
117 lines
3.3 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import re
import json
from tornado import ioloop, httpclient
from core import *
from wordpress import *
from lxml import etree
from multiprocessing import Process, Pool
class Fuzz_Engine:
def __init__(self, wordpress, fuzz):
if fuzz != False:
name : fuzzing_component_aggressive(self, wordpress)
description : fuzz every component used by the wordpress
def fuzzing_component_aggressive(self, wordpress):
print notice("Enumerating components from aggressive fuzzing ...")
# Load json file
with open('fuzz/wordpress.fuzz') as data_file:
data = data_file.readlines()
# Run through every component
global iter_aggressive
iter_aggressive = 0
http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
for component in data:
component = component.strip()
iter_aggressive += 1
http_client.fetch(wordpress.url + component, aggressive_request_component, method='HEAD') == True
name : fuzzing_themes_aggressive(self, wordpress)
description : fuzz every themes used by the wordpress
def fuzzing_themes_aggressive(self, wordpress):
print notice("Enumerating themes from aggressive fuzzing ...")
# Load json file
with open('fuzz/wp_themes.fuzz') as data_file:
data = data_file.readlines()
# Run through every themes
global iter_aggressive
iter_aggressive = 0
http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
for theme in data:
theme = theme.strip()
iter_aggressive += 1
http_client.fetch(wordpress.url + theme + "style.css", aggressive_request_plugins, method='HEAD') == True
name : fuzzing_plugins_aggressive(self, wordpress)
description : fuzz every plugins used by the wordpress
def fuzzing_plugins_aggressive(self, wordpress):
print notice("Enumerating plugins from aggressive fuzzing ...")
# Load json file
with open('fuzz/wp_plugins.fuzz') as data_file:
data = data_file.readlines()
# Run through every plugin
global iter_aggressive
iter_aggressive = 0
http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
for plugin in data:
plugin = plugin.strip()
iter_aggressive += 1
http_client.fetch(wordpress.url + plugin, aggressive_request_plugins, method='HEAD') == True
def aggressive_request_plugins(response):
if (response.code) == 200:
display_vulnerable_component(response.effective_url.split('/')[-2], "Unknown", "plugins")
global iter_aggressive
iter_aggressive-= 1
if iter_aggressive == 0:
def aggressive_request_themes(response):
if (response.code) == 200:
display_vulnerable_component(response.effective_url.split('/')[-2], "Unknown", "themes")
global iter_aggressive
iter_aggressive-= 1
if iter_aggressive == 0:
def aggressive_request_component(response):
if (response.code) == 200:
if "reauth" in response.effective_url:
print "[i] Authentication Needed: " + response.effective_url+ " - found"
print "[i] File: " + response.effective_url+ " - found"
global iter_aggressive
iter_aggressive-= 1
if iter_aggressive == 0: