# Author: # Romain Bentz (pixis - @hackanddo) # Website: # https://beta.hackndo.com [FR] # https://en.hackndo.com [EN] import json import sys class CMEModule: name = 'bh_owned' description = "Set pwned computer as owned in Bloodhound" supported_protocols = ['smb'] opsec_safe = True multiple_hosts = True def options(self, context, module_options): """ URI URI for Neo4j database (default: PORT Listeninfg port for Neo4j database (default: 7687) USER Username for Neo4j database (default: 'neo4j') PASS Password for Neo4j database (default: 'neo4j') """ self.neo4j_URI = "" self.neo4j_Port = "7687" self.neo4j_user = "neo4j" self.neo4j_pass = "neo4j" if module_options and 'URI' in module_options: self.neo4j_URI = module_options['URI'] if module_options and 'PORT' in module_options: self.neo4j_Port = module_options['PORT'] if module_options and 'USER' in module_options: self.neo4j_user = module_options['USER'] if module_options and 'PASS' in module_options: self.neo4j_pass = module_options['PASS'] def on_admin_login(self, context, connection): try: from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase except: from neo4j import GraphDatabase from neo4j.exceptions import AuthError, ServiceUnavailable if context.local_auth: domain = connection.conn.getServerDNSDomainName() else: domain = connection.domain host_fqdn = (connection.hostname + "." + domain).upper() uri = "bolt://{}:{}".format(self.neo4j_URI, self.neo4j_Port) try: driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass), encrypted=False) except AuthError as e: context.log.error( "Provided Neo4J credentials ({}:{}) are not valid. See --options".format(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass)) sys.exit() except ServiceUnavailable as e: context.log.error("Neo4J does not seem to be available on {}. See --options".format(uri)) sys.exit() except Exception as e: context.log.error("Unexpected error with Neo4J") context.log.debug("Error : ".format(str(e))) sys.exit() with driver.session() as session: with session.begin_transaction() as tx: result = tx.run( "MATCH (c:Computer {{name:\"{}\"}}) SET c.owned=True RETURN c.name AS name".format(host_fqdn)) if len(result.value()) > 0: context.log.success("Node {} successfully set as owned in BloodHound".format(host_fqdn)) else: context.log.error( "Node {} does not appear to be in Neo4J database. Have you imported correct data?".format(host_fqdn)) driver.close()