import re import json import requests import logging import urllib.parse class Requester(object): protocol = "http" host = "" method = "" action = "" headers = {} data = {} def __init__(self, path, uagent, ssl, proxies): try: # Read file request with open(path, 'r') as f: content = except IOError as e: logging.error("File not found") exit() try: content = content.split('\n') # Parse method and action URI regex = re.compile('(.*) (.*) HTTP') self.method, self.action = regex.findall(content[0])[0] # Parse headers for header in content[1:]: if header == '': # edge-case, when data is sent raw (json/xml) break name, _, value = header.partition(': ') if not name or not value: continue self.headers[name] = value = self.headers['Host'] # Parse user-agent if uagent != None: self.headers['User-Agent'] = uagent # Parse data self.data_to_dict(content[-1]) # Handling HTTPS requests if ssl == True: self.protocol = "https" self.proxies = proxies except Exception as e: logging.warning("Bad Format or Raw data !") def data_to_dict(self, data): if self.method == "POST": # Handle JSON data if self.headers['Content-Type'] and "application/json" in self.headers['Content-Type']: = json.loads(data) # Handle XML data elif self.headers['Content-Type'] and "application/xml" in self.headers['Content-Type']:['__xml__'] = data # Handle FORM data else: for arg in data.split("&"): regex = re.compile('(.*)=(.*)') for name,value in regex.findall(arg): name = urllib.parse.unquote(name) value = urllib.parse.unquote(value)[name] = value def do_request(self, param, value, timeout=3, stream=False): try: # Debug information logging.debug(f"Request param: {param}") logging.debug(f"Request value: {value}") logging.debug(f"Request timeout: {timeout}") # Handle injection in the headers # Copying data to avoid multiple variables edit header_injected = self.headers.copy() if param in header_injected: header_injected[param] = value logging.debug("Request inject: Injecting payload in HTTP Header") logging.debug(f"Request method: {self.method}") if self.method == "POST": # Copying data to avoid multiple variables edit data_injected = if param in str(data_injected): # Fix for issue/10 : str(data_injected) data_injected[param] = value # Handle JSON data if self.headers['Content-Type'] and "application/json" in self.headers['Content-Type']: logging.debug("Request type: JSON") logging.debug(f"Request data: {data_injected}") r = self.protocol + "://" + + self.action, data=json.dumps(data_injected), headers=self.headers, timeout=timeout, stream=stream, verify=False, proxies=self.proxies ) # Handle XML data elif self.headers['Content-Type'] and "application/xml" in self.headers['Content-Type']: logging.debug("Request type: XML") if "*FUZZ*" in data_injected['__xml__']: logging.debug("Request inject: XML parameter") # replace the injection point with the payload data_xml = data_injected['__xml__'] data_xml = data_xml.replace('*FUZZ*', value) logging.debug(f"Request data: {data_xml}") r = self.protocol + "://" + + self.action, data=data_xml, headers=self.headers, timeout=timeout, stream=stream, verify=False, proxies=self.proxies ) else: logging.error("No injection point found ! (use -p)") exit(1) # Handle FORM data else: if param == '': logging.debug("Request inject: POST raw data") data_injected = value else: logging.debug("Request inject: POST parameter") r = self.protocol + "://" + + self.action, headers=header_injected, data=data_injected, timeout=timeout, stream=stream, verify=False, proxies=self.proxies ) else: logging.error("No injection point found ! (use -p)") exit(1) else: logging.debug("Request inject: GET parameter") # String is immutable, we don't have to do a "forced" copy regex = re.compile(param+"=([^&]+)") value = urllib.parse.quote(value, safe='') data_injected = re.sub(regex, param+'='+value, self.action) r = requests.get( self.protocol + "://" + + data_injected, headers=header_injected, timeout=timeout, stream=stream, verify=False, proxies=self.proxies ) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return None return r def __str__(self): text = self.method + " " text += self.action + " HTTP/1.1\n" for header in self.headers: text += header + ": " + self.headers[header] + "\n" text += "\n\n" for data in text += data + "=" +[data] + "&" return text[:-1]