The Network Execution Tool
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byt3bl33d3r 58edfe18f3 Code cleanup of the execute method in the Connection class in

Additionally, since the smbexec execution method seems to be detected by
a number of AV HIPS'es, i've switched the default execution method order
1. wmiexec
2. atexec
3. smbexec

Furthermore, the method argument in the execute function now accepts a
list of exec methods.
2016-06-14 18:58:19 -06:00
cme Code cleanup of the execute method in the Connection class in 2016-06-14 18:58:19 -06:00
.gitignore Added entry in .gitignore 2016-04-08 22:13:01 -06:00
.gitmodules Second round of refactoring for packaging 2016-06-03 23:42:26 -06:00
LICENSE Re-added License to master 2016-03-30 00:45:16 -06:00 Second round of refactoring for packaging 2016-06-03 23:42:26 -06:00 Added a VERY SMALL TAG ZOMG 2016-06-08 22:03:48 -06:00
requirements.txt Second round of refactoring for packaging 2016-06-03 23:42:26 -06:00 Version bump 2016-06-08 21:51:25 -06:00

Supported Python versions


A swiss army knife for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments

Powered by Impacket

This project was inspired by/based off of:

Unintentional contributors:

This repo also includes the PowerSploit repository as a submodule.


CrackMapExec is your one-stop-shop for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments!

From enumerating logged on users and spidering SMB shares to executing psexec style attacks, auto-injecting Mimikatz/Shellcode/DLL's into memory using Powershell, dumping the NTDS.dit and more!

The biggest improvements over the above tools are:

  • Pure Python script, no external tools required
  • Fully concurrent threading
  • Uses ONLY native WinAPI calls for discovering sessions, users, dumping SAM hashes etc...
  • Opsec safe (no binaries are uploaded to dump clear-text credentials, inject shellcode etc...)

Additionally, a database is used to store used/dumped credentals. It also automatically correlates Admin credentials to hosts and vice-versa allowing you to easily keep track of credential sets and gain additional situational awareness in large environments.


Use virtualenvwrapper to install CrackMapExec in a python virtualenv

To get the latest stable version:

#~ pip install git+
#~ pip install crackmapexec

If you like living on the bleeding-edge:

#~ pip install git+
#~ git clone
#- cd CrackMapExec && git submodule init && git submodule update --recursive
#~ python install

Note for Kali/Debian/Ubuntu Users:

If you get compilation errors run apt-get install -y libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev build-essential and try again.

#Documentation, Tutorials, Examples See the project's wiki for documentation and usage examples

#Quick Demo

Demo of V3.0 coming soon!


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 \______|| _| `._____|/__/     \__\  \______||__|\__\ |__|  |__| /__/     \__\ | _|      |_______|/__/ \__\ |_______| \______|

                 Swiss army knife for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments | @byt3bl33d3r

                       Powered by Impacket (@agsolino)

                                                   Inspired by:
                            @ShawnDEvans's smbmap
                            @gojhonny's CredCrack
                            @pentestgeek's smbexec
                                                  Version: 3.1
                                              Codename: 'Duchess'

positional arguments:
  target                The target IP(s), range(s), CIDR(s), hostname(s), FQDN(s) or file(s) containg a list of targets

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -t THREADS            Set how many concurrent threads to use (defaults to 100)
  -id CRED_ID           Database credential ID to use for authentication
                        Username(s) or file(s) containing usernames
  -d DOMAIN             Domain name
                        Password(s) or file(s) containing passwords
  -H [HASH [HASH ...]]  NTLM hash(es) or file(s) containing NTLM hashes
  -M MODULE, --module MODULE
                        Payload module to use
                        Payload module options
  -L, --list-modules    List available modules
  --show-options        Display module options
  --share SHARE         Specify a share (default: C$)
  --smb-port {139,445}  SMB port (default: 445)
  --mssql-port PORT     MSSQL port (default: 1433)
  --server {http,https}
                        Use the selected server (default: https)
  --server-host HOST    IP to bind the server to (default:
  --server-port PORT    Start the server on the specified port
  --local-auth          Authenticate locally to each target
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Max timeout in seconds of each thread (default: 20)
  --verbose             Enable verbose output

Credential Gathering:
  Options for gathering credentials

  --sam                 Dump SAM hashes from target systems
  --lsa                 Dump LSA secrets from target systems
  --ntds {vss,drsuapi}  Dump the NTDS.dit from target DCs using the specifed method
                        (drsuapi is the fastest)
  --ntds-history        Dump NTDS.dit password history
  --ntds-pwdLastSet     Shows the pwdLastSet attribute for each NTDS.dit account
  --wdigest {enable,disable}
                        Creates/Deletes the 'UseLogonCredential' registry key enabling WDigest cred dumping on Windows >= 8.1

  Options for Mapping/Enumerating

  --shares              Enumerate shares and access
  --uac                 Checks UAC status
  --sessions            Enumerate active sessions
  --disks               Enumerate disks
  --users               Enumerate users
  --rid-brute [MAX_RID]
                        Enumerate users by bruteforcing RID's (default: 4000)
  --pass-pol            Dump password policy
  --lusers              Enumerate logged on users
  --wmi QUERY           Issues the specified WMI query
  --wmi-namespace NAMESPACE
                        WMI Namespace (default: //./root/cimv2)

  Options for spidering shares

  --spider [FOLDER]     Folder to spider (default: root directory)
  --content             Enable file content searching
  --exclude-dirs DIR_LIST
                        Directories to exclude from spidering
  --pattern [PATTERN [PATTERN ...]]
                        Pattern(s) to search for in folders, filenames and file content
  --regex [REGEX [REGEX ...]]
                        Regex(s) to search for in folders, filenames and file content
  --depth DEPTH         Spider recursion depth (default: 10)

Command Execution:
  Options for executing commands

  --exec-method {atexec,smbexec,wmiexec}
                        Method to execute the command. Ignored if in MSSQL mode (default: wmiexec)
  --force-ps32          Force the PowerShell command to run in a 32-bit process
  --no-output           Do not retrieve command output
  -x COMMAND            Execute the specified command
  -X PS_COMMAND         Execute the specified PowerShell command

MSSQL Interaction:
  Options for interacting with MSSQL DBs

  --mssql               Switches CME into MSSQL Mode. If credentials are provided will authenticate against all discovered MSSQL DBs
  --mssql-query QUERY   Execute the specifed query against the MSSQL DB

I swear I had something for this...

#To do

  • Kerberos support
  • 0wn everything