
175 lines
5.7 KiB

import cmd
import sqlite3
import sys
import os
from core.database import CMEDatabase
class CMEDatabaseNavigator(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self):
self.prompt = 'cmedb > '
# set the database connectiont to autocommit w/ isolation level
conn = sqlite3.connect('data/cme.db', check_same_thread=False)
conn.text_factory = str
conn.isolation_level = None
self.db = CMEDatabase(conn)
except Exception as e:
print "Could not connect to database: {}".format(e)
def do_exit(self, line):
def do_host(self, line):
if not line:
hosts = self.db.get_hosts(line)
print "\nHost(s):\n"
print " HostID IP Hostname Domain OS"
print " ------ -- -------- ------ --"
hostIDList = []
for host in hosts:
hostID = host[0]
ip = host[1]
hostname = host[2]
domain = host[3]
os = host[4]
print u" {}{}{}{}{}".format('{:<8}'.format(hostID), '{:<17}'.format(ip), '{:<25}'.format(hostname), '{:<17}'.format(domain), '{:<17}'.format(os))
print ""
print "\nCredential(s) with Admin Access:\n"
print " CredID CredType Domain UserName Password"
print " ------ -------- ------ -------- --------"
for hostID in hostIDList:
links = self.db.get_links(hostID=hostID)
for link in links:
linkID, credID, hostID = link
creds = self.db.get_credentials(credID)
for cred in creds:
credID = cred[0]
credType = cred[1]
domain = cred[2]
username = cred[3]
password = cred[4]
print u" {}{}{}{}{}".format('{:<8}'.format(credID), '{:<12}'.format(credType), '{:<17}'.format(domain), '{:<21}'.format(username), '{:<17}'.format(password))
print ""
def do_cred(self, line):
if not line:
creds = self.db.get_credentials(line)
print "\nCredential(s):\n"
print " CredID CredType Domain UserName Password"
print " ------ -------- ------ -------- --------"
credIDList = []
for cred in creds:
credID = cred[0]
credType = cred[1]
domain = cred[2]
username = cred[3]
password = cred[4]
print u" {}{}{}{}{}".format('{:<8}'.format(credID), '{:<12}'.format(credType), '{:<17}'.format(domain), '{:<21}'.format(username), '{:<17}'.format(password))
print ""
print "\nAdmin Access to Host(s):\n"
print " HostID IP Hostname Domain OS"
print " ------ -- -------- ------ --"
for credID in credIDList:
links = self.db.get_links(credID=credID)
for link in links:
linkID, credID, hostID = link
hosts = self.db.get_hosts(hostID)
for host in hosts:
hostID = host[0]
ip = host[1]
hostname = host[2]
domain = host[3]
os = host[4]
print u" {}{}{}{}{}".format('{:<8}'.format(hostID), '{:<17}'.format(ip), '{:<25}'.format(hostname), '{:<17}'.format(domain), '{:<17}'.format(os))
print ""
def do_hosts(self, line):
hosts = self.db.get_hosts()
print "\nHosts:\n"
print " HostID Admins IP Hostname Domain OS"
print " ------ ------ -- -------- ------ --"
for host in hosts:
# (id, ip, hostname, domain, os)
hostID = host[0]
ip = host[1]
hostname = host[2]
domain = host[3]
os = host[4]
links = self.db.get_links(hostID=hostID)
print u" {}{}{}{}{}{}".format('{:<8}'.format(hostID), '{:<15}'.format(str(len(links)) + ' Cred(s)'), '{:<17}'.format(ip), '{:<25}'.format(hostname), '{:<17}'.format(domain), '{:<17}'.format(os))
print ""
def do_creds(self, line):
creds = self.db.get_credentials()
print "\nCredentials:\n"
print " CredID Admin On CredType Domain UserName Password"
print " ------ -------- -------- ------ -------- --------"
for cred in creds:
# (id, credtype, domain, username, password, host, notes, sid)
credID = cred[0]
credType = cred[1]
domain = cred[2]
username = cred[3]
password = cred[4]
links = self.db.get_links(credID=credID)
print u" {}{}{}{}{}{}".format('{:<8}'.format(credID), '{:<13}'.format(str(len(links)) + ' Host(s)'), '{:<12}'.format(credType), '{:<17}'.format(domain), '{:<21}'.format(username), '{:<17}'.format(password))
print ""
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not os.path.exists('data/cme.db'):
print 'Could not find CME database, did you run the script?'
cmedbnav = CMEDatabaseNavigator()
except KeyboardInterrupt: