2022-07-18 23:59:14 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2017-10-25 02:08:19 +00:00
import xmltodict
# Ideally i'd like to be able to pull this info out dynamically from each protocol object but i'm a lazy bastard
protocol_dict = {
'smb': {'ports': [445, 139], 'services': ['smb', 'cifs']},
'mssql': {'ports': [1433], 'services': ['mssql']},
'ssh': {'ports': [22], 'services': ['ssh']},
'winrm': {'ports': [5986, 5985], 'services': ['www', 'https?']},
'http': {'ports': [80, 443, 8443, 8008, 8080, 8081], 'services': ['www', 'https?']}
def parse_nessus_file(nessus_file, protocol):
targets = []
def handle_nessus_file(path, item):
# Must return True otherwise xmltodict will throw a ParsingIterrupted() exception
# https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict/blob/master/xmltodict.py#L219
if any('ReportHost' and 'ReportItem' in values for values in path):
item = dict(path)
ip = item['ReportHost']['name']
if ip in targets:
return True
port = item['ReportItem']['port']
svc_name = item['ReportItem']['svc_name']
if port in protocol_dict[protocol]['ports']:
if svc_name in protocol_dict[protocol]['services']:
return True
return True
with open(nessus_file, 'r') as file_handle:
xmltodict.parse(file_handle, item_depth=4, item_callback=handle_nessus_file)
return targets