#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging from io import StringIO import paramiko from nxc.config import process_secret from nxc.connection import * from nxc.logger import NXCAdapter from paramiko.ssh_exception import ( AuthenticationException, NoValidConnectionsError, SSHException, ) class ssh(connection): def __init__(self, args, db, host): self.protocol = "SSH" self.remote_version = None self.server_os = None super().__init__(args, db, host) def proto_logger(self): self.logger = NXCAdapter( extra={ "protocol": "SSH", "host": self.host, "port": self.args.port, "hostname": self.hostname, } ) logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.WARNING) def print_host_info(self): self.logger.display(self.remote_version) return True def enum_host_info(self): self.remote_version = self.conn._transport.remote_version self.logger.debug(f"Remote version: {self.remote_version}") self.server_os = "" if self.args.remote_enum: stdin, stdout, stderr = self.conn.exec_command("uname -r") self.server_os = stdout.read().decode("utf-8") self.logger.debug(f"OS retrieved: {self.server_os}") self.db.add_host(self.host, self.args.port, self.remote_version, os=self.server_os) def create_conn_obj(self): self.conn = paramiko.SSHClient() self.conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: self.conn.connect(self.host, port=self.args.port) except AuthenticationException: return True except SSHException: return True except NoValidConnectionsError: return False except socket.error: return False def client_close(self): self.conn.close() def check_if_admin(self): # we could add in another method to check by piping in the password to sudo # but that might be too much of an opsec concern - maybe add in a flag to do more checks? stdin, stdout, stderr = self.conn.exec_command("id") if stdout.read().decode("utf-8").find("uid=0(root)") != -1: self.logger.info(f"Determined user is root via `id` command") self.admin_privs = True return True stdin, stdout, stderr = self.conn.exec_command("sudo -ln | grep 'NOPASSWD: ALL'") if stdout.read().decode("utf-8").find("NOPASSWD: ALL") != -1: self.logger.info(f"Determined user is root via `sudo -ln` command") self.admin_privs = True return True def plaintext_login(self, username, password, private_key=None): try: if self.args.key_file or private_key: if private_key: pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(StringIO(private_key)) else: pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.args.key_file) self.logger.debug(f"Logging in with key") self.conn.connect( self.host, port=self.args.port, username=username, passphrase=password if password != "" else None, pkey=pkey, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False, ) if private_key: cred_id = self.db.add_credential( "key", username, password if password != "" else "", key=private_key, ) else: with open(self.args.key_file, "r") as f: key_data = f.read() cred_id = self.db.add_credential( "key", username, password if password != "" else "", key=key_data, ) else: self.logger.debug(f"Logging in with password") self.conn.connect( self.host, port=self.args.port, username=username, password=password, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False, ) cred_id = self.db.add_credential("plaintext", username, password) shell_access = False host_id = self.db.get_hosts(self.host)[0].id if self.check_if_admin(): shell_access = True self.logger.debug(f"User {username} logged in successfully and is root!") if self.args.key_file: self.db.add_admin_user("key", username, password, host_id=host_id, cred_id=cred_id) else: self.db.add_admin_user( "plaintext", username, password, host_id=host_id, cred_id=cred_id, ) else: stdin, stdout, stderr = self.conn.exec_command("id") output = stdout.read().decode("utf-8") if not output: self.logger.debug(f"User cannot get a shell") shell_access = False else: shell_access = True self.db.add_loggedin_relation(cred_id, host_id, shell=shell_access) if self.args.key_file: password = f"{password} (keyfile: {self.args.key_file})" display_shell_access = f" - shell access!" if shell_access else "" self.logger.success(f"{username}:{process_secret(password)} {self.mark_pwned()}{highlight(display_shell_access)}") return True except ( AuthenticationException, NoValidConnectionsError, ConnectionResetError, ) as e: self.logger.fail(f"{username}:{process_secret(password)} {e}") self.client_close() return False except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) self.client_close() return False def execute(self, payload=None, output=False): try: command = payload if payload is not None else self.args.execute stdin, stdout, stderr = self.conn.exec_command(command) except AttributeError: return "" if output: self.logger.success("Executed command") for line in stdout: self.logger.highlight(line.strip()) return stdout