from nxc.helpers.logger import highlight from nxc.helpers.misc import identify_target_file from nxc.parsers.ip import parse_targets from nxc.parsers.nmap import parse_nmap_xml from nxc.parsers.nessus import parse_nessus_file from nxc.cli import gen_cli_args from nxc.loaders.protocolloader import ProtocolLoader from nxc.loaders.moduleloader import ModuleLoader from nxc.first_run import first_run_setup from nxc.paths import NXC_PATH from nxc.console import nxc_console from nxc.logger import nxc_logger from nxc.config import nxc_config, nxc_workspace, config_log, ignore_opsec from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed import asyncio from nxc.helpers import powershell import shutil import os from os.path import exists from os.path import join as path_join from sys import exit import logging import sqlalchemy from rich.progress import Progress from sys import platform # Increase file_limit to prevent error "Too many open files" if platform != "win32": import resource file_limit = list(resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)) if file_limit[1] > 10000: file_limit[0] = 10000 else: file_limit[0] = file_limit[1] file_limit = tuple(file_limit) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, file_limit) def create_db_engine(db_path): return sqlalchemy.create_engine(f"sqlite:///{db_path}", isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT", future=True) async def start_run(protocol_obj, args, db, targets): nxc_logger.debug("Creating ThreadPoolExecutor") if args.no_progress or len(targets) == 1: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.threads + 1) as executor: nxc_logger.debug(f"Creating thread for {protocol_obj}") _ = [executor.submit(protocol_obj, args, db, target) for target in targets] else: with Progress(console=nxc_console) as progress, ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.threads + 1) as executor: current = 0 total = len(targets) tasks = progress.add_task( f"[green]Running nxc against {total} {'target' if total == 1 else 'targets'}", total=total, ) nxc_logger.debug(f"Creating thread for {protocol_obj}") futures = [executor.submit(protocol_obj, args, db, target) for target in targets] for _ in as_completed(futures): current += 1 progress.update(tasks, completed=current) def main(): first_run_setup(nxc_logger) root_logger = logging.getLogger("root") args = gen_cli_args() if args.verbose: nxc_logger.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif args.debug: nxc_logger.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: nxc_logger.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) root_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # if these are the same, it might double log to file (two FileHandlers will be added) # but this should never happen by accident if config_log: nxc_logger.add_file_log() if hasattr(args, "log") and args.log: nxc_logger.add_file_log(args.log) nxc_logger.debug(f"Passed args: {args}") # FROM HERE ON A PROTOCOL IS REQUIRED if not args.protocol: exit(1) if args.protocol == "ssh" and args.key_file and not args.password:"Password is required, even if a key file is used - if no passphrase for key, use `-p ''`") exit(1) if args.use_kcache and not os.environ.get("KRB5CCNAME"): nxc_logger.error("KRB5CCNAME environment variable is not set") exit(1) module_server = None targets = [] server_port_dict = {"http": 80, "https": 443, "smb": 445} if hasattr(args, "cred_id") and args.cred_id: for cred_id in args.cred_id: if "-" in str(cred_id): start_id, end_id = cred_id.split("-") try: for n in range(int(start_id), int(end_id) + 1): args.cred_id.append(n) args.cred_id.remove(cred_id) except Exception as e: nxc_logger.error(f"Error parsing database credential id: {e}") exit(1) if hasattr(args, "target") and for target in if exists(target) and os.path.isfile(target): target_file_type = identify_target_file(target) if target_file_type == "nmap": targets.extend(parse_nmap_xml(target, args.protocol)) elif target_file_type == "nessus": targets.extend(parse_nessus_file(target, args.protocol)) else: with open(target) as target_file: for target_entry in target_file: targets.extend(parse_targets(target_entry.strip())) else: targets.extend(parse_targets(target)) # The following is a quick hack for the powershell obfuscation functionality, I know this is yucky if hasattr(args, "clear_obfscripts") and args.clear_obfscripts: shutil.rmtree(os.path.expanduser("~/.nxc/obfuscated_scripts/")) os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.nxc/obfuscated_scripts/")) nxc_logger.success("Cleared cached obfuscated PowerShell scripts") if hasattr(args, "obfs") and args.obfs: powershell.obfuscate_ps_scripts = True nxc_logger.debug(f"Protocol: {args.protocol}") p_loader = ProtocolLoader() protocol_path = p_loader.get_protocols()[args.protocol]["path"] nxc_logger.debug(f"Protocol Path: {protocol_path}") protocol_db_path = p_loader.get_protocols()[args.protocol]["dbpath"] nxc_logger.debug(f"Protocol DB Path: {protocol_db_path}") protocol_object = getattr(p_loader.load_protocol(protocol_path), args.protocol) nxc_logger.debug(f"Protocol Object: {protocol_object}") protocol_db_object = p_loader.load_protocol(protocol_db_path).database nxc_logger.debug(f"Protocol DB Object: {protocol_db_object}") db_path = path_join(NXC_PATH, "workspaces", nxc_workspace, f"{args.protocol}.db") nxc_logger.debug(f"DB Path: {db_path}") db_engine = create_db_engine(db_path) db = protocol_db_object(db_engine) # with the new nxc/ this can be eventually removed, as it can be imported anywhere protocol_object.config = nxc_config if args.module or args.list_modules: loader = ModuleLoader(args, db, nxc_logger) modules = loader.list_modules() if args.list_modules: for name, props in sorted(modules.items()): if args.protocol in props["supported_protocols"]: nxc_logger.display(f"{name:<25} {props['description']}") exit(0) elif args.module and args.show_module_options: for module in args.module: nxc_logger.display(f"{module} module options:\n{modules[module]['options']}") exit(0) elif args.module: nxc_logger.debug(f"Modules to be Loaded: {args.module}, {type(args.module)}") for m in map(str.lower, args.module): if m not in modules: nxc_logger.error(f"Module not found: {m}") exit(1) nxc_logger.debug(f"Loading module {m} at path {modules[m]['path']}") module = loader.init_module(modules[m]["path"]) if not module.opsec_safe: if ignore_opsec: nxc_logger.debug("ignore_opsec is set in the configuration, skipping prompt") nxc_logger.display("Ignore OPSEC in configuration is set and OPSEC unsafe module loaded") else: ans = input( highlight( "[!] Module is not opsec safe, are you sure you want to run this? [Y/n] For global configuration, change ignore_opsec value to True on ~/nxc/nxc.conf", "red", ) ) if ans.lower() not in ["y", "yes", ""]: exit(1) if not module.multiple_hosts and len(targets) > 1: ans = input( highlight( "[!] Running this module on multiple hosts doesn't really make any sense, are you sure you want to continue? [Y/n] ", "red", ) ) if ans.lower() not in ["y", "yes", ""]: exit(1) if hasattr(module, "on_request") or hasattr(module, "has_response"): if hasattr(module, "required_server"): args.server = module.required_server if not args.server_port: args.server_port = server_port_dict[args.server] nxc_logger.debug(f"proto_object: {protocol_object}, type: {type(protocol_object)}") nxc_logger.debug(f"proto object dir: {dir(protocol_object)}") # get currently set modules, otherwise default to empty list current_modules = getattr(protocol_object, "module", []) current_modules.append(module) protocol_object.module = current_modules nxc_logger.debug(f"proto object module after adding: {protocol_object.module}") if hasattr(args, "ntds") and args.ntds and not args.userntds: ans = input( highlight( "[!] Dumping the ntds can crash the DC on Windows Server 2019. Use the option --user to dump a specific user safely or the module -M ntdsutil [Y/n] ", "red", ) ) if ans.lower() not in ["y", "yes", ""]: exit(1) try:, args, db, targets)) except KeyboardInterrupt: nxc_logger.debug("Got keyboard interrupt") finally: if module_server: module_server.shutdown() db_engine.dispose() if __name__ == "__main__": main()