2022-09-07 14:49:55 +00:00
# Credit to https://twitter.com/snovvcrash/status/1550518555438891009
# Credit to https://github.com/dirkjanm/adidnsdump @_dirkjan
# module by @mpgn_x64
from struct import unpack , pack
from impacket . structure import Structure
from ldap3 import NTLM , Server , Connection , ALL , LEVEL , BASE , MODIFY_DELETE , MODIFY_ADD , MODIFY_REPLACE , Tls
from datetime import datetime
from builtins import str
import socket
import codecs
import dns . resolver
import dns . name
def get_dns_zones ( connection , root , debug = False ) :
connection . search ( root , ' (objectClass=dnsZone) ' , search_scope = LEVEL , attributes = [ ' dc ' ] )
zones = [ ]
for entry in connection . response :
if entry [ ' type ' ] != ' searchResEntry ' :
zones . append ( entry [ ' attributes ' ] [ ' dc ' ] )
return zones
def get_dns_resolver ( server , context ) :
# Create a resolver object
dnsresolver = dns . resolver . Resolver ( )
# Is our host an IP? In that case make sure the server IP is used
# if not assume lookups are working already
try :
if server . startswith ( ' ldap:// ' ) :
server = server [ 7 : ]
if server . startswith ( ' ldaps:// ' ) :
server = server [ 8 : ]
socket . inet_aton ( server )
dnsresolver . nameservers = [ server ]
except socket . error :
context . info ( ' Using System DNS to resolve unknown entries. Make sure resolving your target domain works here or specify an IP ' \
' as target host to use that server for queries ' )
return dnsresolver
def ldap2domain ( ldap ) :
2022-09-18 18:49:03 +00:00
return re . sub ( ' ,DC= ' , ' . ' , ldap [ ldap . lower ( ) . find ( ' dc= ' ) : ] , flags = re . I ) [ 3 : ]
2022-09-07 14:49:55 +00:00
def new_record ( rtype , serial ) :
nr = DNS_RECORD ( )
nr [ ' Type ' ] = rtype
nr [ ' Serial ' ] = serial
nr [ ' TtlSeconds ' ] = 180
# From authoritive zone
nr [ ' Rank ' ] = 240
return nr
# From: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dns/dns-constants
0 : ' ZERO ' ,
1 : ' A ' ,
2 : ' NS ' ,
5 : ' CNAME ' ,
6 : ' SOA ' ,
12 : ' PTR ' ,
#15: 'MX',
#16: 'TXT',
28 : ' AAAA ' ,
33 : ' SRV '
def searchResEntry_to_dict ( results ) :
data = { }
for attr in results [ ' attributes ' ] :
key = str ( attr [ ' type ' ] )
value = str ( attr [ ' vals ' ] [ 0 ] )
data [ key ] = value
return data
class CMEModule :
name = ' get-network '
description = " "
supported_protocols = [ ' ldap ' ]
opsec_safe = True
multiple_hosts = True
def options ( self , context , module_options ) :
ALL Get DNS and IP ( default : false )
ONLY_HOSTS Get DNS only ( no ip ) ( default : false )
self . showall = False
self . showhosts = False
self . showip = True
if module_options and ' ALL ' in module_options :
if module_options [ ' ALL ' ] . lower ( ) == " true " or module_options [ ' ALL ' ] == " 1 " :
self . showall = True
else :
print ( " Could not parse ALL option. " )
if module_options and ' IP ' in module_options :
if module_options [ ' IP ' ] . lower ( ) == " true " or module_options [ ' IP ' ] == " 1 " :
self . showip = True
else :
print ( " Could not parse ONLY_HOSTS option. " )
if module_options and ' ONLY_HOSTS ' in module_options :
if module_options [ ' ONLY_HOSTS ' ] . lower ( ) == " true " or module_options [ ' ONLY_HOSTS ' ] == " 1 " :
self . showhosts = True
else :
print ( " Could not parse ONLY_HOSTS option. " )
def on_login ( self , context , connection ) :
zone = ldap2domain ( connection . baseDN )
dnsroot = ' CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=DomainDnsZones, %s ' % connection . baseDN
searchtarget = ' DC= %s , %s ' % ( zone , dnsroot )
context . log . info ( ' Querying zone for records ' )
sfilter = ' (DC=*) '
try :
list_sites = connection . ldapConnection . search (
searchBase = searchtarget ,
searchFilter = sfilter ,
attributes = [ ' dnsRecord ' , ' dNSTombstoned ' , ' name ' ] ,
sizeLimit = 100000
except ldap . LDAPSearchError as e :
if e . getErrorString ( ) . find ( ' sizeLimitExceeded ' ) > = 0 :
logging . debug ( ' sizeLimitExceeded exception caught, giving up and processing the data received ' )
# We reached the sizeLimit, process the answers we have already and that's it. Until we implement
# paged queries
list_sites = e . getAnswers ( )
else :
targetentry = None
dnsresolver = get_dns_resolver ( connection . host , context . log )
outdata = [ ]
for item in list_sites :
if isinstance ( item , ldapasn1_impacket . SearchResultEntry ) is not True :
site = searchResEntry_to_dict ( item )
recordname = site [ ' name ' ]
if " dnsRecord " in site :
record = bytes ( site [ ' dnsRecord ' ] . encode ( ' latin1 ' ) )
dr = DNS_RECORD ( record )
if RECORD_TYPE_MAPPING [ dr [ ' Type ' ] ] == " A " :
if dr [ ' Type ' ] == 1 :
address = DNS_RPC_RECORD_A ( dr [ ' Data ' ] )
2022-09-22 22:05:39 +00:00
if str ( recordname ) != ' DomainDnsZones ' and str ( recordname ) != ' ForestDnsZones ' :
outdata . append ( { ' name ' : recordname , ' type ' : RECORD_TYPE_MAPPING [ dr [ ' Type ' ] ] , ' value ' : address . formatCanonical ( ) } )
2022-09-07 14:49:55 +00:00
if dr [ ' Type ' ] in [ a for a in RECORD_TYPE_MAPPING if RECORD_TYPE_MAPPING [ a ] in [ ' CNAME ' , ' NS ' , ' PTR ' ] ] :
address = DNS_RPC_RECORD_NODE_NAME ( dr [ ' Data ' ] )
2022-09-22 22:05:39 +00:00
if str ( recordname ) != ' DomainDnsZones ' and str ( recordname ) != ' ForestDnsZones ' :
outdata . append ( { ' name ' : recordname , ' type ' : RECORD_TYPE_MAPPING [ dr [ ' Type ' ] ] , ' value ' : address [ list ( address . fields ) [ 0 ] ] . toFqdn ( ) } )
2022-09-07 14:49:55 +00:00
elif dr [ ' Type ' ] == 28 :
address = DNS_RPC_RECORD_AAAA ( dr [ ' Data ' ] )
2022-09-22 22:05:39 +00:00
if str ( recordname ) != ' DomainDnsZones ' and str ( recordname ) != ' ForestDnsZones ' :
outdata . append ( { ' name ' : recordname , ' type ' : RECORD_TYPE_MAPPING [ dr [ ' Type ' ] ] , ' value ' : address . formatCanonical ( ) } )
2022-09-07 14:49:55 +00:00
context . log . highlight ( ' Found %d records ' % len ( outdata ) )
path = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.cme/logs/ {} _network_ {} .log ' . format ( connection . domain , datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d _ % H % M % S " ) ) )
with codecs . open ( path , ' w ' , ' utf-8 ' ) as outfile :
for row in outdata :
if self . showhosts :
outfile . write ( ' {} \n ' . format ( row [ ' name ' ] + ' . ' + connection . domain ) )
elif self . showall :
outfile . write ( ' {} \t {} \n ' . format ( row [ ' name ' ] + ' . ' + connection . domain , row [ ' value ' ] ) )
else :
outfile . write ( ' {} \n ' . format ( row [ ' value ' ] ) )
context . log . success ( ' Dumped {} records to {} ' . format ( len ( outdata ) , path ) )
if not self . showall and not self . showhosts :
context . log . info ( " To extract CIDR from the {} ip, run the following command: cat your_file | mapcidr -aa -silent | mapcidr -a -silent " . format ( len ( outdata ) ) )
class DNS_RECORD ( Structure ) :
dnsRecord - used in LDAP
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.3 .2 .2
structure = (
( ' DataLength ' , ' <H-Data ' ) ,
( ' Type ' , ' <H ' ) ,
( ' Version ' , ' B=5 ' ) ,
( ' Rank ' , ' B ' ) ,
( ' Flags ' , ' <H=0 ' ) ,
( ' Serial ' , ' <L ' ) ,
( ' TtlSeconds ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' Reserved ' , ' <L=0 ' ) ,
( ' TimeStamp ' , ' <L=0 ' ) ,
( ' Data ' , ' : ' )
# Note that depending on whether we use RPC or LDAP all the DNS_RPC_XXXX
# structures use DNS_RPC_NAME when communication is over RPC,
# but DNS_COUNT_NAME is the way they are stored in LDAP.
# Since LDAP is the primary goal of this script we use that, but for use
# over RPC the DNS_COUNT_NAME in the structures must be replaced with DNS_RPC_NAME,
# which is also consistent with how MS-DNSP describes it.
class DNS_RPC_NAME ( Structure ) :
Used for FQDNs in RPC communication .
MUST be converted to DNS_COUNT_NAME for LDAP
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .1
structure = (
( ' cchNameLength ' , ' B-dnsName ' ) ,
( ' dnsName ' , ' : ' )
class DNS_COUNT_NAME ( Structure ) :
Used for FQDNs in LDAP communication
MUST be converted to DNS_RPC_NAME for RPC communication
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .2
structure = (
( ' Length ' , ' B-RawName ' ) ,
( ' LabelCount ' , ' B ' ) ,
( ' RawName ' , ' : ' )
def toFqdn ( self ) :
ind = 0
labels = [ ]
for i in range ( self [ ' LabelCount ' ] ) :
nextlen = unpack ( ' B ' , self [ ' RawName ' ] [ ind : ind + 1 ] ) [ 0 ]
labels . append ( self [ ' RawName ' ] [ ind + 1 : ind + 1 + nextlen ] . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
ind + = nextlen + 1
# For the final dot
labels . append ( ' ' )
return ' . ' . join ( labels )
class DNS_RPC_NODE ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .3
structure = (
( ' wLength ' , ' >H ' ) ,
( ' wRecordCount ' , ' >H ' ) ,
( ' dwFlags ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' dwChildCount ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' dnsNodeName ' , ' : ' )
class DNS_RPC_RECORD_A ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .1
structure = (
( ' address ' , ' : ' ) ,
def formatCanonical ( self ) :
return socket . inet_ntoa ( self [ ' address ' ] )
def fromCanonical ( self , canonical ) :
self [ ' address ' ] = socket . inet_aton ( canonical )
class DNS_RPC_RECORD_NODE_NAME ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .2
structure = (
( ' nameNode ' , ' : ' , DNS_COUNT_NAME ) ,
class DNS_RPC_RECORD_SOA ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .3
structure = (
( ' dwSerialNo ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' dwRefresh ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' dwRetry ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' dwExpire ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' dwMinimumTtl ' , ' >L ' ) ,
( ' namePrimaryServer ' , ' : ' , DNS_COUNT_NAME ) ,
( ' zoneAdminEmail ' , ' : ' , DNS_COUNT_NAME )
class DNS_RPC_RECORD_NULL ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .4
structure = (
( ' bData ' , ' : ' ) ,
# Some missing structures here that I skipped
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .8
structure = (
( ' wPreference ' , ' >H ' ) ,
( ' nameExchange ' , ' : ' , DNS_COUNT_NAME )
# Some missing structures here that I skipped
class DNS_RPC_RECORD_AAAA ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .17
structure = (
( ' ipv6Address ' , ' 16s ' ) ,
def formatCanonical ( self ) :
return socket . inet_ntop ( socket . AF_INET6 , self [ ' ipv6Address ' ] )
class DNS_RPC_RECORD_SRV ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .18
structure = (
( ' wPriority ' , ' >H ' ) ,
( ' wWeight ' , ' >H ' ) ,
( ' wPort ' , ' >H ' ) ,
( ' nameTarget ' , ' : ' , DNS_COUNT_NAME )
class DNS_RPC_RECORD_TS ( Structure ) :
[ MS - DNSP ] section 2.2 .2 .2 .4 .23
structure = (
( ' entombedTime ' , ' <Q ' ) ,
def toDatetime ( self ) :
microseconds = int ( self [ ' entombedTime ' ] / 10 )
try :
return datetime . datetime ( 1601 , 1 , 1 ) + datetime . timedelta ( microseconds = microseconds )
except OverflowError :
2022-09-18 18:49:03 +00:00
return None