cgroup.add_argument("-x",metavar="COMMAND",dest="execute",type=str,help="Creates a new cmd process and executes the specified command with output")
cgroup.add_argument("--exec-method",choices={"wmiexec","wmiexec-event"},default="wmiexec",help="method to execute the command. (default: wmiexec). ""[wmiexec (win32_process + StdRegProv)]: get command results over registry instead of using smb connection. ""[wmiexec-event (T1546.003)]: this method is not very stable, highly recommend use this method in single host, ""using on multiple hosts may crash (just try again if it crashed).")
cgroup.add_argument("--exec-timeout",default=5,metavar="exec_timeout",dest="exec_timeout",type=int,help="Set timeout (in seconds) when executing a command, minimum 5 seconds is recommended. Default: %(default)s")
cgroup.add_argument("--codec",default="utf-8",help="Set encoding used (codec) from the target's output (default "'"utf-8"). If errors are detected, run at the target, '"map the result with "" and then execute ""again with --codec and the corresponding codec")