rip out all mobile site remnants

eric 2020-09-03 13:57:11 -04:00
parent 9c8f030218
commit c2833335b9
9 changed files with 5 additions and 288 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ VALID_PROTOCOLS = ('http', 'https')
'text/html' : 'html', : 'mobile', : 'html',
mt.opds : 'opds',
mt.json : 'json',
@ -101,54 +101,6 @@ class ClassAttr (object):
return b in self.value
class Accumulator (object):
Thread-safe master/slave counter for statistics collection.
Many serving threads can increment the master counter
while the statistic thread safely reads the slave counter.
def __init__ (self):
self.master = defaultdict (int)
self.slave = defaultdict (int)
self.lock = threading.Lock ()
def increment (self, key):
""" Thread-safe increment the master counter. """
self.lock.acquire ()
self.master[key] += 1
self.lock.release ()
def reset (self):
""" Copy values to slave counter and reset the master counter. """
self.lock.acquire ()
self.slave = self.master.copy ()
self.master.clear ()
self.lock.release ()
def __getitem__ (self, k):
""" Read value from the slave counter. """
return self.slave[k]
def iter_results (self):
""" Iterate over the slave counters. """
total_hits = float (sum (self.slave.values ()))
if total_hits > 0:
for k, v in sorted (self.slave.items (), key = lambda x: -x[1]):
yield (k, v, v / total_hits)
formats_acc = Accumulator ()
formats_sum_acc = Accumulator ()
class DC (GutenbergDatabaseDublinCore.GutenbergDatabaseDublinCore,
""" A localized DublinCore. """
@ -491,12 +443,6 @@ class OpenSearch (object):
except ValueError as what:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError (400, 'Bad Request. ' + str (what))
formats_acc.increment (self.format)
if self.format in ('mobile', 'opds', 'stanza'):
formats_sum_acc.increment ('mobile')
if self.format == 'html':
formats_sum_acc.increment ('html')
self.file_host = cherrypy.config['file_host'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow ().replace (microsecond = 0).isoformat () + 'Z'
@ -594,7 +540,6 @@ class OpenSearch (object):
self.viewport = None
self.desktop_host = cherrypy.config['host']
self.mobile_host = cherrypy.config['host_mobile']
last_page = max ((self.total_results - 1) // self.items_per_page, 0) # 0-based
@ -608,7 +553,6 @@ class OpenSearch (object):
self.show_next_page_link = (self.end_index < self.total_results)
self.desktop_search = self.url ('search', format = None)
self.mobile_search = self.url ('search', format = 'mobile')
self.json_search = self.url ('suggest', format = None)
self.base_url = self.url (host = self.file_host)
@ -617,7 +561,6 @@ class OpenSearch (object):
self.canonical_url = self.url_carry (host = self.file_host, format = None)
self.desktop_url = self.url_carry (host = self.desktop_host, format = None)
self.mobile_url = self.url_carry (host = self.mobile_host, format = 'mobile')
self.osd_url = self.qualify ('/catalog/osd-books.xml')
@ -704,7 +647,7 @@ class OpenSearch (object):
# user explicitly requested format
if format_:
self.format = format_
self.format = 'html' if format_ == 'mobile' else format_
self.mediatype = mt[format_]
self.opensearch_support = 1 if format_ == 'opds' else 2
@ -713,32 +656,11 @@ class OpenSearch (object):
ua = self.user_agent
# user accessed the www site
if == cherrypy.config['host']:
# but might want the mobile site ...
if 'Kindle/' in ua:
self.format = 'mobile'
self.mediatype =
elif 'tolino' in ua:
self.format = 'mobile'
self.mediatype =
elif ua.startswith ('W3C-mobileOK/DDC-1.0'):
self.format = 'mobile'
self.mediatype =
self.format = 'html'
self.mediatype = 'text/html'
self.format = 'html'
self.mediatype = 'text/html'
# user accessed the mobile site
mediatype = None
if == cherrypy.config['host_mobile']:
format_ = 'mobile'
mediatype =
# known OPDS consumers
# 'stanza' is the older opds-ish format supported by stanza et al.
@ -795,11 +717,6 @@ class OpenSearch (object):
mediatype = mt.opds
opensearch_support = 1
# still nothing?
if not format_:
mediatype = 'text/html'
format_ = 'html'
self.format = format_
self.mediatype = mediatype
self.opensearch_support = opensearch_support

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ pgdatabase: 'gutenberg'
pguser: 'postgres'
host: ''
host_mobile: ''
host_https: 1
file_host: ''

View File

@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ def main():
'daemonize': False,
'pidfile': None,
'host': 'localhost',
'host_mobile': 'localhost',
'file_host': 'localhost',

View File

@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ from i18n_tool import ugettext as _
# filetypes ignored on desktop site
NO_DESKTOP_FILETYPES = 'plucker qioo rdf rst rst.gen rst.master tei cover.medium cover.small'.split ()
# filetypes shown on mobile site
MOBILE_TYPES = (mt.epub,, mt.pdf, 'text/html', mt.html)
# filetypes which are usually handed over to a separate app on mobile devices
HANDOVER_TYPES = (mt.epub,, mt.pdf)
@ -187,44 +184,3 @@ class HTMLFormatter (XMLishFormatter):
if showncount == 0:
for file_ in dc.files + dc.generated_files:
file_.hidden = False
class MobileFormatter (XMLishFormatter):
""" Produce HTML output suitable for mobile devices. """
CONTENT_TYPE = mt.xhtml + '; charset=UTF-8'
DOCTYPE = 'html5'
def __init__ (self):
super (MobileFormatter, self).__init__ ()
def get_serializer (self):
return genshi.output.HTMLSerializer (doctype = self.DOCTYPE, strip_whitespace = False)
def fix_dc (self, dc, os):
""" Add some info to dc for easier templating.
Also make sure that dc `walks like a cat´. """
super (MobileFormatter, self).fix_dc (dc, os)
for file_ in dc.files + dc.generated_files:
if len (file_.mediatypes) == 1:
type_ = six.text_type (file_.mediatypes[0])
m = type_.partition (';')[0]
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.type = file_.mediatypes[0]
cat.header = _('Download')
cat.title = file_.hr_filetype
cat.extra = file_.hr_extent
cat.charset = file_.encoding
cat.url = '/' + file_.filename
cat.icon = dc.icon
cat.icon2 = 'download'
cat.class_ += 'filelink'
cat.order = 20
os.entries.append (cat)

View File

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class AuthorPage (SearchPage):
os.entries.insert (0, cat)
# author aliases
if os.format in ('html', 'mobile'):
if os.format == 'html':
rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute (
"""SELECT alias AS title FROM aliases
WHERE fk_authors = %(fk_authors)s AND alias_heading = 1""",

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class Start (Page.Page):
os.search_terms = ''
os.title = {
'mobile': _('PG Mobile'),
'opds': _('Project Gutenberg'),
'stanza': _('Project Gutenberg')
}.get (os.format, _('Search Project Gutenberg'))

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var json_search = "/ebooks/suggest/";
var mobile_url = "";
var canonical_url = "";
var lang = "en";
var fb_lang = "en_US"; /* FB accepts only xx_XX */

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Seriously. You'll only get your IP blocked.
Download instead,
which contains *all* Project Gutenberg metadata in one RDF/XML file.
<html xmlns=""
import re
from libgutenberg import GutenbergGlobals as gg
old_header = ''
def help_page (s = ''):
s = s.replace (' ', '_')
return '%s#%s' % ('/wiki/Gutenberg:Help_on_Bibliographic_Record_Page', s)
<xi:include href="" />
<head profile="">
${site_head ()}
<meta name="totalResults" content="${os.total_results}" />
<meta name="startIndex" content="${os.start_index}" />
<meta name="itemsPerPage" content="${os.items_per_page}" />
<div class="content" i18n:comment="On the page of results of a search.">
<ol class="results">
${search_box ()}
<py:for each="n, e in enumerate (os.entries)">
<py:if test="e.header and old_header != e.header">
<li class="header">${e.header}</li>
<?python old_header = e.header ?>
<py:if test="isinstance (e, bs.DC)">
<li class="bibrec">
<div class="table">
<div class="row">
<div class="cell leftcell">
<div class="icon icon_${e.icon}" />
<div class="cell content">
<!--! get coverpage first, it floats to the right -->
<img py:if="e.cover_image" class="coverpage"
src="${e.cover_image.url}" alt="[Coverpage]" />
<p py:for="author in e.authors">${author.role}: ${author.name_and_dates}</p>
<py:for each="marc in e.marcs">
<py:choose test="">
<p py:when="marc.code[0]=='5'">
text = gg.xmlspecialchars (marc.text)
text = re.sub (r'(//\S+)', r'<a href="\1">\1</a>', text)
text = re.sub (r'#(\d+)',
r'<a href="/ebooks/\">#\1</a>', text)
${ Markup (gg.insert_breaks (text)) }
<p py:otherwise="">
${ Markup (gg.insert_breaks (gg.xmlspecialchars (marc.text))) }
<p>Ebook No.: ${e.project_gutenberg_id}</p>
<p>Published: ${e.hr_release_date}</p>
<p>Downloads: ${e.downloads}</p>
<p py:for="language in e.languages">Language: ${language.language}</p>
<p py:for="subject in e.subjects">Subject: ${subject.subject}</p>
<p py:for="locc in e.loccs">LoCC: ${locc.locc}</p>
<p py:for="category in e.categories">Category: ${category}</p>
<p>Rights: ${e.rights}</p>
<py:if test="isinstance (e, bs.Cat)">
<py:choose test="">
<py:when test="e.rel == '__statusline__'" />
<li class="${e.class_}">
<a class="table link" href="${e.url}" accesskey="${str (n % 10)}">
<span class="row">
<span class="cell leftcell">
<span class="icon icon_${e.icon}" />
<span class="cell content">
<span py:if="e.title" class="title">${e.title}</span>
<span py:if="e.subtitle" class="subtitle">${e.subtitle}</span>
<span py:if="e.extra" class="extra">${e.extra}</span>
<span py:if="e.icon2" class="cell rightcell">
<span class="icon icon_${e.icon2}" />
<py:if test="os.show_next_page_link">
<li class="navlink more grayed">
<a class="table link"
href="${os.url_carry (start_index = os.next_page_index)}">
<span class="row">
<span class="cell leftcell">
<span class="icon icon_more" />
<span class="cell content">
<span class="title"><span>Next Page</span>…</span>
<span class="cell rightcell">
<span class="icon spinner" />
${site_footer ()}

View File

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
var json_search = "${os.json_search}";
var canonical_url = "${os.canonical_url}";
var mobile_url = "${os.canonical_url}";
var lang = "${os.lang}";
var fb_lang = "${os.fb_lang}"; /* FB accepts only xx_XX */
var msg_load_more = "${_('Load More Results…')}";