00
if os.format == 'html':
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (
"""SELECT alias AS title FROM aliases
WHERE fk_authors = %(fk_authors)s AND alias_heading = 1""",
{ 'fk_authors': os.id }
for row in rows:
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.title = _('Alias {alias}').format (alias = row.title)
cat.class_ += 'grayed'
cat.icon = 'alias'
cat.order = 7
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
class SubjectPage (SearchPage):
""" subject id => books about subject """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'title', 'release_date')
os.title_icon = 'subject'
os.icon = 'book'
os.class_ += 'booklink'
os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles
os.subject = BaseSearcher.sql_get (
"select subject from subjects where pk = %(pk)s", pk = os.id)
os.title = _('Books about {subject}').format (subject = os.subject)
sql.from_.append ('mn_books_subjects as mn')
sql.where.append ('books.pk = mn.fk_books')
sql.where.append ("mn.fk_subjects = %(fk_subjects)s")
sql.params['fk_subjects'] = os.id
class BookshelfPage (SearchPage):
""" bookshelf id => books on bookshelf """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'title', 'release_date')
os.title_icon = 'bookshelf'
os.icon = 'book'
os.class_ += 'booklink'
os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles
os.bookshelf = BaseSearcher.sql_get (
"select bookshelf from bookshelves where pk = %(pk)s", pk = os.id)
os.title = _('Books in {bookshelf}').format (bookshelf = os.bookshelf)
sql.from_.append ('mn_books_bookshelves as mn')
sql.where.append ('books.pk = mn.fk_books')
sql.where.append ("mn.fk_bookshelves = %(fk_bookshelves)s")
sql.params['fk_bookshelves'] = os.id
class AlsoDownloadedPage (SearchPage):
""" ebook id => books people also downloaded """
def setup (self, os, sql):
os.sort_orders = ('downloads', )
os.icon = 'book'
os.class_ += 'booklink'
os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles
os.title = _('Readers also downloaded')
sql.query = """
d.dl as downloads
v_appserver_books_4 as books
s1.fk_books as pk, count (s1.id) as dl
scores.also_downloads as s1,
scores.also_downloads as s2
WHERE s2.fk_books = %(fk_books)s
AND s1.fk_books != %(fk_books)s
AND s1.id = s2.id
GROUP BY s1.fk_books) as d
ON d.pk = books.pk"""
sql.from_ = ()
sql.params['fk_books'] = os.id
def finalize (self, os):
# one page is enough
os.show_next_page_link = False