package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.animeproviders import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor import org.jsoup.Jsoup import java.util.* class NineAnimeProvider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "9Anime" override val hasMainPage = true override val hasChromecastSupport = true override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf(TvType.Anime) companion object { fun getDubStatus(title: String): DubStatus { return if (title.contains("(dub)", ignoreCase = true)) { DubStatus.Dubbed } else { DubStatus.Subbed } } } override suspend fun getMainPage(): HomePageResponse { val items = listOf( Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/home/widget?name=trending", "Trending"), Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/home/widget?name=updated_all", "All"), Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/home/widget?name=updated_sub&page=1", "Recently Updated (SUB)"), Pair( "$mainUrl/ajax/home/widget?name=updated_dub&page=1", "Recently Updated (DUB)(DUB)" ), Pair( "$mainUrl/ajax/home/widget?name=updated_chinese&page=1", "Recently Updated (Chinese)" ), Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/home/widget?name=random", "Random"), ).apmap { (url, name) -> val home = Jsoup.parse( app.get( url ).mapped().html ).select("ul.anime-list li").map { val title = it.selectFirst("").text() val link = it.selectFirst("a").attr("href") val poster = it.selectFirst("a.poster img").attr("src") newAnimeSearchResponse(title, link) { this.posterUrl = poster addDubStatus(getDubStatus(title)) } } HomePageList(name, home) } return HomePageResponse(items) } //Credits to private val key = "0wMrYU+ixjJ4QdzgfN2HlyIVAt3sBOZnCT9Lm7uFDovkb/EaKpRWhqXS5168ePcG" private fun getVrf(id: String): String? { val reversed = ue(encode(id) + "0000000").slice(0..5).reversed() return reversed + ue(je(reversed, encode(id) ?: return null)).replace( """=+$""".toRegex(), "" ) } private fun getLink(url: String): String? { val i = url.slice(0..5) val n = url.slice(6..url.lastIndex) return decode(je(i, ze(n))) } private fun ue(input: String): String { if (input.any { it.code >= 256 }) throw Exception("illegal characters!") var output = "" for (i in input.indices step 3) { val a = intArrayOf(-1, -1, -1, -1) a[0] = input[i].code shr 2 a[1] = (3 and input[i].code) shl 4 if (input.length > i + 1) { a[1] = a[1] or (input[i + 1].code shr 4) a[2] = (15 and input[i + 1].code) shl 2 } if (input.length > i + 2) { a[2] = a[2] or (input[i + 2].code shr 6) a[3] = 63 and input[i + 2].code } for (n in a) { if (n == -1) output += "=" else { if (n in 0..63) output += key[n] } } } return output; } private fun je(inputOne: String, inputTwo: String): String { val arr = IntArray(256) { it } var output = "" var u = 0 var r: Int for (a in arr.indices) { u = (u + arr[a] + inputOne[a % inputOne.length].code) % 256 r = arr[a] arr[a] = arr[u] arr[u] = r } u = 0 var c = 0 for (f in inputTwo.indices) { c = (c + f) % 256 u = (u + arr[c]) % 256 r = arr[c] arr[c] = arr[u] arr[u] = r output += (inputTwo[f].code xor arr[(arr[c] + arr[u]) % 256]).toChar() } return output } private fun ze(input: String): String { val t = if (input.replace("""[\t\n\f\r]""".toRegex(), "").length % 4 == 0) { input.replace(Regex("""/==?$/"""), "") } else input if (t.length % 4 == 1 || t.contains(Regex("""[^+/0-9A-Za-z]"""))) throw Exception("bad input") var i: Int var r = "" var e = 0 var u = 0 for (o in t.indices) { e = e shl 6 i = key.indexOf(t[o]) e = e or i u += 6 if (24 == u) { r += ((16711680 and e) shr 16).toChar() r += ((65280 and e) shr 8).toChar() r += (255 and e).toChar() e = 0 u = 0 } } return if (12 == u) { e = e shr 4 r + e.toChar() } else { if (18 == u) { e = e shr 2 r += ((65280 and e) shr 8).toChar() r += (255 and e).toChar() } r } } private fun encode(input: String): String? =, "utf-8") private fun decode(input: String): String? =, "utf-8") override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val url = "$mainUrl/filter?sort=title%3Aasc&keyword=$query" return app.get(url)"ul.anime-list li").mapNotNull { val title = it.selectFirst("").text() val href = fixUrlNull(it.selectFirst("a").attr("href"))?.replace(Regex("(\\?ep=(\\d+)\$)"), "") ?: return@mapNotNull null val image = it.selectFirst("a.poster img").attr("src") AnimeSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Anime, image, null, if (title.contains("(DUB)") || title.contains("(Dub)")) EnumSet.of( DubStatus.Dubbed ) else EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Subbed), ) } } data class Response( @JsonProperty("html") val html: String ) override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { val validUrl = url.replace("", mainUrl) val doc = app.get(validUrl).document val animeid = doc.selectFirst("div.player-wrapper.watchpage").attr("data-id") ?: return null val animeidencoded = encode(getVrf(animeid) ?: return null) val poster = doc.selectFirst("aside.main div.thumb div img").attr("src") val title = doc.selectFirst(".info .title").text() val description = doc.selectFirst(" p").text().replace("Ver menos", "").trim() val episodes = Jsoup.parse( app.get( "$mainUrl/ajax/anime/servers?ep=1&id=${animeid}&vrf=$animeidencoded&ep=8&episode=&token=" ).mapped().html )?.select("ul.episodes li a")?.mapNotNull { val link = it?.attr("href") ?: return@mapNotNull null val name = "Episode ${it.text()}" Episode(link, name) } ?: return null val recommendations ="div.container aside.main section div.body ul.anime-list li") ?.mapNotNull { element -> val recTitle ="")?.text() ?: return@mapNotNull null val image ="a.poster img")?.attr("src") val recUrl = fixUrl("a").attr("href")) newAnimeSearchResponse(recTitle, recUrl) { this.posterUrl = image addDubStatus(getDubStatus(recTitle)) } } val infodoc = doc.selectFirst(" .meta .col1").text() val tvType = if (infodoc.contains("Movie")) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Anime val status = if (infodoc.contains("Completed")) ShowStatus.Completed else if (infodoc.contains("Airing")) ShowStatus.Ongoing else null val tags =" .meta .col1 div:contains(Genre) a").map { it.text() } return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, validUrl, tvType) { this.posterUrl = poster this.plot = description this.recommendations = recommendations this.showStatus = status this.tags = tags addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes) } } data class Links( @JsonProperty("url") val url: String ) data class Servers( @JsonProperty("28") val mcloud: String?, @JsonProperty("35") val mp4upload: String?, @JsonProperty("40") val streamtape: String?, @JsonProperty("41") val vidstream: String?, @JsonProperty("43") val videovard: String? ) override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val document = app.get(data).document val animeid = document.selectFirst("div.player-wrapper.watchpage").attr("data-id") ?: return false val animeidencoded = encode(getVrf(animeid) ?: return false) Jsoup.parse( app.get( "$mainUrl/ajax/anime/servers?&id=${animeid}&vrf=$animeidencoded&episode=&token=" ).mapped().html ).select("div.body").map { element -> val jsonregex = Regex("(\\{.+\\}.*$data)") val servers = jsonregex.find(element.toString())?.value?.replace( Regex("(\".*data-base=.*href=\"$data)"), "" )?.replace(""", "\"") ?: return@map val jsonservers = parseJson(servers) ?: return@map listOfNotNull( jsonservers.vidstream, jsonservers.mcloud, jsonservers.mp4upload, jsonservers.streamtape ).mapNotNull { try { val epserver = app.get("$mainUrl/ajax/anime/episode?id=$it").text (if (epserver.contains("url")) { parseJson(epserver) } else null)?.url?.let { it1 -> getLink(it1.replace("=", "")) } ?.replace("/embed/", "/e/") } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) null } }.apmap { url -> loadExtractor( url, data, callback ) } } return true } }