#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import argparse from detection import * if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--dir', action='store', dest='dir', help="Directory to analyse") parser.add_argument('--plain', action='store_true', dest='plain', help="No color in output") results = parser.parse_args() if results.dir is not None: # default recursion is limited to 1000 # since we browse files recursively, # we need to set an higher threshold sys.setrecursionlimit(1000000) print(""" (`-') <-. (`-')_ _(`-') (`-') _ _(OO ) .-> <-. \\( OO) ) .-> _ .-> ( (OO ).-> ( OO).-/ ,--.(_/,-.\\,--.(,--. ,--. ) ,--./ ,--/ ,--.' ,-.\\-,-----.(`-')----. \\ .'_ (,------. \\ \\ / (_/| | |(`-') | (`-')| \\ | | (`-')'.' / | .--./( OO).-. ''`'-..__) | .---' \\ / / | | |(OO ) | |OO )| . '| |)(OO \\ / /_) (`-')( _) | | || | ' |(| '--. _ \\ /_)| | | | \\(| '__ || |\\ | | / /) || |OO ) \\| |)| || | / : | .--' \\-'\\ / \\ '-'(_ .' | |'| | \\ | `-/ /` (_' '--'\\ ' '-' '| '-' / | `---. `-' `-----' `-----' `--' `--' `--' `-----' `-----' `------' `------' Copyright @pentest_swissky """) print("\n{}Analyzing '{}' source code{}".format('' if results.plain else '\033[1m', results.dir, '' if results.plain else '\033[0m')) if os.path.isfile(results.dir): analysis(results.dirm, results.plain) else: recursive(results.dir, 0, results.plain) scanresults() else: parser.print_help()